The Chiefs of Grant
“The Chiefs of Grant / by William Fraser.
Taken fighting at Dunbar [with the Earl of Mar and others] in 1296, was
imprisoned in Gloucester, and set free in 1297, on condition of serving the
King against Frnce, John Comyn, elder of Badenoch, and David of Graham being
sureties for him. In 1316 he received a charted of the lands of Inverallan, in Strathspey. Between 1315 and 1325 he affixed his seal to a charter by Sir
Patrick Graham of Lovat. He had issue.
FROM MAJOR ALPIN'S ANCESTORS: John Grant, believed to have been the son of Sir Laurence, was taken prisoner at the battle of Dunbar, 1296,but was liberated in 1297, and in 1316 obtained a charter of the lands of Inverallan in Strathspey from John of Inverallan.
(Ref: Volume 1 page 499) The author/originator was William Frase.
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