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Family Tree Diagram : GenoMap1

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Normandie 1092 Fulk V King of Jerusalem Anjou 1043 Fulk IV C of Anjou Anjou 1060 Bertrada De Montfort 1025 Simon I C of Monffort de Monfort Agnes Countess Devereux Devereux 0986 Richard C. of Devereux Devereaux Adele de Barcelona 0933 Amauri Montfort Bertrada de Gometz William de Montfort 0975 Signeur Guillaume de Gometz Robert AB/Rouen C/deEvereux de Evereux 0933 Richard I D/ Normandie ETC T Normandie Gunnor ETC U de Crepon Geoffrey II C/Gastinois Gastinois 1018 Irmgarde de Anjou 0987 Fulk III C/Anjou Anjou Hildegarde Cs/ Anjou Goeffrey I C/Ferreol Ferreol 0974 Beatrice de Gastinois 1166 John I K/England Lackland 1188 Isobella of Anglouleme Taillefer 1206 Henry III K/England Plantagenet 1223 Eleanor of Provence 1198 Raymond V C/ Provence Berenger 1198 Beatrix Cs/ de Savoy de Savoy 1223 Eleanor Q/England de Provence 1244 Edward I K/England Plantagenet 1160 Aymer C/Angouleme de Taillefer Alice de Courtenay ( Capet) 1134 William IV C/Angouleme Taillerer 1138 Emma de Limoges 1126 Pierre I Sig/de Courtenay de Capet 1127 Isabelle Heiress/Courteney de Courtenay 1071 William VII (lX ) D/Aquitaine Aquitaine ETC H 1073 Maude ( Phillippa) Regent/Toulouse Toulouse ETC I 1024 William VIII ( Gui Geoffrey) D/Aquitaine Aquitaine 1030 Aldegrade Capet ( "Bourgogne") 1040 Henry lV C/Toulouse Toulouse 1058 Emma de Mortaigne 0969 William V (III) GD/Aquitaine Aquitaine 0995 Agnes Cs/Bourgogne Lombards ( Bourgogne) 1011 Robert 1 ("The Old") D/Bourgogne + Pr/France Capet ETC J 1016 Hedwig Cs/Semur de Semur ETC K 0990 Pons lll C/Toulouse & Tripoli Taillefer 0990 Almodis de la Haute de Matche ETC C 1037 Robert E/Cornwall de Conteville 1020 Maude (Matilda) Cs/Cornwall de Montgomery 1000 Roger ll E/Arundel de Montgomery 1000 Mabel Cs/Shrewsbury D'Alencon 0978 Roger 1 Sig/Arundel de Montgomery 0980 Josceline deMontgomery 0966 Guillaume 1 (Talvas) Sig/Belleme D'Alencon 0995 Bildeburge de Beaumont 1001 Harlevin Vis/Conteville de Conteville 0975 Jean II de Conteville 0972 Robert II ( "Pious") K/France ETC R Capet 0974 Constance de Provence Q/France ETC S Taillefer 1075 Aimerie I V/Chatellerault de Chatellerault 1079 Dangereuse ("Maubergeonne") de la Isle Bouchard 1050 Boson II V/Chatellerault de Chatellerault 1054 Eleanor de Thouars 1049 Barthelemy de la Isle Bouchard 1053 Gerberge de la Isle Bouchard 1019 Archimbaud ( Borel) L/Isle Bouchard de la Isle Bouchard 1023 Agnes Dame/Isle Bouchard de la Isle Bouchard 1020 Hugues I V/Chatellerhault de Chatellerault 1043 Gerberge Vs/Chatellerault de Rochefoucauld 1015 Aimeri IV V/Thouars de Thouars 1017 Auremgarde Moulcon 1100 Ademar III de Limoges 1118 Graule Taillefer 1108 Vulgrin C/Angouleme Taillefer 1109 Ponce Cs/Angouleme de Brun 1086 Vitapony Cs/Angouleme de Benauges 1084 Guillaume III Taillefer 1024 Foulques C/Angouleme Taillefer 1062 Cundo Cs/Angouleme Vagena 1060 Amanieu Sig/Benauges de St. MacAire 1065 Hugh VII (Sire) Le Brun 1076 Sarazine Le Brun 1039 Hugh VI (Sire) Le Diable Lord VI of Lusignan and Count I of La Marche, Senhor de Lusignan, Sire, Comte, de la Marche, Sieur, de Lusignan, de Couhé, King of Jerusalem 1041 Ildegarde Cs/Thouars de Thouars Daughter of Aimery IV, vicomte de Thouars and Arengarde de Mauléon
Wife of Hugues VI "le Diable", seigneur de Lusignan
Mother of Hugues VII "le Brun" de Lusignan, comte de La Marche; Mahaud de Lusignan; Yolande de Lusignan, Dame consorte de Pérusse; Rorgon de Lusignan and Odo de La Marche
Sister of Aliénor de Thouars and Raoul de Thouars, seigneur de Mauléon
Half sister of Geoffrey III, vicomte de Thouars and Herbert II, vicomte de Thouars
0990 Almodis de La Haute de Marche ETC C Daughter of Bernard I, comte de la Marche and Amélie de Montignac
Wife of Hugues V 'le Pieux', seigneur de Lusignan; Pons II Guillaume, comte de Toulouse and Ramon Berenguer I el Vell, comte de Barcelona
