“ID: I2551
Name: Katharine BANKS
Sex: F
Birth: 1627 in Northamptonshire,England
_ALT_BIRTH: Y 1645
Death: DEC 1686 in Presque Isle,Henrico,Va
Burial: Presque Isle,Henrico,Va
BIOGRAPHY: Notes: from Jason Duncan, 104 East Street, Jonesville, NC 28642, in "The Ancestors of Opal Delores Billings".
BIOGRAPHY: Katherine may have been born about 1600 or in 1627. She first married Joseph Royall, Sr. in England and second Henry Isham, Sr.,of Bermuda Hundred plantation in VA. She "has been described as a beautiful red-haired lady who owned a gilded carriage, the wedding gift of her parents, which is said to have been linked with gold colored silk, drapes, and cushions of the same fabric…. According to custom, Joseph Royall’s estate became the property of the new husband."
BIOGRAPHY: He added another wing onto the residence which "was enhanced with tall pines and an English flower garden (and) was enclosed within a white picket fence." The structure still exists and is used as a horse farm (1995). By her second marriage, she is a direct ancestor of Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, and Robert E. Lee.
BIOGRAPHY: In his will dated 11/13/1678, her son Henry Isham, Jr., left her one third of his property which was in both VA and England.
BIOGRAPHY: She left a detailed will dated 8/10/1686, proved December 1686 in Henrico Co. The majority of her estate was left to her children and grandchildren by both marriages. Her belongings included her wedding ring, several items made of silver, a feather bed, cows, servants, and slaves.
BIOGRAPHY: Katherine Banks Royall Isham left two silver spoons "to each child of her son Joseph Royall. She was their grandmother, and she left a will in Henrico County in 1686. The will mentions grandchildren Joseph Royall and Sarah Royall.
BIOGRAPHY: Some records show Katherine as being from NorthHamptonshire, England:
"Northamptonshire, (or Northampton), south-midland county of England, bounded N. by Leicestershire, Rutland, and Lincolnshire, E. by Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, and Bedfordshire, S. by Bucks and Oxfordshire, and W. by Warwickshire; greatest length, NE. to SW., about 70 miles; greatest breadth, E. to W., about 26 miles; area, 629,912 acres, population 272,555. Although the surface appearance of the county is generally hilly there are no elevations of considerable altitude, the highest being near Daventry, where Arbury Hill reaches 804 ft. The NE. part of the county belongs to the Fen district. In some localities, particularly the W. and SW., the scenery is especially attractive; while here and there throughout the county rich woods and well-watered vales afford pleasing aspects. The chief rivers are the Nen and the Welland; the Avon forms a part of the N. boundary of the Co., the Cherwell of the SW. boundary, and the Leam of the W. boundary; the Ouse has its rise near Brackley in the S. . . Throughout the whole county, farming is successfully prosecuted, all kinds of cereal and green crops being raised; while upon the splendid pastures large numbers of cattle are reared, principally for the London market. Northampton is celebrated for its ash trees, old oaks, and elm avenues. . . Iron is largely found, and although worked as early as the time of the Roman occupation, its modern manufacture dates only from 1850. . . Apart from ironworkng, the great industry of the county is centred in the manufacture of boots and shoes in the town of Northampton and the towns of the middle of the county." [Bartholomew's Gazetteer of the British Isles, 1887]
BIOGRAPHY: ********************************
BIOGRAPHY: Will of Katherine Royall Isham
BIOGRAPHY: Wills of Henrico Co Va.
BIOGRAPHY: To Grandson William Randolph, L 20, To Grandson Henry Randolph, L5 To grandaughter Mary Randolph and Elizabeth Randolph, each [but leaves out the amount] All such money is now in hands of son in law William Randolph. Residue of money in hands of my son in law William Randolph to go to my daughters Mary Randolph and Anne Epes equally. The above two daughters to divide what is in my trunk and each to have two silver salt cellars. To Mary Randolph, my wedding ring, best featherbed, my best silver tankard, and 15 shillings to buy mourning ring To grandson Joseph Royal, one servant named John Townes, for the time hehas to serve, and my small silver tankard To every child of my son Royall, two silver spoonsTo loving son Joseph Royal, my best Tankard. To grandson Richard Dennis, one of best cows and 2 silver spoons. To grandson Isham epes, my negro man Dick. To grandson Francis epes, my best silver tankard but one. To Child my daughter Anne Epes now goes with,my largest silver porringer and great cupp. My sealed ring, great hoop ring, pair of silver clasps and silver bodkin to daughter Anne Epes. To grandson Richard Perrin, 1 feather bed and furniture. To granddaughter Sarah Royal, a yearling heifer. To grandaughters Katherine Farrar, Mary*, Sarah, and Anne Perrin each 2 silver spoons and to Katherine Farrar, l guinney, and to Anne Perrin, one silver porringer. To grandaughter Sarah Dennis, 2 silver spoons and 1 pr. of dowlass sheets. To 2 daughters Sarah Wilkinson and Katherine Perrin*. all my wearing clothes. To loving friend Mary Parker, 6 ells of best dowlass and as much of finest serge to make a gown and petticoat To granson Maiden Marshall, 1 heifer, two years old. To my son Joseph Royall, all my land. All my crop of corn to the executors, except enough to buy 2 gravestones one to cover me and other my dec'd dear husband All the rest to be divided between my four children: Sarah Wilkinson, Joseph Royall, Katherine Perrin* and Anne Epes, and to each 15 shillings for mourning ring. Executors: son Joseph Royall and son in law Francis Epes. My body to be buried near my dear husband on my own plantation.
BIOGRAPHY: Dated Oct. 10, 1686
BIOGRAPHY: Wit: John Worsham, Nath. Hill, Littlebury Epes
BIOGRAPHY: Probated Dec 1, 1686
Change Date: 5 SEP 2004 at 03:46:18
Father: Christopher BANKS b: Abt 1603 in Canterbury,Kent,England
Marriage 1 Joseph ROYALL b: Abt 1600 in London,England
Katherine ROYALL b: 1642 in Henrico County,Va
The cited information was sourced from Website / URL published in
- Source/Citation References (2)