Will of Katherine Royall Isham
“To Grandson William Randolph, L 20, To Grandson Henry Randolph, L5 To grandaughter Mary Randolph and Elizabeth Randolph, each [but leaves out the amount] All such money is now in hands of son in law William Randolph. Residue of money in hands of my son in law William Randolph to go to my daughters Mary Randolph and Anne Epes equally. The above two daughters to divide what is in my trunk and each to have two silver salt cellars. To Mary Randolph, my wedding ring, best featherbed, my best silver tankard, and 15 shillings to buy mourning ring To grandson Joseph Royal, one servant named John Townes, for the time hehas to serve, and my small silver tankard To every child of my son Royall, two silver spoonsTo loving son Joseph Royal, my best Tankard. To grandson Richard Dennis, one of best cows and 2 silver spoons. To grandson Isham epes, my negro man Dick. To grandson Francis epes, my best silver tankard but one. To Child my daughter Anne Epes now goes with,my largest silver porringer and great cupp. My sealed ring, great hoop ring, pair of silver clasps and silver bodkin to daughter Anne Epes. To grandson Richard Perrin, 1 feather bed and furniture. To granddaughter Sarah Royal, a yearling heifer. To grandaughters Katherine Farrar, Mary*, Sarah, and Anne Perrin each 2 silver spoons and to Katherine Farrar, l guinney, and to Anne Perrin, one silver porringer. To grandaughter Sarah Dennis, 2 silver spoons and 1 pr. of dowlass sheets. To 2 daughters Sarah Wilkinson and Katherine Perrin*. all my wearing clothes. To loving friend Mary Parker, 6 ells of best dowlass and as much of finest serge to make a gown and petticoat To granson Maiden Marshall, 1 heifer, two years old. To my son Joseph Royall, all my land. All my crop of corn to the executors, except enough to buy 2 gravestones one to cover me and other my dec'd dear husband All the rest to be divided between my four children: Sarah Wilkinson, Joseph Royall, Katherine Perrin* and Anne Epes, and to each 15 shillings for mourning ring. Executors: son Joseph Royall and son in law Francis Epes. My body to be buried near my dear husband on my own plantation.
The cited information was sourced from Deed published by Wills of Henrico Co Va. in
Wit: John Worsham, Nath. Hill, Littlebury Epes The author/originator was Katherine Royall Isham.
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