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Marriage (a child) Divorce Marriage (eleven children) Marriage Marriage Marriage (six children) No more children Marriage No more children Marriage (eight children) Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage (five children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (ten children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (six children) Marriage (seven children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage (six children) Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage (three children) Marriage Marriage Marriage (seven children) Marriage (four children) Marriage (two children) Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage (four children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (four children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (seven children) Marriage (four children) Marriage Marriage (twelve children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (five children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (four children) Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage (seven children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (seven children) Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (four children) Marriage (two children) 1927 - 2003 Col Fred Blaine Deem Jr 76 76 1931 - 1988 Margaret Josephine Hunter 57 57 Fred Blaine Deem III 1960 - 1960 Lewis Ledbetter Deem 4d 4d 1896 - 1969 Margaret Josephine Phillips 73 73 1888 - 1967 Thomas May Hunter Jr 78 78 W4EBM 1927 - 1947 Thomas May Hunter III 20 20 1861 - 1936 Emma Porter Ledbetter 74 74 1858 - 1902 Dr Thomas May Hunter 44 44 1892 - 1941 William Lewis Hunter 49 49 1898 - 1977 Myrtle Hall Humble 78 78 1931 - 1984 Emma Lelia Hunter 52 52 Carrie Lee Goodwin 1898 - 1970 Lillie May Bramlett 72 72 1887 - 1970 Fred Blaine Deem 83 83 In 1915, wrote the words for West Virginia University's fight song, "Hail West Virginia!".

Let’s give a rah for West Virginia
And let us pledge to her anew,
Others may be black or crimson,
but for us it’s Gold and Blue.
Let all our troubles be forgotten,
Let college spirit rule,
We’ll join and give our loyal efforts
For the good of our old school.
It’s West Virginia, It’s West Virginia
The Pride of every Mountaineer.
Come on you old grads, join with us young lads,
It’s West Virginia now we cheer!
Now is the time, boys, to make a big noise
No matter what the people say,
For there is naught to fear; the gang’s all here,
So hail to West Virginia, Hail.

