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“William Abston

(Regardless of the spelling variation, I have treated all individuals with this surname as "Abston" in the individual entry name to reduce confusion, although the original spellings are preserved in the comments under each individual.) William's wife Elizabeth Gilbert was the daughter of Rose and Richard Gilbert. After Richard Gilbert died circa 1637, Robert Smith married Rose. Robert Smith is believed to be one of the passengers on the Ark and the Dove voyages. (Newman, Flowering of the Maryland Palatinate). 1648 Dec 5. William Ashbiston petitioned the court in St. Mary's, St. Mary's Co., to be released from his indenture, having served Thomas Allen 7 years. "Att a Court held att Barnaby Jacksons howse in St Maries 5o Decembris. Willm Ashbiston petitioneth to the Court, tht hauing serued Tho: Allen his Master 7 yeares, by Indenture. And his time of seruice being exspyred on Sunday next, hee may have Order from the Court, tht Jno Hatch who is accounted & esteemed as admistrator of his Master deceased, may be bownd & compelled to allow the Pet[itione]r his dews for his sd seruice, as by Indenture appeareth according to the Custome of the Country. John Hatch acknowledgeth tht the Petr hath accomplished his seruice as afore Ordered by the Court according to the Petn." (MD Archives, Vol. 4, p. 447, Court and Testamentary Business, 1648) 1650 Feb 13. William Osbaston witnesses payment of "one hogshead of tobacco" for a servant. "Know all men that it may or Shall concerne that I Andrew Painter of London Marriner doe acknowledge to have received from Walter Waterling one hogshead of Tobacco in part of paymt for one Man Servant to be delivered to the Said Walter Waterling or his Assigns in or upon the first day of January Next and this Servant is to be between Sixteen and one and twenty years of age. And then the Said Walter Waterling or his Assigns is to pay unto Andrew Painter or his Assignes the Sume of Eight hundred pounds of good Tobacco and Caske, And for the performance of this I Andrew Painter doe here- unto Sett my hand this thirteenth day of ffebruary 1650 his mark Andrew Painter Test John x Bisco, Wm Osbaston Postscript. Andrew Painter the hhd weighs 400 weight neate this Yeare." (MD Archives, Vol. 10, p. 381, Court and Testamentary Business, 1654. 1651 Aug 26. Land grant to William Osbeston for 50 acres in St. Mary's Co., MD called Osbeston's Oak, near a branch of the St. Georges River known as Osbeston's Branch. See 1668 Dec 9 for text. (MD Archives, Vol. 57, p. 402, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1652 Nov 20. William Ofbaston, aged 26 or 27, gives a deposition about the disposition of a plantation. "The Deposition of William Ofbaston aged about Six or Seven and twenty years being Sworn this 20th Novr 1652 Saith That about four years Since or Somewhat less, as he taketh it he heard Edward Hall Say that he had Sold to Henry Potter his heirs and assignes forever half the Plantacon where the Said Hall and Potter now live, and that he heard the Said Hall and Potter now live, and that he heard the Said Hall and Potter both of them Say that they had divided or Shared the Clear ground of the Said Plantacon betwixt them, and that the dwelling housing then upon the Said Plantacon being about ten foot was allotted to the Said Potter only the Said Hall was for Some Short time after the Said bargain to have some use of the Said housing, and afterwards to leave the free possession thereof to the Said Potter, and this deponent further Saith that the Said Potter in pursuance of the Said Bargain as he taketh it, fenced in part of the Sd Clear Ground, and tht after the Said fence Soe made the Said Potter planted upon that part which he had Soe fenced in, and Hall upon the other pte, and that he hath heard the Said Hall confess that the Sd housing and part of the plantation Soe fenced in by the Said Potter as aforesaid did belong to the Said Potter, and this deponent further Saith that the peach Trees and other fruit Trees then Growing upon the Said Cleer Ground were upon the Said Potters Said Dividend all which or the Same in effect this deponent averreth upon his Oath to be true and further Saith not. Jurat 20 November 1652 Tho: Hatton" (MD Archives, Vol. 10, p. 197, Court and Testamentary Business, 1649) 1654 Jan 1. William Asbeston acknowledges the sale of a cow to his (step)father-in-law Robert Smith. "This 1the day of Ianuary 1654 Known to all men by these presents that I William Asbeston do acknowledge to have received of Robert Smith full Satis- faction for one Red pied heifer Cropt on both Eares and un- derkeel'd, I the Said Wm Assbeston do avouch and affirme the Sale of the Said heifer and her increase, that Shall hereafter insue against all rights or Claimes in Law unto the Said Robert Smith and his Assignes as Wittness my hand the day and year above written William Asbeston" (MD Archives, Vol. 10, p. 514, Court and Testamentary Business, 1657.) 