Mother of Hugues VI "le Diable", seigneur de Lusignan; Mélisende de Lusignan; Jourdain de Lusignan; Almodis de Toulouse, comtesse consort de Melgueil; Hugues de Toulouse, abbé de Cluny and 7 others
Sister of Aldebert II, comte de la Marche; Matilda de la Marche; Lucie de la Marche and Rangearde de La Marche
Half sister of Adalbert II, comte de Périgord; Alberic III, Comte de La Marche; Hélie III, comte de Périgord and Aina de Périgord
~1015 Hugh V (Sire) Le Debonnaire b> Lusignan,Poitou, France

1015 Aimery IV V/Thouars de Thouars 1017 - 1069 Auremgarde Moulcon 52 52 1177 Thomas I C/Savoy de Savoy 1180 Beatrix "Marguerite" Geneva-Faucingy 1130 Guillaume L/Geneva de Geneva 1138 Beatrix Cs/Faucigny de Faucigny 1100 Amadeus I C/Geneva de Geneva 1110 Mathilda de Cuiseaus 1108 Aimon I C/Faucigny de Faucigny 1112 Clemencia Cs/Faucigny de Faucigny 1078 Rudolph C/Faucigny de Faucigny 1136 Humbert III ("Saint") C/Savoy de Savoy 1138 Beatrix de Vienne 1112 Girard I C/Vienne de Vienne 1114 Maurette Cs/Vienne de Salins 1088 Gaucher III Sire/Sakins de Salins 1088 Guillaume IV C/Vienne de Vienne 1090 Poncia ("Alada") Cs/Vienne de Traves 1064 Theobald Sig/Traves de Traves 1092 Amedeo III C/Savoy de Savoy 1110 Maude (Mathilde) Cs/Albon de Albon 1085 Guigues III C/Albon de Albon 1090 Mathilde Cs/Albon de Albon 1042 Guigues II C/Albon de Albon 1062 Humbert II ("Strong") C/Savoy de Savoy ETC N 1060 Gisela ( Gille) de Bourgogne ETC O 1032 Amedeo II C/Savoy de Savoy 1034 Joan Cs/Savoy de Geneva 1022 Gerold C/Geneva de Geneva 1039 William II C/Bourgogne de Bourgogne ETC L 1041 Stephanie Cs/Bourgogne de Barcelona 1023 Raymond I ("El Veijo") C/Barcelona Berenger ETC D 0990 Almodis de la Haute de Marche ETC C 1005 Raimund I ( "Ramon" ) C/Barcelona Berenger ETC M 1006 - 1026 Sancha Sanchez De Castille 20 20 "Sancha Sánchez de Castilla"
Birthdate:    between 1006 and 1007
Death:    Died June 26, 1026
Place of Burial:    Santa Maria, Ripoll, Girona, Catalonia, Spain 
Immediate Family:    
Daughter of Sancho I el de los Buenos Fueros, conde de Castilla and Urraca Gómez
Wife of Berenguer Ramon I el Corbat, XVII comte de Barcelona
Mother of Sanç, Comte d'Olèrdola and Ramon Berenguer I el Vell, comte de Barcelona
Sister of Muniadona de Castilla, reina consorte de Pamplona; Fernando Sánchez de Castilla; Tigridia Sánchez de Castilla, abadesa de Oña; García II Sánchez, conde de Castilla; Teresa de Castilla and 1 other
Occupation:    Comtesse de Barcelona
1001 Renaud I C/Bourgogne de Bourgogne ETC E 1003 Alice (Judith) de Normandie ETC F 0958 Richard II ("Good") D/Normandie de Normandie 0982 Judith Prs/Bretagne de Bretagne 0933 ETC T 0936 ETC U 1239 Eleanor Q./England de Castile 1199 Ferdinand III The Great K/Castile & Leon Alphonse 1208 Juana de Ponthieu 1166 Alfonso V111 (1X) K/Leon Fernandez 1181 Berengaria of Castile La Grande Alfonsez 1132 Ferdinand II K/Leon Alfonsez 1139 Urraca of Portugal Alfonsez 1105 Alfonso II (VII) Emperor K/Castile & Leon Lombard ETC G 1108 Bergenaria Raimundo de Barcelona 1110 Alfonso I K/Portugal Henriquez 1125 Matilda ( Maude) de Savoy 1155 Alfonso VIII The Noble K/Castile Sanchez 1162 Eleanor Q/Castile Plantagenet 1135 Sancho III K/Castile Alfonse 1133 Blanche of Navarre Garcia 1065 Raimundo C/Burgundy Galacia de Bourgogne (?) 1081 Urraca Q/ Castile and Leon de Castile 1039 William II C/Burgundy de Bourgogne ETC X 1041 Stephanie Cs/Bourgogne de Barcelona ETC Y 1039 Alfonso I (VI) The Valiant K/Castile & Leon de Castile 1046 Constance Prs/Burgundy Capet 1113 Raymond IV C/Barcelona Berenger 1135 Petronella Q/Aragon de Aragon 1080 Raymond III El Grande M/Barcelona 1095 Douce di Gievaudun Hs/Provence & Arles de Milhand 1095 Ramiro II K/Aragon de Aragon 1100 Agnes (Maude) de Aquitaine ETC E ETC F ETC D ETC C ETC A ETC B 1099 Garcias V (VI) K/Navarre Ramerez Uracca de Castille ETC G Mistress 1073 Ramiro II L/Moncon & Pr/Navarre de Moncon 1075 Ximene de Bivar 1047 Ramiro I L/Calahorra & Pr/Navarre Calahorra 1049 Theresa L/Calahorra (Calahorra) 1049 Roderigo de Dias Bivar 1051 Ximene de Dias (Bivar) ETC H ETC I 1067 Sancho 1 (V) "Ramirez" K/Aragon de Aragon 1069 Felicia von Roucy 1010 - 1063 Hildouin de Ramerupt IV 53 53 Hildouin de Ramerupt, IV