1929 - 2017 Charles Peter Deem 88 88 John Richard Deem Carol Janet Grim Edward Carl Goodwin Edward Carl Goodwin Jr Brian Scott Goodwin Kathie Lynn Goodwin Carol Lynn Goodwin 1857 - 1928 Letha Viola Cook 71 71 1853 - 1943 Peter Deem 89 89 1882 - 1964 Ralph Lemuel Deem Sr 81 81 Alan Michael Deem Susan Lesley Deem Joyce Ann Willis Jennifer Leigh Deem Heather May Deem Laura Bramlett Deem John Deem Carl Paul Kreiter Philip Kreiter Scott James Newsome Trevor Jay Newsome Sue Dietrick Carl Edward Goodwin Jeremy Steven Goodwin Lori Ann Greydanus Corey Christopher Goodwin Michael Patrick Murphy Erin Reilly Murphy Gavin Magee Murphy Arica Harper Andrew Michael Goodwin Jessie Rainey Goodwin Tina Faye McKeel 1917 - 2006 Loretta Caroline Hess 89 89 1907 - 1968 Ellson Leroy Goodwin 61 61 William Goodwin D. 1999 Marion Louise Goodwin Merritt Masker Shirley Ann Goodwin Mildred Viola Arick Doy Neal Grim 1943 - 2017 Doy Neal Grim Jr 73 73 1929 - 2002 Thomas Elwood Grim 73 73 Ruth Billy Goodwin Judy Goodwin Leo William Hughey Sandra Dee Hughey Joseph Masker Dixie Woodruff 1822 - 1897 Catherine Fought 74 74 1822 - 1916 Jacob Deem III 94 94 Elizabeth Pribble 1776 - 1862 James Fought 86 86 Kathy Diane Baker 1844 - 1937 James Lemuel Deem 93 93 1846 - 1926 Mary Elizabeth Deem 79 79 1849 - 1853 John Deem 4 4 1852 - 1940 Abigail Hannah Deem 87 87 1856 - 1935 Nancy Ann Deem 79 79 1860 - 1954 Martha Catherine Deem 94 94 1865 - 1952 Emma J Deem 87 87 "Jennie" 1793 - 1884 Nancy Rollins 91 91 1792 - 1867 Peter Deem 74 74 1818 - 1864 William Abraham Deem 45 45 1823 - 1911 Haymond Bailess Deem 87 87 aka Haman 1826 - 1909 Mary R Deem 83 83 1832 Elizabeth S Deem 1829 - 1887 Enoch Deem 58 58 1833 - 1920 Elias Deem 87 87 "Buck" 1836 Charlotte S Deem 1831 - 1877 Elizabeth Sarah Guinn 46 46 1857 Addison H Deem 1861 Elizabeth I Deem 1767 - 1850 Eva Ann Cox 83 83 "Patty" 1764 - 1850 Jacob Deem Sr 86 86 1790 - 1884 Jacob Deem Jr 93 93 1793 - 1858 Margaret Hill 64 64 1809 Elizabeth Ruble Florence 1796 - 1860 Hiram Deem 63 63 1788 - 1815 Abraham Deem 27 27 1794 - 1877 Elizabeth Deem 82 82 1797 - 1885 William B Deem 88 88 1801 - 1872 Catherine Deem 71 71 1806 - 1890 Juniper Deem 83 83 1808 - 1899 Washington Alexander Deem 90 90 "Sandy" Mary Deem 1827 - 1856 Sophia Elizabeth Barnes 29 29 1842 Truman Deem 1847 Haymond Deem 1849 Nancy J Deem 1855 Marietta Deem 1857 James E Deem 1859 Margaret Deem 1832 - 1865 Mary E Melrose 33 33 1849 America E Deem 1851 - 1942 James Emerson Deem 90 90 1853 Mary E Deem 1856 Samuel H Deem 1858 Nancy J Deem 1861 Martha E Deem 1863 - 1958 Enoch Elmer Deem 94 94 1866 - 1945 Laura Mae Lytle 79 79 1844 - 1916 Charlotte Ann Roberts 72 72 1866 Waitman Deem 1868 John A Deem 1870 - 1870 Brittie M Deem 4m 4m 1871 Jacob K Deem 1874 - 1875 Charles Deem 1 1 1875 Francis M Deem 1878 Edward L Deem Lottie Elizabeth Burgy Rosa V Poole 1880 Viola Gertrude Deem Charles Morris 1881 Lillie Myrtle Deem 1883 Clara Deem Charles Jewell 1886 Julia Deem Bert Flowers D. 1848 James Dawkins 1818 - 1857 Benjamin Derenberger 38 38 1823 Rezin Barnes 1836 - 1917 Emeline Beatty 80 80 1855 - 1915 Henry Wirt Deem 59 59 1856 - 1936 Ella G Tidd 80 80 1897 - 1972 Julius I Deem 75 75 1859 Mary Elizabeth Deem 1864 Enoch A Deem 1865 Ney Deem 1867 William A Deem 1870 Clara H Deem Asbury Sturm Robey 1874 Essie Deem 1878 Forrest T Deem 1845 - 1923 Hannah Elizabeth Plum 78 78 1866 - 1915 John L Deem 49 49 1868 John S Deem 1868 - 1945 Warman Ellsworth Deem 76 76 Anna M Black 1870 Emma Roxanna Deem William Marshall Crow 1872 Albert Lincoln Deem Ida Page 1877 - 1948 Rutherford Burchard H Deem 71 71 1879 - 1936 Everett Woodyard Deem 57 57 Abbie Piersol 1881 - 1962 Lillie Mae Deem 81 81 Fred Arlando Johnson 1886 - 1973 Bessie A Deem 86 86 Ray Earnest Carder 1874 - 1879 Martha E Deem 4 4 "Mattie" 1883 Benjamin L Deem 1825 Elkanah Lyons "Bob" 1847 Lydia M Lyons 1849 John F Lyons 1851 Francis M Lyons 1852 Mary E Lyons 1853 Harriett Lyons 1854 William E Lyons 1855 Sarah E Lyons 1857 Maria Lyons 1860 Charlotte A Lyons Jemina Hadgley 1812 - 1861 Lavinia Deem 49 49 Daniel Grogan 1815 - 1900 Eurakee Everly Deem 85 85 Samuel Thornton 1779 - 1870 Charles Price 91 91 1797 - 1879 Martha Sams 82 82 "Polly" 1827 - 1864 Jacob Abraham Deem IV 37 37 1824 - 1863 Jane Sams 38 38 1848 - 1929 Ozias Deem 80 80 1852 - 1924 Catherine Grim 71 71 1872 - 1890 Alma Catherine Deem 18 18 1874 - 1908 Eva Jane Deem 33 33 Luther B Stephens 1876 - 1892 Charles Fletcher Deem 16 16 1878 - 1907 R Sanford Deem 28 28 1881 - 1941 Moses Ellworth Deem 59 59 1885 Annie Mae Deem Gratney Stukey 1887 Grace Ellen Deem Charles E Smith 1887 Minnie Blanchard Deem Thomas Harper 1889 Clara Bell Deem Luther Clark Matheny 1893 - 1983 Letha Viola Deem 89 89 Ernest Wilmington Valentine 1848 - 1938 Moses Deem 90 90 1851 - 1870 Elizabeth Luvanchia Deem 19 19 1847 - 1918 Henry J Stephens 71 71 "Monk" 1868 - 1939 Samuel Roberts Stephens 71 71 1853 - 1908 Hiram Deem 55 55 1858 - 1888 Cincinnatus Deem 29 29 1861 - 1863 Mary Jane Deem 1 1 1855 John Fletcher Deem Mary Elizabeth Stephens 1864 Emily Ann Deem 1821 - 1901 Henderson Deem 80 80 1827 - 1903 Mary Alice Poole 75 75 1845 Elizabeth Deem 1845 - 1920 Martha E Deem 75 75 1842 - 1920 Orville Cooper 78 78 1848 Harriet Deem 1853 - 1935 Andrew J Deem 81 81 1856 - 1926 Arthur Henry Deem 70 70 1860 Mary Alice Deem 1863 - 1940 Thomas Henderson Deem 77 77 1866 Emma G Deem 1850 - 1896 Margeret Rebecca Deem 45 45 1733 - 1797 Anna Christine Laudenclos 64 64 1731 - 1802 Johannes Adam Diehm 71 71 1744 - 1803 Ludwig Lewis Deem 59 59 Rosina Christian Deem 1754 - 1814 Marcus S Deems Sr 59 59 Mark D. 1814 Elizabeth Flemming 1753 - 1835 Johann Nicholas Deem 81 81 1754 - 1845 Mary Magthalena Diehl 91 91 aka Dils 1761 - 1856 Adam Deem Sr 95 95 1761 - 1850 Catherine Foughty 89 89 aka Foughty 1747 Maria Catharina Deem William Christopher Claus 1801 - 1881 Thomas Alexander Lowers Sr 79 79 1806 - 1890 Eliza Louisa Thornton 84 84 1828 - 1910 Martha Lydia Steele 82 82 1808 Catherine Brand Robert H Paige 1862 - 1947 Margaret Melissa Dalton 85 85 1851 - 1925 Dr Matthew Dalton Phillips 74 74 1885 - 1885 Katherine Phillips 1886 - 1958 Melissa Anna Scott Phillips 71 71 1886 - 1940 John Charles Hyman 53 53 Margaret Frances Hyman 1923 - 2015 