1654 Jan 1. Robert Smith gives to Elizabeth and William Asbeston and their two children ownership papers for cattle. "Known unto all men by these presents that I Robt Smith doe give my Daughter Elizabeth Asbeston and her Children which are at present, and Shall hereafter Issue betwixt my Daughter and her husband which is at present all my right and Title in this Bill Sale farthermore if her husband dye before her, The Said Cattle Shall be Divided into three parts, and my Daughter to have one Share and the Children two Shares As Wittness my hand the day and year abov written Testife his mark Robert Z Smithe John X Bisco Concordat Cum his mark Marke Bloomfied orriginali teste me Tho: Turner Clk" (MD Archives, Vol. 10, p. 515, Court and Testamentary Business, 1657.) 1654 Apr 25. Wm Osbesto[n] witnesses signing over of a debt. "These presents Testify that I John Biscoe doe assigne all my right and Title of this Bill over unto Walter Waterline Wittness my hand this 25th of April 1654. Wittness. Wm Osbesto[n] John x Biscoe mark (MD Archives, Vol. 10, p. 379, Court and Testamentary Business, 1654) 1658 Oct 6. Subpoenas to warn Rose Smith, Willm Osberstone & Jane Chambers to attend the Court. (MD Archives, Vol. 41, p. 157, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.) 1658 Oct 7. Keytin v. Bisco in which William Osberstone testified. "The plf pe Attornat, John Metcalfe complayneth agst the deft, for tht the deft charged the plf, killing of one of his hoggs, Wch the deft denyeth. "marks Pheypo aged 58 yeares or thereabouts sworne & examined 22th of Septembr 1658 Sayth That about Two yeares agoe hee being att Robt Smiths howse, John Bisco being allso there amongst other company, he heard the sd Bisco demand of Nicholas Keytin (who was allso there) why he killed his hogge, & logged it up? Of whom the sd Keytin demanded, If hee could proue any such matter? The sd Bisco replyed againe, hee would proue it & further Sayth not Jurat Corar Willm Bretton "Willm Osberstone deposed in open Court sayth, That hee was pent in the howse att the same time, & Of the Company there, some were merry drinking & dancing & on a sodaine there was naming of hoggs & Ioggs. But remembers not tht he heard Bisco say, That Keytin killed his hog, But he heard Keytin call Bisco Theffe, ffor tht hee had stollen his the sayd Keytins potthangers, as he alleaged then. Rose Smith deposeth the same. "The Court find noe cause of accon, & therfore a Nonsuite is graunted agst the ptf, on behalf e of the deft, wth Court charges." (MD Archives, Vol. 41, p. 161, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.) 1658 Oct 7. Gyther v. Osberston. William Osberston was accused of stealing a bull, but he denied it, and the court granted a nonsuit against the plaintiff. "The plf by Petn complayneth agst the deft, for that the deft (the plf being from home) carryed away the plfs yowng Bull in company of other cattle, whereby he susteyned much losse & dammage, both in his breed, & milke. "Mr John Metcalfe sayth uppon Oath tht the deft comming to the plfs howse, in company wth other Cattle, carryed away the plfs yowng Bull, wch Bull was neuer brought home to this day. The deft alleageth tht carrying away certaine cattle, The Bull runne after them, Neyther could he force him back. "The Court see noe Cause of accon, & therefore a Nonsuite is Graunted in the suite agst the plf on the behalfe of the Deft wth Court charges. (MD Archives, Vol. 41, p. 161, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.) 