Birthdate:    June 22, 1010
Birthplace:    Montdidier, Somme, Picardy, France
Death:    Died November 15, 1063 in Ramerupt, Aube, Champagne-Ardennnes, France
Immediate Family:    
Son of Hildouin III de Ramerupt, II. comte de Montdidier and Lesseline (Countess of Montdidier) d'Harcourt
Husband of Adelaide de Roucy, comtesse de Montdidier
Father of Ebles II, comte de Roucy; Adélaïde de Ramerupt, dame de Montdidier; André de Ramerupt, Seigneur de Ramerupt et d'Arcis-sur-Aube; Béatrix de Ramerupt, dame de Montdidier; Adèle de Ramerupt, dame de Montdidier and 4 others
Brother of Lucie de Montdidier and Manassès 'Calva Asina' de Montdidier
Occupation:    Count of Montdidier and Roucy, Conde, Count of Roucy, Count Montdidier, Count de Roucy, Sn de Ramerupt, count, Count of Montdidier Count of Roucy
Managed by:    Private User
Last Updated:    November 21, 2014
1021 Alice "Adela" Cs/Roucy de Roucy 1055 Gilbert V/Milhaud de Milhaud 1057 Gerberge Cs/Provence de Provence 1055 Raymond II " Cabeza de Estope" C/Barcelona Berenger 1058 Mathilde de Apulia ETC D ETC C ETC J ETC K 1272 Joan "of Acre" C/Clare Plantagenet 1243 Gilbert 1 (Red) 3rd.E/Gloucester 7thE/Hertford De Clare 1180 Simon II C/Aumale Dammartin 1199 Maria ( Matie) C/ Ponthieu de Ponthieu 1179 William II C/Ponthieu Talvas de Ponthieu 1170 Adelaide ( Alice) Prs/France Capet 1135 Jean 1 C/Ponthieu de Ponthieu 1160 Beatrice, Cavandane de St. Pol de St. Pol 1090 Guy II C/Ponthieu de Ponthieu 1090 Ida de Ponthieu 1090 William I (III) C/Alcenon, Montreuil,Ponthieu Talvaca 1080 Alice de Bourgogne Capet 1035 Robert II E/Shrewsbury Talvaca 1060 Agnes Heiress/Ponthieu & Montreuil de Ponthieu Eudes (Odo) I Borel/Bourgogne C/Bourgogne Capet 1065 Sibylle ( Mathilda) de Bourgogne 1036 Henry 1 D/Bourgogne Capet 1035 Sibylle de Barcelona 1039 ETC L 1011 ETC J 1016 ETC K 1005 ETC M Gisela de Lluca 1119 Louis VII K/France Capet 1140 Ailxde de Navarre Cs/Champagne de Champagne 1081 Louis VI "Fat" K/France Capet 1092 Adelaide (Alix) de Maurienne de Savoy 1052 Philip I K/France Capet 1060 Bertha of Holland Q/France 1006 Henry I K/France Capet 1036 Anne ( Anastasia) Agnese Q/France Yaroslavna 0972 Robert II (The Pious) K/France Capet 0974 Constance of Provence Q/France Taillefer 0980 Yaroslav I ( the Wise) Cz/Russia Vladimirovich 1001 Ingrid ( Ingregerda) Prs/Sweden Olafsson 1017 Floris I C/Holland Bourgogne 1028 Gertrud Ps/Saxony Wettin 0976 Bernard II D/Saxony Wettin 1004 Elica Ds/saxony von Scweinfert 0976 Bernard I Billung D/Saxony Wettin 0978 Hildegarde Cs/Saxony Von Stade 0950 Heinrich I Mgv/Nordagu von Schweinfurt 0972 Herberge Cs/Swabia Henneberg 1062 ETC N 1060 ETC O de Bourgogne 1088 Thibaud IV (II) The Great C/Blois Navarre 1097 Maude de Salian Ps/Carinthia von Sponheim 1045 Stephen Henry III de Navarre C/Blois de Blois 1062 Adela (alice) Cs/Blois Normandie 1011 Theobald III C/Blois de Blois Gundrada de Blois 1024 WILLIAM I THE CONQUERER K/ENGLAND Normandie 1031 Matilda de Flanders 0999 Robert I ( The Devil) D/Normandie Normandie 1003 Harlette ( Arletta) de Falase 0958 Richard II (The Good) D/Normandie ETC P Normandie 0982 Judith Ps/ Bretagne ETC Q de Bretagne 0933 ETC T 0936 ETC U 0978 Fulbert (Hulbert) Chamberlain de Falase 0980 Doda de Falase 1012 Baldwin V C/ Flanders de Fleming 1009 Adele (Aelis) Ps/France Capet 1003 Baldwin IV "Barbatus" C/Flanders de Fleming 0984 Eleanor Cs/Flanders Normandie 0958 ETC P 0982 ETC Q 0972 ETC R 0974 ETC S Ferdinand I The Great K/Castile & Leon Castile 1015 Sancha Prs/Leon de Leon 1135 Aubrey II de Dammartin 1138 Matilda Claremont 1068 Renaud II "Crusader" C/Bauvasis de Clermont 1106 Clemence Cs/Bar (Le Duc) de