Thomas Allen Johnston Jr 92 92 Melissa Anne Johnston Olivia Hyman Johnston 1888 - 1969 Albert Rufus Phillips 81 81 1891 - 1983 Ruth Burnley Cook 91 91 Margaret Louise Phillips John Dalton Phillips Sr William Rufus Phillips Ann Radford Phillips 1890 - 1967 Matthew Dalton Phillips Jr 76 76 1889 - 1971 Mary Bell Palmer 81 81 1906 - 1998 Ruth Poindexter Phillips 92 92 1902 - 1983 Julia Frances Phillips 80 80 1900 - 1981 Mildred Rives Phillips 81 81 1898 - 1989 Georgia Louise Phillips 90 90 "Louise" 1893 - 1963 Dr Ernest Nicholas Phillips 69 69 1898 - 1981 Dr Lee Edwin Kiser 82 82 Joanne Kiser Mildred Louise Kiser 1936 - 1957 Nancy Lee Kiser 21 21 Clyde Wallace Miller Jr 1935 - 1998 Harry Burkhead Caldwell Jr 62 62 1897 - 1951 Dr Gurney Talmadge Mitchell 53 53 Julia Carolyn Mitchell Elizabeth Dalton Mitchell Frances Rebecca Mitchell Thurman Olenten Foster Ella Marie Foster Thomas Alston Foster 1952 - 2007 Stephen Mitchell Foster 54 54 1936 - 2014 Dr Haroutune (Harry) Krikor Dekirmenjian 78 78 Liza Derbalian Dekirmenjian Krikor Dekirmenjian Zeb Marion Harry Jr Kevin Mitchell Harry Dr Philip Scott Harry 1830 - 1865 Margaret Melissa Rives 35 35 1826 - 1895 David Nicholas Dalton 68 68 1809 - 1830 Frances H Smith 21 21 1803 - 1883 William Alston Rives 80 80 1785 - 1867 Mary Ann Alston 82 82 1775 - 1840 Edwards Rives 65 65 1750 - 1786 Sarah Yearger 36 36 1748 - 1789 William Alston 41 41 Elizabeth Chaney Joseph John Alston Barbara A Woije Josephine Whitney Deem 1846 - 1919 John Yewell Phillips 73 73 1863 - 1891 Dr Thomas Jefferson Phillips 28 28 1864 - 1929 Lenora Josephine Vest 64 64 1897 - 1979 Carl Joseph Reifsnider 81 81 1931 - 1931 Infant Daughter 1933 - 1934 Sterling Cook Phillips 6m 6m 1908 - 1972 Edgar Hawley Moore 63 63 Edgar Hawley Moore III 1887 - 1980 Eleanor Josephine Phillips 92 92 1880 - 1980 Henry Turner Apperson 100 100 "Turner" Laura Ann Miller Cpt. Peter Alexander Apperson 1843 - 1862 William Henry Phillips 18 18 1817 - 1905 Matthew Phillips 88 88 1821 - 1904 Anne Radford Scott 83 83 "Nancy" 1894 - 1986 Mary Belle Smith 92 92 1927 - 2007 Betty Jordan 80 80 1854 - 1940 William Francis Archer 86 86 1862 - 1933 John William Johnson 71 71 1785 - 1833 John Deems 48 48 1784 Jacob Deems 1783 Mark Deems Jr 1782 - 1851 George Deems 69 69 1794 Mary Deems Catherine Deems 1780 - 1830 Adam Deems 50 50 Nathaniel Jones Samuel Crow D. 1851 Elizabeth Fisher 1824 Catherine Deems 1822 - 1893 Jacob Deems II 71 71 1819 - 1898 George C Deems Jr 78 78 1815 - 1880 Mark Fleming Deems 65 65 1811 - 1881 Mary Deems 70 70 1809 - 1852 John Deems II 43 43 1803 - 1860 Elizabeth Deems 57 57 1805 - 1870 Samuel Heaton 65 65 1815 - 1892 Mary Reynolds 77 77 Jacob R Deems Elizabeth Deems Frank Deems Cornelia Deems Margaret E Deems 1841 - 1890 George R Deems 49 49 Sarah J Deems Martha Deems 1835 - 1898 Mary Deems 63 63 1830 - 1912 Lewis Duvall 82 82 Nickson Ailes S W Rogers Robert Elwood John D Springle 1803 - 1890 David Jenkins 87 87 1839 - 1913 George Jenkins 73 73 1829 - 1898 Lucinda Batson Hirons 69 69 1825 - 1890 Eliza Ann Sharp 65 65 1849 - 1933 Elmer R Deems 84 84 1858 - 1914 Harvey Fletcher Deems 56 56 1854 - 1895 John Jackson Deems 41 41 1850 - 1850 Mary Deems 1m 1m 1862 - 1944 Wilbur Alvin Deems 81 81 1821 - 1908 Abigail Duvall 87 87 Jehu Graves Ann Riley Jane Greene 1801 - 1873 Joseph Deem 71 71 1796 - 1853 Thomas Deem 57 57 1782 - 1862 John H Deem 79 79 1788 Mary Deem 1785 Barbara Deem 1783 - 1867 Elizabeth Deem 83 83 "Betsy" 1781 - 1834 Chritiana Deem 52 52 1779 - 1829 Adam Deem 50 50 1783 - 1847 Jane Campbell 63 63 Francis Deem William C Deem Cynthia Deem Mary Deem Adam Campbell Deem Nancy Deem Catherine Deem 1822 Eliza J Deem 1822 Howard Deem 1802 - 1879 John Campbell Deem 76 76 1802 - 1818 Joseph Deem 16 16 Anna Crume Sarah Doty Alies 1777 - 1858 Thomas Israel 81 81 Jane Leggett 1776 - 1863 Daniel Black 86 86 William Chambers 1778 John Chambers Sr D. 1980 Walter Arthur Petrowski Walter Arthur Petrowski Jr Robert Charles Petrowski Brian Lee Petrowski William Fritz Hug William Nokes Hug Margaret Burnley Hug 1923 - 2010 Clara Irene May 86 86 D. 1969 Robert Lewis Woodruff D. 1998 William Arthur Slider Bob Myskiew Rebecca Deem Rachel Deem 1807 - 1860 Margaret Deem 53 53 1805 - 1854 Isaac G Deem 49 49 1791 - 1867 Adam Deem Jr 76 76 1797 - 1890 Mary Polly Deem 93 93 1794 - 1877 Catherine Deem 83 83 1794 Hannah Deem 1791 - 1843 James Deem Sr 52 52 1786 - 1865 John Deem Sr 79 79 1785 - 1865 Philip Deem 79 79 1783 - 1858 David Deem Sr 75 75 1782 - 1859 Jacob Deem 77 77 1798 - 1860 Mary Catherine Lazure 62 62 1782 - 1863 Catherine Thornton 81 81 1790 - 1856 Rachel Kidwiler 66 66 1794 - 1834 Mary Turvey 40 40 "Polly" D. 1818 Sarah Elizabeth Flenner 1840 Jehu Deem 1832 Mary Catherine Deem 1829 Elizabeth Deem 1828 Nancy Deem 1820 - 1857 George Deem 36 36 1819 Rachel Deem 1841 Anne Ruble Rosa Belle Deem 1793 - 1849 Rachel Sergeant 56 56 1791 Adam Deem II D. 1850 John Foutty 1789 - 1860 William Foutty 71 71 Nancy Murphy 1810 - 1860 Nancy Lee Enoch 50 50 1811 John Matthew Wilson 1857 - 1916 Clarinda Wilson 59 59 1848 John C Leazier Hubbard Nickerson 1811 - 1872 Eva Bish 61 61 1813 - 1864 Thomas Grim Sr 50 50 1776 - 1850 Alcinda Armstrong 74 74 1777 - 1850 Charles Grim 73 73 1824 Barnett Perry Grim 1821 - 1858 Charles Grim Jr 37 37 1809 - 1894 Mary Magdalene Grim 85 85 1804 - 1870 Joseph Grim 66 66 1803 - 1880 Elizabeth Ann Pratt 77 77 1837 Margaret Ann Grim 1831 - 1899 Salem McClelland Grim 68 68 1827 - 1896 Sarah H Grim 69 69 1833 - 1909 Malissa Vancamp 75 75 Joseph R Grim 1877 Lettitia Grim 1873 Clarra S Grim 1871 James F Grim 1868 Elizabeth M Grim 1865 William Sheridan Grim 1863 Sarah Harriett Grim "Etta" 1867 George B Grim 1859 Alrey B Grim 1857 Florence M Grim Ernest Hess Julia Oman 1881 - 1984 Lillian Huff 103 103 1867 - 1950 Lewis Goodwin 83 83 1882 - 1952 Carrie Eliza Pence 70 70 1883 - 1956 Clifton Arick 73 73 1867 - 1943 Thomas Boreman Grim 75 75 1829 William T. Cook 1893 - 1974 Margaret Belle Eagle 81 81 1921 Ruth Deem 1892 - 1892 Infant Deem ? 