1658 Oct 9. William Orsberston, age 33, testifies that 16 years before then he was a servant of Thomas Orley, who later sold him to Thomas Allen. "Willm Orsberston aged 33 yeares or thereabouts Sayth, That about 16 yeares agoe this Depont heard W Leonard Caluert force 300 Acres of Land uppon Thomas Orley & Isaack Edwards: of wch they would haue had but 50; but because they were seated in the cheifest place, & he threatning them to turne them of tooke the whole 300 Acres. This their agreemt was about Christmasse, & they were to pay six barrells of Corne, & Twelue Capons yearely, & Mr Caluert bownded them from the head of Langfords Creek to the head of the Creek ioyning to the Plantaon, & this Depont was a Serut [servant] att tht time to Tho: Orley, & the Orley sould him to Tho: Allen & halfe the Land, & W Caluert comming downe, Tho: Butler tould the sd Mr Caluert That hee had but little good Land in his & desyred Mr Caluert to preuaile wth Tho: Allen to lett him haue a peice of Land wch lyeth before Nicholas Keytins doore betweene the head of Langfords Creek & a Gutt, right agst Keytins doome. And Tho: Allen att Mr Caluerts request graunted therto, & further sayth not." (MD Archives, Vol. 41, p. 181, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.) 1658. William Ashbishton subpoenaed to appear in court regarding a defamation case, along with Robert and Rose Smith, his father-in-law and mother-in-law. "Kaytin v. Bisco.Nicholas Kaytin demandeth wanrt agst John Bisco, in an accon of Defamaon. Warnt to the Sheriffe of St Maries County to arrest &c: Ret. next Prouinciall Court to be holden 5o Octobr next. Sub pcena, for Marks Pheypo & Willm Asbishton, to testify in dicta Causa. Ret. Ut Supra, on the behalfe of the plf. Subpena for Robt Smith, Rose his Wffe, & Willm Ashbiston to testify in eader causa, on the behalfe of the Deft. (MD Archives, Vol. 41, p. 129, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.) 1658. Gwyther v. Ashbiston. Warrant to arrest William Asbiston taken out, probably regarding a debt. "Capt Nicholas Gwythen demandeth warrt agst Willm Asbiston in an accon of Case. Wanrt to the Sheriffe of St Maries County to arrest &c: Ret. next Prouinciall Court, to be holden 5o Octobr next. Sub pena for Mr John Metcalfe to testify in ditta Causa. (MD Archives, Vol. 41, p. 129, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.) 1661 Aug 7. Cattlemark for William Asberston. "William Asberston recordeth his marke of Cattle &c (vizt) Cropt 7th Aug. on both Eares and the Arrowhead taken out behind of both Eares." (MD Archives, Vol. 41, p. 463, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.) 1662. In the case of Robt King v. William Greene, William Ashbishton testified that a receipt of discharge of a debt had been forged by servant boy. "The plf demandeth of the deft according to Order last Prouinciall Court 1900# & Cask, wch cause was then Respited the defts Wife then alleaging tht shee had a discharge for tht Debt, & thereuppon brought the same now, & shewed it in Court, sd discharge was scrupled by the Board the plf alleaging tht the same was forged by her as hee is able to proue. "George Marshall sayth uppon oath tht a Seruant Boy of Elizabeth Greenes did acknowledge to him tht hee writt the Receipt or dis charge now produced in Court, & told this Depont further tht it would stand in noe force, And tht shee caused him to write it. "Willm Ashbishton sayth uppon oath that comparing this writing or Receipt wth other the Boys writings, hee really belieues this to bee the Boys owne writing." (MD Archives, Vol. 49, p. 44, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1664. Christopher Dobson asks for a writ of summons for William Asbeston in the next court for debt. "Christopher Dobson dds writt agst Thomas Simmons in an accon of debt to the uallue of 786th tob: Warrt to sherriffe of St Marys County to arrest &c. Ret. 7th ffebruary next Prouinall Court. The said Dobson dds writt of summons for Wm Asbeston to tes tifye &c in ditto Causo ut supra uppon perill of forfeiting 500lb tob:" (MD Archives, Vol. 49, p. 361, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1664/5 Jan 28. Christopher Dobson v. William Asbeston for debt in St. Mary's Co., MD. "Christopher Dobson dds writt agst William Asbeston in an accon January 28' of debt to the uallue of 738th tob: Warrt to sherriffe of St Marys County to arrest &c. Ret. 7th ffebruary next Prouinall Court-The said Dobson demds summons for Jeremy Harington and John Bryan to testifye &c in Causo ut supra uppon perill of forfeiting 500lb tob: each person in Case they appeare not according to summons- To the honoble Gouernor & Councell in Prouinall Court