Montbelliard 1077 Renaud I C/Bar de Montbelliard 1090 Gisele Cs/Bar de Vaudemont 1057 Girard IV C/Vaudemont de Vaudemont de Lorraine 1072 Edith (Helwide) Cs/Dagsburg de Nordgau 1050 Girard II C/Dagsburg de Nordgau de Egisheim 1052 Petronilla (Richarda) de Verdun 1020 Gerhard III (IV) D/ Upper Lorraine Vaudemont de Lorraine ETC V 1020 Helwig Ds/Upper Lorraine de Namur ETC W 0975 Albert I C/Namur de Namur 0975 Ermengrade (Adelaide) Cs/Namur Carolingian 1045 Thierry II (Theodoric) D/Lorraine Montbelliard de Lorraine 1060 Ermentrude de Bourgogne ETC V ETC W ETC X ETC Y 1030 Hugh I C/Clermont de Creil de Mouchy de Clermont 1035 Margaret Von Roucy Cs/Claremont de Montdidier 1021 Hildouin IV C/ Montdidier de Montdidier 1000 Hildouin III C/Montdidier de Montdidier 1021 Alice "Adela" Cs/Montdidier de Roucy 1010 Renaud (Creil) de Clermont 1010 Ermengardis Cs/Clermont de Clermont 0990 Hugh de Creil 0990 Baudouin II C/Clermont de Clermont 1110 Alberic I C/Dammartin de Mello 1114 Joan Cs/Dammartin Basset 1090 Gilbert Basset 1094 Edith D'Oilly 1070 Robert II D'Oilly 1074 Edith Bs/Greystoke FitzForne Robert I D'Oilly 1048 Forne B/Greystoke FitzSigulf 1028 Sigulf FitzForne 0998 Forne FitzSigulf 1080 Aubrey de Mello 1084 Aelis Cs/Dammartin de Montdidier 1042 Hugues C/Dammartin de Montdidier 1046 Roaide Cs/Dammartin de Bulles 1010 Manasses C/Dammartin de Montdidier 1014 Constance Prs/France Capet ETC R ETC S 1050 Gilbert B/Mello de Mello (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (two children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (two children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) 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child) (three children) (four children) (three children) (two children) (four children) (a child) (a child) (five children) (a child) (two children) (a child) (a child) (two children) (a child) (two children) (four children) (two children) (two children) (two children) (a child) (four children) (a child) (three children) (two children) (two children) (three children) (two children) (two children) (two children) (four children) (three children) (three children) (a child) (a child) (four children) (four children) (two children) (three children) (two children) (two children) (four children) (three children) (a child) (a child) (three children) (two children) (three children) (two children) (a child) (two children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) 1292 - 1337 Eleanor De Clare 45 45 Hugh Despenser (1st Baron Despenser) 1322 - 1389 Elizabeth Despenser 67 67 Richard (9th Earl of Arundel) Fitzalan Isabel Fitzalan John (4th Baron of Blackmere) Le Strange Ankaret Le Strange Richard ( 4th Baron Talbot) Talbot Mary Talbot Sir Thomas Greene Sir Thomas Greene Phillipa Ferrers Elizabeth Greene William Raleigh Sir Edward Raleigh Margaret Verney Edward Raleigh Annd Chamberlayne Bridget Raleigh John Cope Sir William Cope Jane Spencer Anne Empson Sir John Spencer Isabella Lincoln D. 1477 Henry Spencer Elizabeth Cope John Dryden Bridget Dryden Rev Francis Marbury Agnes Lenton William Marbury Katherine UNKNOWN Robert Marbury William Marbury ? Anne Blount William Marbury Agnes Hawley Sir Thomas Blount Margaret Gresley Sir Thomas Blount D. 1403 Sir Thomas Blount D. 1413 Sancha De Alayla Diego Guzman Lord of Casarrubias Del Monte Inez De Alayla ~1556 - 1643 Ann Marbury 87 87 Religious Rebel in Puritan Boston. Mass Bay Colony. Baptised Alford Lincolnshire, England. Emigrated to Boston 1634
Moved to Pelham Bay after death of her husband.  Killed by Pequot Indians near Pelham Bay ( Now Bronx)
1591 - 1642 William Hutchinson 51 51 Born Alford Lincolnshire England
M. Sept 8 1612 Alford England
Emigrated to Boston 1634 with Ann and 11 children
Died Rhode Island 1642
? ~1564 - 14 Sept 1611 Edward ( 1st) Hutchinson B. Alford  Lincolnshire England 1613 - 1675 Edward ( 2nd) Hutchinson 62 62 B> Alford England
M> 13 oct 1636 London England.