1839 - 1923 Sarah J Frizzell 83 83 1867 Thomas J Deem 1872 Horatio N Deem 1876 - 1959 Hamline N Deem 83 83 1842 - 1895 Felix D Toncray 52 52 1839 - 1916 William Alonzo Deem 77 77 1853 - 1908 Nicholas Ludwig 55 55 Julia Ann Evans John Roberts 1809 - 1883 John Flinn Sr 74 74 Thomas Lowers 1759 Maria Margaretha Deem 1766 Catherine Deem D. 1783 Sarah Roland 1802 - 1880 Thomas Deems 78 78 Mary Sims 1829 Melissa Deems James Kennard 1830 Gilbert C Deems Ann Seagraves 1832 Jerusha Deems Charles Wagner 1834 Stephen F Deems Eliza Peyton 1836 Sarah Deems David Smiley 1864 - 1893 David Deems Smiley 29 29 D. 1894 Lilly A Binns Charles Smiley D. 1897 Laura Binns 1838 Lavina Deems 1809 - 1897 John Deems 87 87 Beverly Ruth Moore Katherine Bryan Moore 1921 - 2008 David Stewart McClanahan III 86 86 John Gracie Musten J. C. Campbell Bryan Christopher Campbell Allison Hayden Campbell Scottie Dale Fulp Melanie Dawn Howell Samuel Crow Jr Francis Holms 1828 - 1916 Mary Heaton 87 87 Felix Jewitt Emerett Jewitt 1830 Sarah Heaton 1860 - 1931 George Chism 71 71 1861 - 1931 Carey Chism 70 70 Rosa Chism O. O. Morrow 1831 William Heaton Elizabeth Spadley 1835 George Heaton 1837 - 1908 Elizabeth Heaton 70 70 1832 William Addison Sullivan 1858 - 1954 Arrie Sullivan 95 95 1847 - 1918 John Green Martin 70 70 1839 - 1930 Delilia Heaton 91 91 Barrow Duncan 1841 - 1905 Mark Heaton 63 63 1842 - 1902 Elizabeth Sanders 60 60 1845 Richard Heaton Thomas Heaton Bostic Chism 1831 Elizabeth Jenkins 1835 - 1912 Adaline Jenkins 76 76 1842 - 1876 John Hamilton Jenkins 34 34 1844 - 1903 Virtue Palmer Greenlee 58 58 1817 - 1864 Margaret Baker 46 46 1854 - 1935 Samuel Parker Eton Deems 81 81 1856 - 1862 Oliver S Deems 5 5 1848 - 1853 William Theodore Deems 4 4 1846 - 1907 George Washington Deems 60 60 1843 - 1910 Joshua Baker Deems 67 67 1841 Elizabeth Deems 1840 - 1919 Mariah Deems 79 79 1862 - 1862 William Thomas Deems 7d 7d 1845 - 1901 Isabel Deems 55 55 1850 - 1909 George A Deems 59 59 1856 - 1917 Lewis N Deems 61 61 1812 Sarah Deems 1859 - 1911 Emma Elizabeth White 52 52 1885 - 1942 Oliver M Deems 56 56 1887 - 1920 James Frank Deems 33 33 1892 - 1966 Elmer R Deems 73 73 1900 - 1981 Della Deems 81 81 1881 - 1971 Mary Lucretia Meanor 90 90 1910 Emma Elizabeth Deems 1911 - 1973 Gwendolyn Louise Deems 62 62 1908 - 1964 William Rutledge Finney 56 56 D. 1957 Alan Carey Brenton 1893 - 1982 Ione Virginia Phillips 89 89 Anna Black 1866 - 1951 Lillie Alice Puckett 85 85 1858 - 1917 Rev Richard Caldwell Bramlett 59 59 1907 - 1924 Carl Burton Deem 17 17 1909 - 1994 Helen Estella Deem 85 85 1908 - 1969 Delbert Sams 60 60 1924 - 2006 Helen Lucinda Phillips 81 81 William B Cothran Jr Shirley Ann Fox Armen Bedros Alexanian Tamar Anna Alexanian Ari Armen Alexanian Arek Harout Alexanian 1934 - 2015 Raymond Lee Elgin 80 80 Sondra Kilroy Brosofske Nathaniel Martis Harry Kirsten Anne Harry Laurel Lynn Gray Lila Quinn Harry Zeb Mitchell Harry 1679 - 1749 Eva 70 70 Valentine Diehm (Velton) Anna Barbara Yoinigh Leonhard Laudenclos Johan Jacob Diehm Hans George Diehm Valentine Diehm Jr 1822 - 1905 William Perry Deem 82 82 1830 - 1913 Canzada Barnes 82 82 1825 - 1903 Jonathan Deem 78 78 1835 - 1890 Jemima Barnes 55 55 1836 - 1909 Michael L Deem 72 72 1848 - 1926 Laura Deem 77 77 1871 - 1946 Monroe Deem 74 74 1802 - 1893 Nancy Golden 90 90 1873 - 1966 William E Deem 92 92 1875 - 1960 Clara Deem 84 84 1877 - 1960 Elmer Deem 82 82 1879 - 1964 Harvey Deem 85 85 1882 - 1959 Blanche Deem 76 76 1885 - 1963 Charles Blaine Deem Sr 78 78 1874 - 1961 Nancy Ellen Johnson 86 86 1899 - 1991 Elbert Isaac Deem 92 92 1905 - 1980 Ethel Virginia Deem 75 75 1913 - 2000 Emerson Dayton Deem 87 87 1915 - 1996 Cecil Dale Deem 81 81 1882 - 1964 Myrtle Jenny James 82 82 1872 - 1960 Washington Lafayette Deem 88 88 1870 - 1937 Frances Holland 66 66 1906 - 2000 Roxie Butler 94 94 1894 - 1946 Clarence Cameron Deem 52 52 1896 - 1918 Ada Deuschka Deem 21 21 1898 - 1982 Nora Adeline Deem 83 83 1900 - 1988 Marian Abigail Deem 87 87 1902 - 1921 Roland Frances Deem 19 19 Basil Ray Deem 1927 - 1989 Hayward Butler Deem 62 62 1895 - 1921 Capitola Ruth Pickens 26 26 1917 - 1985 Howard Allen Deem Sr 68 68 1918 - 1984 Kathleen Isabelle Deem 65 65 1897 - 1982 Viola Pickens 85 85 1925 - 1997 Boyd Earl Deem 72 72 1927 - 1992 Viola Frances Deem 65 65 Doris Estella Deem Mary Ann Deem Lloyd Dale Deem 1891 - 1975 Snowden Fankhouser Robbins 84 84 Hilma Deem Robbins 1892 - 1970 Arthur Burl Phillips 78 78 1924 - 1997 Wendell Deem Phillips 72 72 Dolores Maxine Phillips Marion Pauline Phillips 1934 - 2002 Alvia Earl Phillips 68 68 1903 - 1978 Walter Holland Deem 74 74 1902 - 2001 Ann Leota Black 98 98 1905 - 1956 Kermit Alonzo Deem 51 51 1908 - 1996 Mary Emily Taylor 88 88 Donald Gene Deem Robert Clinton Deem 1906 - 1949 Edith Anita Deem 43 43 1898 - 1980 Eugene C Emerick 82 82 Richard Eugene Emerick 1908 - 1983 Howard Clark Deem 74 74 1912 - 1989 Florence Johnson 77 77 1909 - 1989 Elva Berdine Deem 80 80 1902 - 1972 Charles Thomas Dickson 69 69 Clesta Dickson Jack Larue Dickson 1914 - 1995 Nancy Kathryn Deem 81 81 1912 - 1986 James Gerald Coe 73 73 1915 - 2010 Stewart Arthur Deem 95 95 Marion Christina Johnston 1921 - 1999 John J Hess 78 78 Joan Eleanor Sheley Daryl Thomas Grim Dean L Grim Deborah Lynn Grim 1933 - 1934 Nancy Ellen Coe 8m 8m Jacqueline Coe Jean Marie Coe Juliet Jocelyn Coe Lois Ann Coe Sharon Lynn Coe Wendy Kay Coe 1816 - 1897 Elliott Deem 81 81 1818 Louisa Deem 1832 - 1919 Derastus Deem 87 87 1824 Rosenah Deem 1837 - 1910 Mary A Capling 72 72 1856 - 1862 Louisa Deem 6 6 1812 - 1872 Littleton Luther Hall 60 60 1842 - 1900 Margaret H Hall 58 58 1824 - 1907 Permelia Tracewell 82 82 1843 - 1890 Edward W Deem 47 47 1844 America Deem 1845 - 1863 Henrietta Deem 17 17 1848 - 1908 Mary Annetta Deem 59 59 1858 - 1864 Jacob Elliott Issimo Deem 6 6 1862 - 1863 Ella Moss Deem 5m 5m 1864 - 1867 George Elder Deem 3 3 1911 - 1981 Sarah Keller Harris 70 70 Howard Allen Deem Jr Mary Lucinda Cothran Melissa Cothran David L. Skinner William B. Cothran III Stephanie Fleming Elizabeth Fleming Cothran Rebecca Blake Cothran Shirley Woodruff 1930 - 2006 Charles Herman Schuler 76 76 Julia Nehus Frederick Schuler Charlene Schuler Krista Schuler Charles Herman Schuler II Marjorie Schuler Edith Schuler Eleanor Ann Hunter 1926 - 2006 Donald Melvin Ross 79 79 Lloyd Vann Seawell 1932 - 2005 Frederick William Kruse Jr 73 73 Harriett Goodwin Raymond McKane 1933 - 2006 Evelyn Elizabeth