Assembled, the humble petn of Xtopher Dobson Sheweth "That William Asbeston did assume uppon himselfe the 29th day of March 1664 to pay yor petr the sume of seauen hundred thirety Eighte poundes of tobacco and Caske, Now the said Wm Asbeston delayes paymt to the prejudice of yor petr Wherefore he humbly Craues Order of this Honnoble Court wth dathages and Cost of suite- And as in duty bound he shall euer pray &c" (MD Archives, Vol. 49, p. 362, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1665 Mar 15. William Osbeston petitioned the court to appear at the next court to answer charges by the Lord Proprietary against Samuel Lewis. "William Osbeston desires writt at the suite of the Lord Proprietary agst Samuell Lewis, to make his appearance att the next Prouinciall Court to be held on the 13th day of June next then and there to answere what shall be Objected agst him on the behalf of the Lord Proprietary. Warrt to sherriffe of St Marys County to arrest &c, Ret. 13th June next Prouinciall Court." (MD Archives, Vol. 49, p. 423, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1665. William Osberston was summoned into court to testify in a trespass case. "Robert King dds writt agst Wm Greene Elizabeth his wife & John 20th Braddy serut to George Marshall in an accon of Tresspass to the uallue of 1000lb tob: Warrt to sherriffe of St Marys County to arrest &c: Ret. 2d January next Prouinciall Court "Robt King dds writt of summons for Mary Brow William Osberston John Vanheeck Henry Pennington George Marshall & Jeremy Harrington to testify &c: in ditto Causo: upon perill of for- feiting each person 500lb tob: to the Lord Propr in Case they apeare not. "Warrt to sherriffe of St Marys County to warne &c. Ret 2d January next Prouinciall Court." (MD Archives, Vol. 49, p. 527, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1665. William Osbeystone appears in a list of grand jurors. (MD Archives, Vol. 49, p. 539, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1665. William Osbeston summoned to appear in court regarding trespass case in St. Mary's Co., MD. "Robt King demds writt agst Wm Greene Elizabeth his wife and ditto John Braddy in an accon of tresspass to the uallue of One thowsand pounds of tobaccoe Warrt to sher. St Marys County to arrest &c: Ret. 3d Aprill next Prouinall Court. "Robt King dds writt of sumons for Mary Brow Wm Osbeston John Vanheeck Henry Pennington Geo: Marshall and Jeremy Harrington to testifye in Causo: upon perill of forfeiting 500th ton: each prson to the lord Propt in Case they appeare not according to sumons Sumons to sherr St Marys County to warne &c: Ret 3d Aprill next Prouinall Court." (MD Archives, Vol. 57, p. 5, Provincial Court Proceedings) (MD Archives, Vol. 57, p. 278, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1667 Feb 19. William Asbestone takes out a loan from Fobbe Robberts in St. Mary Co., MD. "This bill bindeth me William Asbestone of St Maries County in maryland my heires executors admrs and assignes to pay or cause to be paid unto Fobbe Robberts mercht his heires executors admrs or his Certaine Attorney the just sume of One thousand nine hundred and fifty two pounds of good merchantable tobacco in Caske to be paid at my Dwelling house in St Michaels hundred at or upon the tenth day of November next ensueing the date hereof as Wittnesse my hand and seale this 19th day of February Anno Dom 1667 Sealed and Delivered William Asbestone (sealed) in the presents of us William X Thomas his marke Will Willms" (MD Archives, Vol. 57, p. 280, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1667 Apr 20. William Asbestone witnesses loan to Thomas Hughes in St. Mary Co., MD. "This bill bindeth me Thomas Hughes of St Maries Count in Mary- land Coopr my heires executors admrs and assignes to pay or cause to be paid to Fobbe Robberts Mercht his heires executrs or assignes the full and just Sume of Six hundred and eighteene pounds of good sound tobacco in Caske to be paid the tenth day of October next ensueing the date hereof upon summe Convenient plantacon in St Michaels hundred In performance of the same I have hereto sett my hand this present 20th day of April 1667 Sealed and Delivered Thomas Hughes (sealed) in the presents of us William Asbestone Will Willms 1667-8. William Osbeston listed as a juror. (MD Archives, Vol. 57, p. 201 & 233, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1668 Mar 