D> 19 Aug. 1675 Marlboro, MA Killed by Nipmuc indians
1641 - 1717 Elisha Hutchinson 76 76 Elizabeth Clark D. 1683 Thomas Clark Possiblyfrom Welton  Probabbly in Lincolnshire England ? 1678 - 1752 Edward ( 3rd) Hutchinson 74 74 Married 1706 1615 - 1651 Catherine Hanby 36 36 Died in Mt. Welleston MA 1651 1680 - 1748 Lydia Foster 68 68 1644 - 1710 John Foster 66 66 B> 1644 Aylesbury, Buck Cty, England D. 1689 Lydia Turrell 1660 Daniel Turrell Mary Colburn ? William Colburn ( Elder) 1731 Elizabeth Hutchinson 1726 - 1795 Rev. Nathaniel Robbins (3rd) 69 69 b> West Cambridge MA
d. Milton MA
Ruth Johnson 1703 Thomas Robbins 1694 - 1738 Hannah Chandler 44 44 b> probably Andover MA 1639 Mary Dane 1678 - 1741 Nathaniel Robbins (2nd) 63 63 b> probably Cambridge MA
d> Cambridge MA
William Chandler dp>probably Andove MA
? 1613 Dr. John Dane b> Colchester England ? John D Dane bp> England Widow of Thomas Horton 1595 - 1658 William Chandler 63 63 d> Roxbury MA Mary Brazier 1649 - 1719 Nathaniel Robbins (1st) 70 70 b> Scotland
d> Cambridge MA

First Robbins generation in America
Rebecca ? Richard Robbins bp> Scotland
dp> Milton MA
1758 - 1829 Edward Hutchinson Robins 71 71 Lt. Gov. of MA
b> Milton MA
d> Milton MA
1756 Elizabeth Murray b> Cape Fear N.C.
d> 1837
D. 1758 Barbara Bennet bp> Chester England
d> N.C.
1713 James Murray of North Carolina b> Unthank (?) England
d> Halifax N.S.
m. 1744 England
Dorothy Collingwood Andrew Bennet of Chesters Barbara Rutherford Archibald Bennet of Chesters Robert Bennet ? Barbara Abernethy John Rutherford of Edgerston Marion Riddell Robert Rutherford of Edgerston Jean Eliot Thomas Rutherford of Edgerston Mary Scott William Eliot of Larriston Sir Walter Scott of Buccleuch Margaret Douglas David Douglas 7th Earl of Angus Margaret Hamilton Jane Home Sir John Hamilton of Samuelston Beatrix Drummond ( mistress) 1475 - 1529 James Hamilton 1st Earl of Arran 54 54 1453 - 1488 Mary Stewart princess of Scotland 35 35 Countess of Arran ~1415 - 1479 James Hamilton 1st Lord Hamilton 64 64 ~1434 - 1463 Mary Of Guelders 29 29 1430 - 1460 James Stewart James II of Scotland 30 30 1694 - 1737 Anne Bennet 43 43 b> Chester England 1677 - 1728 John Murray of Unthank 51 51 Margaret Scott of Ancrum Elizabeth Scott Sir John Scott 1st Bt. ? Francis Scott of Mangerton Mary Kerr Walter Scott 1st Earl Scott of Buccleuch John Murray of Bowhill bp> Bowhill Walter Scott 1st Baron Scott of Buccleuch ? Anne Douglas ? Archibald Douglas of Cavers D. 1676 John Murray, Knight Philiphaugh Anne Craig James Murray D.v.p. Lewis Craig of Riccartoun ? ? D. 1640 John Murray Knight of Philiphaugh Agnes Murray D. 1601 Patrick Murray of Falahill ? Andrew Murray of Blackbarony Margaret Fleming D. 1580 Patrick Murray of Falahill ? John Lord Fleming Daughter Cranston D. 1529 James Murray of Falahill ? Sir John Cranston Janet Forrester D. 1510 John Murray of Falahill (The outlaw) Partick Murray of Falahill ? ? John Murray ? Patrick Murray ? Alexander (?) Murray ? D. ~1330 Roger De Moravia ? Archibald De Moravia 1789 - 1867 Anne Jean Robbins 78 78 b> Milton Hill, Milton MA
d> McLean Asylum, Somerville MA
1767 - 1847 Judge Joseph Lyman III 80 80 b> Northampton MA
d> Northampton MA
m> 1811 Milton MA
1731 - 1804 Captain Joseph Lyman Jr. 73 73 ~1731 - 1805 Mary Sheldon 74 74 1699 - 1763 Joseph Lyman 64 64 d> Northampton 1701 - 1776 Abigail Lewis 75 75 b> Farmington MA'
d> Northampton MA
Benjamin Sheldon Mary Strong ? 1674 - 1723 Benjamin Lyman 49 49 d> Northampton
? 1623 - 1690 Lt. John Lyman 67 67 Among the first settlers of Northampton ? 1580 - 1640 Richard Lyman 60 60 First Lyman to America 1631
b> High Ongar, Essex County, England
d> Hartford CN
Among the first settlers Hartford  1635
? Henry Lyman ? John Lyman ? Henry Lyman 1st D. 1509 Elizabeth Lambert Thomas Lyman bp>Navistoke, Cty Essex, England Nathaniel Lewis Abigail Ashley David Ashley Hannah Glover ? D. 1682 Robert Ashley d> Springfield MA Thomas Sheldon Mary Hinsdale Issac Sheldon Mary Woodford Thomas Woodford Mary Blott D. 1665 Robert Blott d> Boston MA Susanna Selbee Samuel Hinsdale Mehitable Johnson May also be spelled Meritable Johnson perhaps Humphrey Johnson Eleanor Cheney D. 1659 John Johnson d> Roxbury MA Mary Heath Ebenezer Strong Jr Mary Holton Ebenezer Strong Hannah Clapp D. 1699 John Strong d> Northampton MA Abigail Ford D. 1676 Thomas Ford d> Northampton MA D. 1643 Elizabeth Charde d> Windsor ON William Holton Jr Sarah Marshfield D. 1691 William Holton d> Northampton MA Mary unknown Samuel Marshfield Hester Wright D. 1665 Samuel Wright d> Northampton MA ? 1823 - 1904 Susan Inches Lyman 81 81 b>Northampton MA
d>Milton MA
1819 - 1903 J Peter Lesley 84 84 b>Philadelphia
d> Milton MA
m>1849 Northampton MA
1790 - 1832 Elizabeth Oswald Allen 42 42 d> Philadelphia PA 1793 - 1855 Peter Lesley III 62 62 b>Philadelphia PA
d> Philadelphia PA
m> 1815 Philadelphia PA
John W Allen m>1787 Boston MA 1763 - 1843 Sarah Rand 80 80 b> Probably Charlsetown MA
d> Phildelphia PA
D. 1765 W Rand Esther Call 1756 - 1832 Catharine Kitler 76 76 1737 - 1816 Peter Lesley II First Lesley in America 79 79 b>Aberdeenshire Scotland
d> Philadelphia PA
Elizabeth 1756 John L Kitler ? Peter Lesley I bp> Fifeshire or Aberdeenshire, Scotland 1853 - 1929 Mary Lesley 76 76 b>Philadelphia PA
d> St. Paul MN
1855 - 1921 Charles Wilberforce Ames 66 66 b> Minneapolis MN
d> St. Paul MN
1828 - 1912 Charles Gordon Ames 84 84 b> Dorchester MA
d> Boston MA?