McKane 73 73 Clyde Richard Swingle Dorothy McKane Clyde Richard Swingle Jr Michael Swingle Donald McKane Thomas McKane 1839 - 1920 Washington Deem 81 81 1834 - 1895 Nancy Deem 61 61 1831 - 1896 Michael Deem 65 65 1831 Sarah A Deem 1831 - 1921 Eleanor Deem 90 90 (six children) (three children) Marriage (eight children) (four children) (five children) (four children) Marriage (seven children) (a child) (six children) (a child) Marriage (three children) (a child) (three children) (two children) Marriage (three children) (a child) (a child) (a child) Marriage 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Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (four children) Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (thirteen children) Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage (nine children) Marriage Marriage (two children) (a child) Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage (six children) Marriage (seven children) Marriage (seven children) Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (five children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (seven children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) Marriage (a child) (a child) Marriage (five children) (two children) Engagement (a child) (a child) (five children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (two children) 1709 Joshua Hunter Mary Conegenton 1743 Thomas Conegenton Hunter 1740 - 1748 William Hunter 8 8 1749 - 1751 Sarah Hunter 2 2 1755 Mary Hunter 1767 - 1831 James Hunter 64 64 1769 Elizabeth Hunter Edwin Godwin 1788 Sallie Kinchin Godwin 1791 James H Godwin 1793 Peter Godwin 1797 - 1840 Martha Elizabeth Crowel 43 43 1798 - 1881 Thomas Conegenton Hunter 83 83 1800 Elizabeth Hunter 1801 Sarah Hunter 1803 James Hunter 1805 Benjamin Hunter 1812 - 1891 William Hunter 79 79 1815 - 1818 Martha Hunter 3 3 1817 Mary Hunter Ann Bellamy Jennie Bell James Hunter Fletcher Hunter William Hunter Timothy Hunter 1865 - 1937 Walker F Hunter 72 72 Hope Hunter Jennie Hunter Thomas Hunter Bessie Hunter N C Hunter Leah Hilliard Nicholson Sarah Branch 1808 - 1850 Mary Ann Lewis 41 41 Annie Wheat Clifton Hunter 1827 Martha Ann Hunter Richard Hunter 1832 - 1871 Sarah Elizabeth Hunter 38 38 Margaret Harrison Hunter 1837 - 1909 Cpt. Exum Lewis Hunter 72 72 A C Harris Mary J Harris Francis S Harris Eugene Harris Hunter L Harris Emma D Harris 1849 Thomas C Harris 1855 A L Patterson Jno. Vinson S B Hunter 1829 - 1887 Benjamin Wyche 57 57 R M Lowe 1843 - 1878 Gough Ann Bustin 35 35 1868 - 1948 Fannie Hunter 80 80 Lloyd Vann Seawell Carolyn Hunter Ross Charles Walter Ross Lawrence J Jensen Karen Leonard Jonathan Ross 1868 - 1923 Clarence Deming Sedberry 55 55 May Sedberry Frances Sedberry 1894 - 1965 Ruth Sedberry 70 70 John Henry Cook William George 1889 - 1971 Robert Milton Olive Sr 81 81 1919 - 1965 Robert Milton Olive Jr 46 46 1920 - 2007 Clarence Sedberry Olive 86 86 1929 - 1981 Ruth Olive 52 52 1922 - 2011 Robert Frederick Nietman 89 89 1864 - 1966 Lewis Hunter 102 102 1840 - 1904 Narcissa Ann Powers 63 63 Elizabeth Hunter James Hunter Joe Hunter Mary Hunter E Tyler Branch 1878 - 1944 Janie W 66 66 1917 - 1979 James Fletcher Hunter 62 62 1805 - 1878 William Bustin 73 73 1806 - 1875 Gough Ann Whitaker 69 69 1771 - 1839 Exum Lewis Jr 67 67 Edward Crowell Martha Rabun 1731 - 1795 Exum Lewis 64 64 1737 - 1795 Elizabeth Figures 57 57 1831 - 1870 William Pickett Leake Ledbetter 39 39 1841 - 1862 Emma Jane Porter 21 21 D. 1845 George Madison Porter 1819 Elizabeth Covington Crawford D. 1857 William Johnson Ledbetter 1813 - 1850 Martha Wall Leake 36 36 1769 - 1852 Henry W Ledbetter 83 83 Mary Johnson 1788 - 1845 Thomas Crawford 57 57 1789 - 1842 Harriett Wall 53 53 1872 - 1926 Hilary Augustus Humble 53 53 1873 - 1957 Ella Lee Gaskill 83 83 William Puckett Altha Caroline Chitwood Paul Bramlett William O Bramlett Ethel Ann Cooper Neal Gordon Grim Denise Ann Grim Carol Candy Tom Kimberly Wesley Tammy John Megan William Shaw 1854 Peter Deem 1842 - 1934 Martha Deem 91 91 1836 Hulda Deem 1839 - 1932 Wesley Deem 93 93 1840 Peter Deem 1842 Eva Ann Deem 1844 Alexander Deem 1847 - 1912 George G Deem 64 64 1852 - 1887 Caroline Catherine Deem 35 35 1860 - 1943 David Andrew Deem 82 82 1864 - 1894 William A Deem 30 30 D. 1864 Josiah Deem 1861 Hester A Deem 1861 David Deem 1930 - 2009 Ann Magerstadt 78 78 Winston Magerstadt Olive George Hunter Olive Mary Erwin King Robert Sisk Olive George Sedberry Olive Stephen Fields Foster Nicholas Holt Foster Jack Steelman Angela Sue Kiger Tucker 1920 - 2007 Grace E Goodwin 86 86 John Masker William Masker John Masker Gloria 1903 - 1962 Walter Goodwin 59 59 Paul Goodwin James Goodwin 1894 - 1967 James Mitchell Bramlett 72 72 Pearl Laird Renee Therese Ann Olive James Craig Cherry Copeland Craig Cherry Shelby Sidrony Emily Kathryn Olive Margaret Elizabeth Caldwell Margaret Josephine Hunter Deem Hannah Reece Fulp Cathy Elaine Smith Catherine Graham Phillips Robert Raymond WInslow III Charles Kingsbury Winslow John Burnley Winslow John Dalton Phillips Jr Ronni Elaine Arnette John Dalton Phillips III Danielle Gene Phillips Laura Kay McGee William Scott Phillips 1924 - 1927 Evelyn Dalton Phillips 3 3 Kim Yvette Edmonds Kayla Rose Hug Isaiah Joseph Hug Sonia Lee Hug Anne Louise Miller Ruth Dalton Miller Elizabeth Lee Miller Thomas Foster Reece William S Kyle David Dalton Reece Spencer Edwin Reece Thomas Gabriel Wheeler Ashlyn Lee Wheeler 1790 - 1834 Robert Randolph Scott 44 44 1798 - 1834 Mary Martin 36 36 1777 - 1856 William Phillips Jr 79 79 D. 1860 Susannah Doss 1804 - 1880 Absolom Bostic Dalton 76 76 1793 - 1866 Nancy Poindexter 73 73 1781 - 1847 David Dalton Jr 66 66 1785 - 1863 Christina Bostick 78 78 1763 - 1833 David Poindexter 70 70 1770 - 1840 Frances Pope Johnson 70 70 1740 - 1808 Thomas H Rives 68 68 Mary Edwards 1835 John O Bramlett Peter Collier Fenlon Jr John Wilson Emily Frances Wilson Matthew Daniel Wilson Jean Handley McKay Tolar 1959 - 2008 Jean McKay Olive 48 48 Robert Milton Olive III Terry Olive Nancy Olive Eleanor Collins Mann Mercedes Wheeler Savannah Wheeler John Celestine Williams Jr 1908 - 1974 William McKethan Monroe Jr 65 65 Betsy Monroe 1952 - 2014 Jane Monroe (Pfeffer) 61 61 William