24. William Asbestone witnesses loan to Joseph Brough in St. Mary Co., MD. "This bill bindeth me Joseph Brough of St Maries County Maryland mee my heires or assignes to pay or cause to be paid unto Fobbe Robberts or to his Certaine attorny his heires executors administra- tors or assignes the full and just sume of three hundred and twelue pounds of good Tobacco in Caske according to act of assembly to be paid with Conveniency in St Michaels hundred at or upon the tenth day of November next ensueing the date hereof Wittnesse my hand and seale this present twenty fifth day of March Anno Dom 1668 Sealed signed and Delivered Joseph Brough (Sealed) in the presents of us John Raynolds William Asbestone" (MD Archives, Vol. 57, p. 276, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1668 Feb 18. William Asbeston/Asbiston, age 43, of St. Michaels Hundred in St. Mary's Co., MD, planter, was sworn in and testified in a case. "Hugh Hopewell of Sackawit in Patuxent the 18th day of ffebruary 1668, was sworne. William Asbiston of st Michaels hundred in St Maryes County planter sworne the same day ... "William Asbeston of st Michaells Hundred in st Maryes County planter aged 43 yeares or thereabouts sworne and Examined deposeth and saith as followeth "I To the first Interogatory he saith he Knoweth the partyes plt and defendt in this suite. "2 To the Second Interogatory this Dept saith that he Knew Barnaby Edloe deceased in the Interogatory named but when he dyed or what age he was then of this Deponent cannot Depose, But this much he saith that he doth certainly Knowe that if the said Barnaby had beene living at this time he would have betweene five and Twenty or six and Twenty yeares of age, and more saith not to this Interogatory. "That the said Barnaby Edloe was Eldest sonne of the said Joseph Edloe deceased, and more saith not to this Interogatory. "4 To the fourth Interogatory this Dept cannot depose. William Asbeston" (MD Archives, Vol. 51, p. 400, Chancery Court Proceedings) 1668 Mar 25. William Asbestone witnesses loan to John Reynolds in St. Mary Co., MD. "This bill bindeth me John Reynolds of St Maries County in Mary- land planter me my heires or assignes to pay or Cause to be paid to Fobbe Roberts or to his Certaine Attorney his heires executors admrs or assignes the full and just sume of three hundred sixty Eight pounds of good tobacco in Caske according to Act of assembly to be paid with Conveniency in St Michaels hundred at or upon the tenth day of November next ensueing the date hereof as Wittnesse my hand and seale this present twenty fifth day of March Annoq Doth 1668 Sealed and Delivered in John Raynolds (sealed) the presents of us William Asbestone Joseph Brough (MD Archives, Vol. 57, p. 282, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1668. William Asbestone appears as owing 1952 pounds of tobacco in a list of debts due to Fobbe Roberts in MD (MD Archives, Vol. 57, p. 289, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1668 Dec 9. William Osbeston sells 50 acres of land called Osbeston's Oak to Mark Blomfield "One the backside of a Patent under his lops greate Seale of the Province of Maryland bearing Date the Twelfth day of March in the Seaven and twentyth yeare of his said lops Dominion o| the said Province annop domini One thousand six hundred fifty eight Witt- nes Josias Fend" Esq leivtennt of the sd Province and according to the Condicons of Plantacon bearing date att London the second day of July in the yeare of our lord god one thousand six hundred fifty Nine such alteracon as in them is made by our Declaracon bearing date the sixe and twentyeth day of Augt one thousand six hun- dred fifty one under the yearely Rent of one shilling sterling &c Granted unto William Osbeston for fifty acres of land (called Osbes- tons oke) lying on the East side of St Georges River and on the East Side of a Creeke of the river called Trinity creeke next Adjoyning to the land late laid out within Trinity Mannor Running North up the Creeke unto John Norton beginning at a marked oke standing by a branch called Nortons branch being the bound of the said Man- nor running North up the Creeke for bredth fifty perches to a mked oke by a branch called Osbestons branch bounding on the North by a line Drawne East up the branch fifty perches for length to a mked oke & East from the said oke one hundred and and Tenn perches into the woods