m> Dover NH by Elder Elias Hutchins at his home
1828 - 1861 Sarah Jane Daniels 33 33 b> Barnstable NH
d>Bloomington IL
1808 - 1863 Lucy Anna Thatcher 55 55 d> Reading MI D. 1830 Charles Fales? Moore bp>Shrewsbury NJ
d> At sea between NYC and Havre. Packet Ship Washington
1776 - 1854 Lucy Flucker Knox 78 78 b> Fairfield CN
d>Thomaston ME
~1780 - 1841 Ebenezer Thatcher 61 61 b> Cambridge MA
d>Bingham ME
1754 - 1824 Lucy Flucker 70 70 1750 - 1806 Gen. Heny Knox 56 56 b> Boston MA
d> Boston MA
1795 - 1830 John Daniels 35 35 m>1827 1802 - 1867 Joann Whitehouse 65 65 d> Minneapolis MN ? Whitehouse D. 1864 ? 1762 - 1827 Sally Bickford 65 65 1769 - 1833 Peletiah Daniels II 64 64 m> 1791 Madbury NH 1734 - 1818 Peletiah Daniels 84 84 d> Barrington NH 1739 - 1801 Abigail 62 62 1884 - 1969 Charles Lesley Ames 85 85 b> St. Paul MN
d> St. Paul MN
1893 - 1985 Linda Worthington Baker 92 92 b>Bala PA
d> St. Pau l MN
m> 17 Mar, 1917 Bala PA
1885 - 1956 Margaret Ames 71 71 b>St. Paul MN
d> St. Paul MN
1879 - 1961 Cushing Fredrick Wright 82 82 B> + D> St. Paul MN
m> 1917 St. Paul MN
0985 - 1043 Geoffroi Viscount of Thouars ( Tours ) 58 58 0989 Aenor of Thouars b> Thouars ( Tours ) Vienne, France 1919 - 2003 John (Jack) Cushing Wright 84 84 Helen (Patty) Partridge Ordway 1946 Charles Ames Wright Helene Gae Kaplan 1987 David Joseph Wright 1992 Elizabeth Nancy Wright 1947 Edwin ( Ted) Partridge Wright April Frances Wolcott 1994 Brandon Elias Wright 1950 Stephen Ordway Wright Mary Elizabeth DeCarlo 1982 Samara Kristin Wright 1984 Michael James Wright 1985 Madeline Elizabeth Wright 1956 James Anthony Wright 1922 - 1992 Mary Belle Wright 70 70 Sterling MacDonald 1950 Alexander Sterling MacDonald 1951 Margaret (Amy) Ames MacDonald 1952 Susan Lesley MacDonald 1953 Gene Hunnewell MacDonald 1923 - 2001 Theodore (TD) Douglas Wright 78 78 Joanne Brown 1049 Peter Jay Wright 1949 (?) John Cushing Wright II 1954 Alice Stinchfield Wright 1956 Sarah Ames Wright 1959 Charlotte McKendree Wright 1923 - 2017 Pierre Francois d'Estrube 94 94 1926 Shirley Irvine Wright 1950 Robert Georges d'Estrube 1951 Margaret Suzanne d'Estrube 1954 - 1962 Janine Elizabeth d'Estrube 8 8 1956 Nicole Francette d'Estrube 1958 Darcy C d'Estrube Mary Putnam 1971 Tara Chase MacDonald 1976 Leah Putnam MacDonald 1980 Megan Ames MacDonald Thomas Alfred Urquhart 1985 Alexander Sebastion Macdonald Urquhart 1987 Jeremy Constant MacDonald Urquhart Jane Gehan 1986 Florence Isabelle Wright 1990 Rose McGee Wright Scott Harlow Mandel 1980 Eric Wright Mandel 1980(?) Lindsay Wright Mandel Thaddeus (Ted) Thomas Iwaszek 1986 Clara Wright Iwaszek 1990 Natalie Wright Iwaszek 1993 Julia Wright Iwaszek Kevin Roderick Lewis 1985 Eileen Stinchfield Lewis 1990 Ester Evans Lewis 1994 Zoe Francis Lewis 1951 Cheryl Madeleine Moore 1977 Timothy Georges d'Estrube 1967(?) Tamsin Young 2010 Rousseau Patrick d'Estrube 2013 Gilou Charles d'Estrube 1978 Andrew Robert d'Estrube 1977 Agnes d'Entremont 2015 Leopold Gaston d'Estrube 1949 - 2013 Michael John Huxtable 64 64 1978 Christopher Daniel Huxtable 1983 Brianne Lyn Glover 2010 Ella Lyn Huxtable 2011 Maddison Elizabeth Huxtable 1981 Jonathon Michael Huxtable 1985 Natalie Janine Huxtable 1981 Teron Daniel Moore 2017 Riley Michael Moore Gary Beedle 1988 Lauren Beedle 1990 Corey Beedle 1923 Mary Leslie Ames 1921 - 1993 Elroy (Bill) William Andrews Jr. 72 72 1924 Edwin Lynn Wolff 1946 Linda Ames Andrews 1944 Jeffrey David Cowan 1985 Ethan Louis Cowan 1947 