McKethan Monroe III 1947 - 1986 Daniel Joseph Pfeffer 39 39 Margaret McCall Pfeffer Daniel Craft Pfeffer Joel Grey Bradshaw Sarah Stewart Bradshaw Joel Grey Bradshaw Jr Currie McKethan Bradshaw William McKethan Monroe Sr Sarah McKay McKethan 1849 - 1864 William Absalom Dalton 14 14 1851 - 1852 Frances Agnes Dalton 11m 11m 1852 - 1853 John Fox Dalton 5m 5m 1854 - 1932 Robert Edward Dalton 78 78 1855 - 1937 Rufus Isaac Dalton 81 81 1857 - 1947 Nancy Ellen Dalton 89 89 1859 - 1928 Dr David Nicholas Dalton 68 68 1865 - 1955 Walter Ernest Dalton 90 90 D. 1900 Lilla Moir D. 1952 Sallie Vestal 1841 - 1901 Rebecca Jane Westmoreland 59 59 Alexander Westmoreland Frances Marshall 1868 - 1959 Thomas Alexander Dalton 91 91 1869 - 1957 Georgia Dalton 87 87 1870 - 1907 Charles Franklin Dalton 36 36 1872 - 1906 Marshall Oliver Dalton 34 34 1874 - 1955 John Fox Poindexter Dalton 81 81 1877 Oscar Davis Dalton 1879 - 1959 Cora Alice Dalton 79 79 1884 - 1956 Alfred Scales Dalton 71 71 1886 Bertha Elsie Dalton Isaac Wright D. 1953 Willie Sorrell Emma Mae Ferrell Louise Bitting Gen Joe Dalton Della Hines D. 1950 Ernest Berry Dalton 1874 - 1976 Ida Virginia Thomas 102 102 1903 - 1987 Nancy Esther Dalton 84 84 Margaret Rebecca Dalton Cheryl Lynn Anderson John Scott Steelman David Talmadge Steelman Lisa Jean Kiger Foster Jeff Alston Foster Jordan Nicole Foster 1865 John Arthur Deem 1866 - 1943 William Edward Deem 77 77 Margaret A Deem 1872 - 1948 Sanford Prickett Deem 76 76 1874 - 1958 Casto Claremont Deem 83 83 1883 - 1972 Elizabeth M Deem 88 88 1887 Gerge W Deem David Jenkins William Hammond William Bryan 1873 - 1931 Berthea Emma Jenkins 58 58 1889 - 1952 Taswella Deem 63 63 1891 - 1965 Chauncy Deem 74 74 Cleveland Jehu Deem 1895 Everett Deem 1897 - 1968 Leslie Deem 71 71 1899 - 1964 William Earthy Deem 65 65 1901 - 1962 Ora Isabella Deem 60 60 1903 - 1962 Nommie Cephes Deem 59 59 D. 1959 Edna Deem Iva May Deem D. 1967 Lonnie Deem Neale Riley 1910 - 1963 Neal Riley 52 52 Anna Margaret Stephens 1900 - 1954 Carl Preston Deem 53 53 Ronnie Edna Deem Ethel Elura Deem 1907 - 1971 Curtis Andrew Deem 64 64 Marilla Ira Mae Deem Paul Chester Deem Charles Hammond Deem Ralph Bernard Deem 1918 - 1958 Lonnie Woodrow Deem 40 40 Harry Edgar Deem 1912 Gertrude Weekley Virginia McMullen 1883 - 1974 Della Katy Joy 91 91 1860 - 1935 George Lee Ray Joy 75 75 1862 - 1962 Ollie Josephine Shahan 100 100 Doris New Matthews Robert David Zumbach Sharon Allen 1912 - 1995 Avis Avreda Allman 82 82 1910 - 1983 Charles Clement Allman 73 73 1884 - BET 1912 AND 1973 Charles Leonard Allman 1861 - 1932 Judith Amanda Anderson 71 71 Aquino Arnold 1898 Thomas Mears Barton Christopher Michael Beatty Justin Robert Beatty Kevin Beatty Megan Lynn Beatty Richard Emerson Beatty Sean Richard Beatty Stephen Beatty Steven Beatty Tyler Beatty Wendy Beatty Melissa Beckett Board Bernice Rae Boggs Dotte Lou Boggs Edna May Boggs 1925 - 2005 Floyd Berl Boggs 79 79 Janice Marie Boggs Robert Paul Boggs Bonnell 1935 - 1935 Daren Lane Bonnett 10m 10m 1932 - 1981 Ellen Joyce Bonnett 49 49 1908 - 1969 John William Bonnett 60 60 D. 1975 Vesta Avis Bonnett 1917 - 2001 Gladys Marie Brown 84 84 Jessica Leann Calaway 1979 - 1980 Kimberly Lea Calaway 1 1 Linda Kay Calaway Ranson Calaway Seth Vere Calaway Bryson Carter Gloria Chavez Isaac Chavez Manual Chavez Brian Keith Cooper Gregory Michael Cooper Logan Gregory Christian Cooper Mackenzie Anne Cooper Michael Cooper Michelle Lee Cooper Sabine Catherine Patricia Cooper 1909 - 1983 Hazel May Corbitt 74 74 1915 - 1996 Hazel Evelyn Cridlin 81 81 1865 - 1865 Infant Deem 9d 9d 1858 - 1926 James Warren Deem 67 67 1827 - 1906 Myranda Deem 79 79 1882 - 1968 Rosa Lena Deem 86 86 1860 - 1953 Victoria Ann Deem 92 92 1895 - 1948 Virginia Deem 53 53 1884 - 1937 Waitman T. Deem 52 52 1866 - 1875 William Fletcher Deem 8 8 1837 - 1910 Martha Goff 73 73 Bernard Warren Goodman Ray Goodman Chester Hall Chester Ray Hall Geri Denise Hall Christine Hickman Charlotte Norma Hoover 1889 - 1972 Claremont Goff Hoover 83 83 1918 Edith Hoover 1884 - 1922 Eva Dale Hoover 38 38 Flossie Victoria Hoover 1914 Gladys Hoover 1921 Howard Hoover 1914 Lillian Hoover 1915 Stella Hoover 1854 - 1944 Thomas Adam Hoover 90 90 The branch of Thomas Hoover was sent to me by Mary Ann James Miller.
1917 Thomas Dillon Hoover Carson James Hopkins James Robert Hopkins Jacob Lee Householder Jeffrey Householder Sara Elizabeth Householder 1899 - 1918 Emma Hunt 19 19 1912 - 1998 Archie Quentin James 85 85 Betty Lou James Charles James 1883 - 1921 Charles Sanford James 37 37 Clara Jacquline James David James Doug James 1910 - 2000 Edna Mae James 90 90 1915 - 1915 Gale Keith James 6d 6d 1934 - 1996 John Edward James 61 61 Judith Ann James 1919 - 1993 Margaret Ann James 74 74 Mary Ann James Mary Kathryn James Nancy Lee James 1908 - 1935 Nina Marie James 27 27 1907 - 1999 Rex Dale James 92 92 Ronald James Vernon Hoover James 1913 - 1997 William Kenneth James 83 83 Heather Dawn Justice 1947 - 1995 Ray Justice 47 47 Scott Ray Justice Patricia Ann King Ashley Nicole Life Austin Life 1935 - 1997 Eva Elizabeth Life 62 62 Ida May Life James Edward Life James Lyle Life 1929 - 2000 Juanita Lucille Life 70 70 Larry Edmond Life 1906 - 1963 Osten Edmond Life 57 57 Paul Edmond Life Paula Joann Life Sharon Louise Life Terry Leon Life Anna Lowe Lowe 1951 - 1995 Charles William Lowe 44 44 Edward Lowe James Lowe Janet Lowe Jenny Lowe Robert Joseph Lowe Jacklyn Michelle Mays Jackson Mays James Mathews Mays Jacquelyn Mae Miracle Norma Francis Miracle 1910 - 1998 William Frank Miracle 88 88 1877 - 1962 Edna Else Newbanks 85 85 Virginie Julia Peyla Michael Paul Pullins Robert Valentine Pullins Roberta Marie Pullins Maynard Reynolds Gordon Paul Rhing Mary Ellen Ridgeway Eleanor Ruth Shriner Laura Anne Silverman Larry Simpkins Christopher Lee Spencer Crystal Gayle Spencer Edward Russell Spencer Julia Ann Spencer Regina Lucille Spencer 1936 - 1997 Jennifer Ann Sprugin 60 60 Trimbly Janet Renee Werry Wayne Laben Williams 1907 - 1996 Thelma Dale Wilson 88 88 Andrea Lynn Zumbach Diana Lynn Zumbach Elizabeth Ann Zumbach Jill Elizabeth Zumbach 1956 - 2001 Michael Ray Zumbach 45 45 Mike was born in Lancaster, Ohio. He was a large baby at birth, 9 + pounds.