to a marked oke on the East by a line drawne South Fifty perches untill itt intersect a paralell drawne from Nortons branch Conteyning and now laid out for Fifty acres be itt more or lesse, Is written this following assignment Vizt. "Know all men by theis pnts That I William Osbeston of the County of St Mary's in the Province of Maryland planter for a valuable Consideracon to me payd by Marke Blomfeild of the same County in the Province aforesaid planter the Receipt whereof I doe acknowl- edge to have Signed and Sett over unto the said Marke Blomfeild all my Rt title Interest Claime and demand of in and to all the land Specified within this menconed patent Conteyning fifty acres more or lesse To have and to hould the same to him the said Marke Blomfeild his heires and assignes for ei To the onlly use and behoofe of him the said mke Blomfeild his heires and assignes for ever In wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the Ninth day of December in the Seaven and Thirtyeth yeare of the dominion of Caecilius &c annoq domini One thousand six hundred sixty eight Signed Sealed & Deliied William Osbeston in the pnce of (Seale) Richard Moy his John IH Hunt mke "The within menconed patent wth the land & pmsses therein expressed Was in Open Court on the twelfth day of December one thousand six hundred sixty and eight acknowledged by the above named Wm Osbeston to be the rt of the above named Mke Blomfeild & his hrs forever Daniel Jenifer (MD Archives, Vol. 57, p. 402, Provincial Court Proceedings)" 1668. William Osbeston appears in jury list (MD Archives, Vol. 57, p. 366, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1669 Jan 19. William Abbestone listed among the witnesses of the estate of Marke Phepo., St. Mary's Co., MD (MD Calendar of Wills, Vol. 1, p. 51) 1671. William Asbeston on the jury of a case where Mary Steven's illegitimate child was murdered. "Mary Stevens servant to Patrick forrest for murdering her bastard Childe brought here into Court and committed into the Custody of the Sheriff of St Maryes County." (MD Archives, Vol. 65, p. 12, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1672/3 "Thomas More agt Wm Asbiston Continued until the next Provinciall Cort." (MD Archives, Vol. 65, p. 78, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1673 Feb 10. "The now prsent Landing of William Asbiston scituate at the Lower End of the Towne in St. Marye's County" is mentioned in a lawsuit. "Constant Daniel Richard Meakins late of Dorchester County other agt wise called Richard Meakins of Dorchester "Richard Meekins County in the Province of Maryland was Summoned to answere unto Constant Daniel in a plea that he rendr unto him the sume of 4601 of good grose porke. "And whereupon the said Constant by Kenelm Chiseldyne his At torney saith that whereas the said Richard the 5th Day of Septem ber in the yeare one Thowsand six hundred Seaventy and by his Certeine writing obligatory sealed with the seale of the sd Richard and here in Court pduced whose date is the same day and yeare abovewritten did binde himself his heires Executors Admrs or assignes to pay or Cause to be payd unto the sd Constant Daniel of the County of St Maryes in the aforesd Province his heirs or assignes the full and Just sume or quantity of foure hundred & sixty pounds of good grose Porke to be Delivered at the now prsent Land ing of William Asbiston scituate at the Lower End of the Towne in St Maryes County at or upon the Tenth day of Decemb next Ensueing the date thereof the sd Constant Daniel being to stand to all Damages of Coming by water Notwithstanding wch the sd Richard the sd quantity of foure hundred & sixty pounds of good grosse porke according to the Tenor of his said bill though often Required hath not payd to him the sd Daniel but the same still to pay doth altogether deny to the Damage of the said Constant & thereupon he bringeth his suite. "And now here at this day to wit the said 10th day of ffebruary in the 42th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c Annoq Domini 1673. the said Sheriff of Dorchester County Retornes to the Court here that the said Richard Meekins absconds himself and lyes hid so that him he Cannot take as by the said writ he was Comaunded, whereupon the said Constant Daniel of the Court here prayeth attachmt, agt his goods &c according to act of Assembly and it is by the Court here graunted unto him