William Kent Andrews 1952 Leslie Jones Winter 1970 Jason Andrews 1971 Stephanie Doud 1994 Brahm Malcolm Andrews 1998 Aramus Andrews 1977 Siri Ames Andrews 1988 Soren Winter 1950 Lesley Andrews 1951 Mariko Hirano 1992 Lema Ames Andrews- Hirano 1959 Elizabeth (Liz) Anne Wolff 1960 Robert (Bob) Farrar Wolff Doris Freedman (Wolff) 1887 - 1947 Catherine Ames 60 60 1884 - 1945 Samuel Epes Turner III 61 61 1911 - 1985 Samuel Epes Turner IV 74 74 1907 - 1989 Mildred ( Millie) Virginia Augusta Olson 82 82 1941 Catherine (Cathy) Ann Turner 1939 David Carlyle Boykin 1970 Anne Carlyle Boykin 1972 Samuel Epes Turner Boykin 1974 Rebecca Ames Boykin 1943 Dorothy (Dotty) Ames Turner 1941 Lloyd Harry Olund 1969 Elizabeth Chrisitine Olund 1967 Michael Lichtenberger 1999 Hannah Lichtenberger 2001 Lauren Lichtenberger 1972 Lesley Turner Olund 1975 Laura Carolyn Olund 1945 Susan (Susie) Epes Turner 1971 Laurenc Michael Lynch 1971 Todd Michael Lynch 1970 Barbara Fuchs 2000 Nicolas Fuchs 1974 Christopher Ames Lynch 1975 Aimee Susan Lynch 1978 Laurence Blake Lynch 1981 Nathaniel Stewart Lynch 1947 Mildred ( Betsy) Elizabeth Turner 1912 - 2009 Mary (Molly) Ames Turner 97 97 1903 - 1996 John Joseph Kenna Jr. 93 93 1950 Joseph McIntyre Kenna 1953 John Turner Kenna 1955 Mary Elizabeth Kenna 1914 Alice Turner 1907 - 1983 William (Bill) Hood Winfield 76 76 1940 Mary ( Gibbie) Gibson Winfield Benjamin Ashworth Wilson III 1971 Benjamin Ashworth Wilson 4th 1972 William Winfield Wilson 1983 James McKee Wilson 1942 Frances McKee Winfield 1941 Lewis Paul Bremer III 1970 Lewis Bremer IV Laura Barsanti 1973 Leila Ames Bremer 1946 William Turner Winfield 1948 Carol Hoyer 1975 Juniper Hoyer- Winfield 1977 Samara Hoyer- Winfield 1979 Lily Hoyer- Winfield 1981 Kryn Hoyer- Winfield Peter Edward Collington 1981 Sasha Collington 1949 Alice (Bonnie) Ames Winfield 1916 - 1993 Clara ( Barbara) Turner 77 77 1914 - 1984 Robert Wolcott Greenman 70 70 1942 Robert (Chip) Wolcott Greenman Jr. 1936 Betty Brown 1966 Scott Ames Greenman 1947 Jill Barnett 1983 Evan Barnett Greenman 1987 Lane Turner Greenman 1946 Barbara Greenman 1949 James Turner Greenman Layah Geismar 1979 Emma Geismar- Greenman 1951 Jan Krick 1984 Annerhe Krick 1951 Thomas Chamberlain Greenman 1953 Amy Sobin 1974 Jessie Danielle Greenman 1967 Zoltan (Zoli) Szombathy 2000 Zoltan Thomas Szombathy 1979 Nicolle Anne Greenman 1953 Amy (Molly) Charlotte Greenman 1947 Michael James Kehoe 1984 Benjamin Robert Kehoe 1987 Rebecca Ames Kehoe 1919 Elizabeth Holyoke Turner 1926 - 1968 James (Jim) Murray Turner 42 42 1931 Frances Black 1952 Robert Black Turner 1954 Courtenay Lupton 1975 Sukey Lupton 1988 Hannah Rose Turner 1954 Samuel Epes Turner V 1954 Dianne (Marie) Martinez 1985 Derin James Turner 1988 Lucas DeLeon Turner 1955 Anne McNaughton Turner 1955 Barbara Murray Turner- Michaelson 1952 Mark Michaelson 1987 Nicole Ames Michaelson 1987 Kelsey Anne Michaelson 1889 - 1976 Alice Ames 87 87 1184 - 1959 Bronson Crothers 775 775 1931 Charles Gordon Crothers (Adopted not true bloodline) 1931 Joan Elizabeth Pankratz 1954 Bronwen Joan Crothers 1993 Helena Bronwen Crothers Villars ? ? 