He was always the rambunctious kid, resulting in early black eyes, injuries from jamming his finger into a metal toy car, resulting in the near removal of the finger and a ban on little metal cars in our house that lasted forever, and other small episodes.

Mike wasn’t even 2 years old when in October 1957 his sister Diana was born. A couple of years later his brother Davis was born. Just after David was born his mother got very sick, and they shipped the children off for a couple of months to live with relatives. Mike & Diana stayed with our Grandma Zumbach and David stayed with his Mom’s sister, Juanita.  Fortunately she got better, and they all came home.

His mother had her hands full with 3 kids less than 4 years apart. Mike was constantly into everything, so the only way she could keep track of him and take care of Diana and David was to take a dog leash and attach Mike to the clothes line, which apparently occurred a lot.

As a youth growing up in a large tract housing neighborhood, there were many kids to play with. When they played pick up baseball they would have about 12 people a side. Mike was the most left handed person ever known. They used to joke, he couldn’t even pick his nose right handed.

He and his brother used to fight and argue over everything. His favorite team was the Cincinnati Reds, although for a while he was an Oakland A’s fan.  David was always a Pittsburgh Pirates fan, since one of their second cousins was supposedly going to sign a contract with the Pirates. Of course many years Cincinnati played Pittsburgh in the playoffs and every year his team would beat his brothers

One thing we always agreed on though was Ohio State football. The entire family felt it personally when Ohio State would lose to Michigan or one of the California teams in the Rose Bowl.
Being the younger brother though he did teach David a few things, to this day he shoots pool left handed, use a screw driver lefthanded, and a few other things like that.
When Mike was about 12 they bought a mini bike, and rode it constantly around the field behind their house. It was a tiny little bike, but they wore it out. It was this same field that their mom caught on fire once burning garbage.