Retornable the next Provincial Court & the same day is given to both ptyes." (MD Archives, Vol. 65, p. 228, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1673. William Asbiston listed as a juror. (MD Archives, Vol. 65, p. 94, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1674 Apr 16. William Abestone is mentioned as a juror in St Mary's Co., MD. (MD Archives, Vol. 65, p. 239, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1674. William Asbestone petitions court to collect debt from estate of Joseph Brough. "Upon the Petition of William Asbestone that he lent unto Joseph Brough deceased in june last One hundred and eleaven pounds of cleare & Sifted meale of indian Corne weighed by George Marshall administratr of the deceased Ordered that the Said George Marshall admr of the Said Joseph deceased pay the same to the Petitioner or Satisfaction in tobacco for the Same according to the prayer in the said Petition." (MD Archives, Vol. 65, p. 369, Provincial Court Proceedings) 1674. William Osbeyston appears in a list of grand jurors. (MD Archives, Vol. 51, p. 124, Chancery Court Proceedings, 1674. 1675 Jan 8. Winifred Osbaldston, daughter of William Osbaldston, listed among heirs of Elizabeth Moy, widow of Richard Moy, St. Mary's Co., MD (MD Calendar of Wills, Vol. 1, p. 118) 1675. William Asboston appears in a list of grand jurors in St. Mary's Co., MD. (MD Archives, Vol. 51, p. 194 Chancery Court Proceedings) 1675-6. William Asbestone/Abestone listed as a juror. (MD Archives, Vol. 65, pp. 552 & 553. Also Vol. 66, pp. 169, 207, 210, 230, 238, 254, 262, & 267-269, all Provincial Court Proceedings) 1675 Jan. William Asbeston included in a lengthy list of debts due to estate of Charles de la Roche, St. Mary's Co., MD. (Skinner, MD Inventories and Accounts, 1674-1678 & 1699-1703) 1675 Feb 14. William Asbeston included in a list of debts due to the estate of Richard and Elizabeth Moy, St. Mary's Co., MD (Skinner, MD Inventories and Accounts, 1674-1678 & 1699-1703) 1676. William Asboston appears in a list of grand jurors in St. Mary's Co., MD. (MD Archives, Vol. 51, p. 192, Chancery Court Proceedings) c.1676. William Asbeston listed among those made payments to in the administration of the estate of Joseph Bruffe, St. Mary's Co., MD, no date specified. (Skinner, MD Inventories and Accounts, 1674-1678 & 1699-1703) 1679 Aug 26. Administration of the estate of Elisabeth Moy, no county specified. Legatee includes Winnifred Asberton/Asburton, goddaughter of Elisabeth Moy, payment made to Winnifred's father William on her behalf. (Skinner, MD Inventories & Accounts, 1679-1686) 1679 Aug. William Asbeston included in "List of Tobacco Received" for the estate of Elizabeth Moy. (Skinner, MD Inventories & Accounts, 1679-1686) c.1681. Inventory of the estate of William Abeston, no date specified, no county specified. Appraisers were Edward Chester and Thomas Doxey. (Skinner, MD Inventories & Accounts, 1679-1686) 1681/2 Feb 11. Will of Wm. Asbestone probated, St. Mary's Co., MD. "Son William the dwelling-plantation, bed furniture, and livestock ... Daughter Winifred bed and livestock ... youngest daughters Isabella and Rebecca the other bed equally, and livestock ... Daughter Mary livestock ... Son William to be under the guardianship of Johnathan Bisto until 21 years, and son to work for his guardian until 18 years of age; if son died without issue, then the estate to be divided among his three sisters." (Newman, The Flowering of the Maryland Palatinate) 1682 Aug 21. Administration of the estate of William Asbiston in St. Mary's Co., MD. "Cow and 'half a mare' left by the will to Winifred Asbeston, a daughter; also 1,000 lbs. tob. due from the estate, a legacy "to ye Winifred left unto her by legacy by her Grandmother [Elisabeth Moy]; Two cows due from decd's estate to Mary Asbeston. Two cows due from the decd's estate to Isabella Asbeston his daughter; Two cows due from the decd's estate to Rebecca Asbeston his daughter. Two cows due from the decd's estate to William Asbeston." (Newman, Flowering of the Maryland Palatinate. Also, Skinner, MD Inventories & Accounts, 1679-1686) 1686 Sep 11. Administration of the estate of William Asbestone. Rebecca Asbeston, daughter, listed as the legatee. (Skinner, MD Inventories & Accounts, 1685-1701)

The cited information was sourced from Deed published in

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