1955 Jack Howard McChord Crothers 1949 Elizabeth (Lisa) Heyward 1988 Brenna McChord Crothers 1991 Conlan Wilson Crothers 1978 Elizabeth Chafee Emory 1958 Alice Margaret Crothers 1958 Tod Harrison 1995 Miles McClennan Crothers Harrison 1998 Ross McChord Crothers Harrison 1961 Charles Bronson Hone Crothers 1959 Marianne Lagerklindt 1894 - 1990 Elizabeth ( Betty) Ames 96 96 1895 - 1990 Norriss Dean Jackson 95 95 1924 Leila Dean Jackson 1923 - 1987 Leon Baquiero Poullada 64 64 1925 Catharine ( Kitty) Ames Jackson 1952 Sophia Hafiza Poullada Medi Safipour 1987 Roxana Gulnar Safipour 1988 Noveed Leon Safipour 1953 Stephen Peter Poullada Nancy Allen Sheppard 1956 Philip Michael Poullada 1959 Barbara Jean Burtis 1923 Sargeant Woodhull Wise 1954 Dean Hamilton Wise 1953 Sally Anne Leach 1979 Elizabeth Foster Wise 1981 Virginia Hamilton Wise 1985 James Woodhull Wise 19956 Charles Grandin Wise 1954 Cheryl Newman 1984 Lisa Ames Newman- Wise 1986 Alexander Dean Newman-Wise 1990 William Sargeant Newman-Wise 1957 Lesley Sargeant Wise 1955 Michael L. Countryman 1993 Catharine Ames Countryman 1965 William Byrd Wise 1966 Dee Kern 1999 Jack William Wise 1898 - 1969 Theodore (Ted) Gordon Ames 71 71 1904 - 1988 Barbara ( Bee) Holt 84 84 1929 Nancy Ames 1924 William ( Bill) DeShay English 1957 Catharine ( Cacky) Ames English 1948 John Archibald Mcann 1994 Cailin Mcann 1996 Sophie English Mcann 1958 Barbara Ross English A.A. (Andy) Messenger 1990 Amanda Elizabeth Messenger 1990 Daniel Ames Messenger 1993 Nora English Messenger 1960 Susan Longstretch English John Harms 1990 Jake English Harms 1995 Henry Munro harms 1963 Stephen Babcock English jay Goblish 1931 Peter Lesley Ames Nancy Julia Pankratz 1963 Elizabeth Ames 1969 Charles Gordon Ames II 1933 - 1968 Barbara Ames II 35 35 William M.G. Fletcher 1961 Marion Holt Fletcher 1961 Theodore (Ted) Griswold Fletcher Ann Kidder 1996 Margaret Fletcher 1997 William Fletcher 1998 Gloria Fletcher 1965 Charles MCrillis Fletcher 1968 Elizabeth Sizeler 1996 Asher Benjamin Sizeler 1967 Sarah Ames Fletcher James L. Troutman 1997 Nicolas Lesley Troutman 1938 Linda Ames Frank Brinley Porter Jr. 1960 Deborah Ames Porter 1955 Cooper Glenn 1997 Samuel Lenoir Glenn 2001 Theodore Porter Glenn 1961 Amy Donald Porter 1964 Frank Brinley Porter III 1925 Sarah (Sally) Baker Ames 1923 - 1993 Francis (Pepper) Martin Ellis 70 70 1942 Carolyn ( Terry) Ellis 1949 Harold Lake Wise 1983 Carolyn Campbell Wise 1986 Burke Ames Wise 1951 Francis Lyman Ellis 1955 Rose Ilardi 1997 Sarah Marianna Ellis 1958 Nathan Ames Ellis 1959 Mary Yagle 1993 Brienne Sarah Ellis 1996 Rosalind Natalie Ellis 1394 - 1437 James Stewart King James I of Scotland 43 43 1404 - 1445 Joan Beaufort Cts. of Westmorland 41 41 1373 - 1410 John Beaufort 1st Erl. Somerset 37 37 1385 - 1429 Margaret Holland 44 44 1350 - 1401 Annabella Drummond 51 51 1337 - 1406 Robert II The Lame King of Scots 69 69 ~1320 - ~1358 Elizabeth Mure 38 38 1316 - 1390 Robert II The Steward King of Scots 74 74 1330 - 1373 John Drummond 43 43 ~1332 Mary Montefex of Menteith 1340 - 1399 John Of Gaunt Dk. of Lancaster, Dk. of Aquitaine 59 59 1350 - 1403 Katherine Roet Swyford 53 53 1350 - 1395 Thomas Holland 45 45 1352 - 1416 Alice Fitzalan 64 64 1312 Edward of Windsor Plantagenet Edward III K. of England 1311 Philippa deHainault 1264 - 1327 Edward of Caernarfon Edward II Plantagenet K. of England 63 63 1295 - 1358 Princess Isabella of France 63 63 ~1292 - 1327 Walter Stewart 6th High Steward of Scotland 35 35 1297 - 1316 Marjorie Bruce 19 19 1274 - 1329 Robert Bruce 7th Robert the Bruce Robert 1st of Scotland 55 55 1277 - 1296 Countess Isabella Mar 19 19 ~1260 - 1309 James Stewart 5th High Steward of Scotland 49 49 D. 1271 Giles ( Egidia) de Burgh
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