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Will of Richard Cocke Snr

“Will of Richard Cocke Senior

In the Name of God Amen. I  Richard Cocke Senr being at present in perfect health and memorie for which I render hearty thanks to Almighty God my Creator yet - considering the uncertainty of this transitory life have therefore for the peaceable settling that little Estate God in his Goodness hath given me  made and ordained this my last will and Testament, hereby reversing all former wills at any time made by me.  

Imprimis. I bequeath my Soule to God that gave it trusting in the (meritts(?)) of my Redeemer to obtaine a joyfull Resurrection and my bodie to the grave to be Interred in my Orchard near my first Wife decently according to the usuall Solemnities of the Church of England & my Estate I dispose as followeth.  

It. After my debts are paid I give and bequeath the one third of all my Estate whether in lands or Chattles to my loveing Wife Mary Cocke the said third of the land to be held by her during her naturall life & no longer, and it is hereby declared that my Will is that she lay no Claime to any part of that land formerly given by me to my Sons Thomas and Richard Cocke but that they enjoy the Same Intirely to them & their heirs according to a deede of gift thereof recorded in Henrico Court.         

It.  I give and bequeath to my Sons Witt & John Cocke the residue of that divident of land not disposed of by the aforesaid deed of gift and the will always excepting in the Gift the six hundred and forty Acres called Bremo to be held to them and their heires for Ever & to be equally divided between them when they come of age.  

It.   I give and bequeath the afore excepted six hundred and forty Acres of land to my eldest Son Richard Cocke & the heir males of his body Lawfully begotten & for want of Such I give to my son Thos Cocke & the heir males of his body lawfully begotten & for want of Such Issue to my Son Witt Cocke & the heir males of his body lawfully begotten & for want of Such heires to the heir males of John Cocke & for want of Such to the heir males of Richard Cocke my youngest Son provided always that my first named Son Richard Cocke if he live to Inherett it or any other of my Sons or their heirs that shall after my decease first posess the said land Shall pay to my Daughter Elizabeth Cocke for her portion one hundred pounds Sterling & if he or they Shall (efade(?)) payment or fail of making good payment of the said Sum to the said Elizabeth when she attaines the age of  Seaventeen years or at the day of her Marriage which shall first happen then the said land to be extended to the use of the said Eliza: untill the said Sum by the annuall value of the land Shall be accomplished, and in Case the said Eliz: should die before either of the said terms of Seaventeen years of age or Marriage then my will is that the said hundred pounds be paid to my other Children by my now Wife by equall portion as they shall attaine to lawfull age. 

It. I give and bequeath to my now youngest Son Richard Cocke & his heirs  (s?)even hundred and fifty Acres of Land out of the pattent of land taken up jointly between Mr John Beauchamp & my self of which seaventeen hundred and fifty belonged to me the residue of which seaventeen hundred & fifty I have already given & hereby Confirm to my Sons Thomas Cocke & Richard Cocke the elder & their heires...

And for my personall Estate I do hereby acknowledge that all the Catle of my older Son Richards & the hogs being of a distinct (mark(?)) & all known by my Cozen Daniel & the two Negros do proply belong to him by a gift from his Mother which I hereby Confirm they being never by me reputed as any part of my proper Estate. as for the rest of my Estate my wives thirds being deduced I give to be equally divided between my Children by my present Wife Mary Cocke willing that the Mare & (Flock(?)) of Cattle & Sheep run in (Corn? --Cotton? - Common?) for their joint (Benefitt?--Profitt??) & as any of my said Children come to Age that they receive their equall pporton of the female Stocks then in being & all the male Increase to the Guardian of my Children.  

It.  I give & bequeath to my Couzen Daniell Jordan as much manured land as he & two hands shall be able & will manure with a teame during his life or abode in the Country provided he accept the Same upon these termes Vizt. to employ himself & one hand more my Son finding teams & leades & all housing & tacckling belonging to it & one hand more & to hand to my said Cozen the third part of this produce of all theire labours.

Item my will is that in Case my Son Thomas Cocke will looke to the Mill for the use of my other Children untill they Come to Age that then he shall have for his paines & Care the grinding of his Corne tole free & three thousand pds of (-Tol-?) & (Case? - Cak? - Cash??) p Annum out of the profits my other Childrens Estates keeping his in spair.      

It.  I make my loving Wife Mary Cocke& my two Sons Thos & Richd Cocke Senr my Executors of this my Will -- appointing my Wife the Guardian for all my Younger Children born of her -- untill they Come to age & in Case of her decease then my said Sons Tho:& Richd  

It. I desire & request the Justices of the County of Henrico in whose fatherly Care & Integrity towards the Widdow & fatherless I repose much Confidence to bee my Overseers of this my lastwill & Testament & to take Care that it be performed according to the true Intent & meaning Thereof.

Dated under my hand and Seale this fourth day of October 1665Declared Signed Sealed & Delivered                                              Richd Cocke Senr

(- ?- git ??)

In presence of u.........                                                                              Henry Randolph Cop Vir Extrati & Exam p. Jos:Tanner Cr. Curill (???)Henry Isham             


Test William Randolph ClCrt
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