Mike maintained a lifelong love of motorcycles.

Mike did the typical kid things, had a paper route for the Lancaster Eagle Gazette, shoveled snow to make money, and other chores like this. Dad was constantly yelling at him to stop spending his money as soon as he got it, but he never did.

When Mike turned 16 he bought his first car, a Sunbeam Alpine. This was the first of what must have been 100 cars he had. His Uncle Paul knew someone back in West Virginia that had this car, and he and his dad decided this was a perfect first car for Mike. They went way back in the sticks to this house that they had to drive through a small creek to the house that had old dead trees as columns for the front porch. The car had real wire wheels on it, which were probably worth more than the rest of the car. It was a 2 seater, and the heater didn’t work because anytime they rode it in the winter time you still had to leave the windows down so that they wouldn’t fog up.

This car was traded for a customized Volkswagen Beetle. He also once traded something for an electric guitar (which we couldn’t play), and later trading the electric guitar for a motorcycle that remained in parts in his room in the basement until it was traded, with the VW for a Ford. The Ford didn’t run and he used his father’s brand new jumper cables to tow it home to be fixed.
Lancaster was growing fairly fast during the 1970s as more people moved out from Columbus. As a result the schools were very crowded. The classes regularly had over 40 kids in them. Wheen Mike went to Lancaster High School they had 2 shifts, a morning shift for the 11th and 12th graders, and afternoon shift for 9th and 10th grade. He wouldn’t get home from school until after 6 PM. There were more than 1000 kids per class.

His dad had lost his job in the aircraft factory in the early 1960s, and took various jobs including building houses, and driving trucks. After a couple of years he got a job driving trucks for a company that delivered grocers for a large grocery store chain called A & P. I think some parts of the country still have A & P stores but for the most part they are all gone now. He drove trucks until 1970, when he got a job as a dispatcher at the same company. This job basically meant figuring out where all the drivers had to go to make their deliveries each day. After 3 years he was offered a promotion to be a manager of a trucking terminal in Salem, Ohio, which he accepted.

Salem is about 180 miles from Columbus, so it meant they had to move from the only town they had ever known. This move was very tough on all of them, but especially on Mike since he had just completed his junior year in high school. They found a small house in a small town called Columbiana, and that is where we moved. Mike went from a high school that had almost 1000 kids per grade to one that had less than 100. The entire town only had 4000 people.

The house in Columbiana was 1 block from the main train tracks between Cleveland and Pittsburgh. Very long, very loud freight trains rolled through town at great speeds with loud whistles all day and all night. The house would rumble when they would go by. They also lived about 1 block from a foundry (small steel mill) that put out lots of air pollution and stunk. You could clean the windows daily and they would be dirty the next day, which of course drove his mom crazy.

While living in Columbiana they had what remains a family legend to this day. Mike, Diana, David and their Mom were having dinner (hamburgers), since their father was out of town. Mike was picking on David about something to the point he became extremely mad. Something Mike said made Diana laugh, which set David off (even though she had nothing to do with it other than laughing). David threw my hamburger at Diana, missing, flying by her and sticking to the wall with the mass of ketchup that he had on it. Their mom (the neat freak) says ‘if that falls of the wall you are in big trouble’, which of course it did. To this day, Diana will remind all of the ‘hamburger incident’. And Mike of course gave his brother a hard time about this forever as well.
There is a traffic circle with a flag pole in the middle of it, right in the middle of Columbiana. It is reputed that Mike once looped around that traffic circle more than 50 times, setting an unofficial record.

Mike tolerated his last year in high school (1974) and got a job right away at the A & P beef packing factory where my dad was in charge of the trucking. He went through a few more cars (a Mercury Capri and finally a very cool 1970 Mustang).

Mike worked second shift at A &P. One day they had about 10” of snow and he was supposed to shovel the walks and the driveway, but refused indicated he would be at work and his brother would get into trouble for it not being done. So David buried his Capri (that was parked in the street) with all of the snow from the sidewalks plus any snow he could shovel from the yard to get it sufficiently buried! Mike was quite mad when he went to go to work and had to dig it out for about an hour.
A couple of years later they shut down the A & P factory in Salem and he moved to Garden City, Kansas where he Gloria Chavez. After a short time they were married, and Mike became the father to her two children, Manual and Isaac. In December 1991 his daughter Andrea was born.

In 1995 Mike moved to Greeley, Colorado where he spent the rest of his life. Mike loved living in Colorado, and became a huge Denver Broncos fan.
Mike loved camping, making campfires, kite flying and taking risks. He also loved his 1996 red Mustang. He had a great sense of humor. He loved being with his family, especially playing with the kids and enjoyed collecting and playing with his toys. He enjoyed the holidays, especially Christmas, and setting off fireworks on the Fourth of July. His hobbies were woodworking and painting.

Mike passed away November 8th, 2001 of pancreatic cancer.
1932 - 1991 Robert Ray Zumbach 59 59 Born 19 Feb 1932 He was born in the house near Long Bottom, Ohio in Meigs County. He was the second of three children, his older sister Beulah was 1 year older than him and he has a younger sister Nancy who was born when he was 14.

Being Appalachia in the 1930s, they were missing some of the more common conveniences. They had an outhouse and they had to take a baths in the wash tub in the kitchen, as they had no indoor plumbing. Electricity didn’t arrive until the 1940s. They played a lot of Monopoly by gas light.

Because of the remoteness of their home, they would sometimes run errands before taking the bus home from school in town. Beulah had bought a loaf of bread on the way home, and during the trip up the driveway had an argument with Bob. Finally in frustration she threw the loaf of bread at him. She missed, but destroyed the loaf of bread on the barbed wire fence.
Even though Bob was ½ Swiss, he always hated all milk products, including cheese. At a young age his mother forced him to eat it, making him sick. He continued his dislike of dairy products his entire life. He would never eat pizza, was constantly sending back toast in restaurants because they put butter on it, and never had any cheese. He did however, like good ‘country cooking’. He was a good cook. He would make his own sausage, adding extra sage to it. One of his favorite meals was fried bologna sandwiches and fried green tomatoes. When I was small he would also liked to buy a pound of chocolate covered peanut clusters at the candy counter in Sears at the mall.

They thought Bob would never live to adulthood because of a ‘hole in his heart’. Because of this he failed his physical when trying to join the Army for service in Korea. Once when he was young he fell out of a tree and knocked himself out. Grandma thought he was dead because of the bad heart.

Once electricity did come, Bob became a big fan of the radio shows. His favorite was ‘The Shadow’. Later in life when CB radios became in vogue, his CB ‘handle’ was The Shadow.
Bob and his friends were at times mischievous. Once they knocked over an outhouse at school with the teacher in it. He ran the projector at school to show movies. He loved to show the Bugs Bunny shorts. He loved Loony Toons his entire life. When his son David was a teenager they would watch them together as well as sit there and listen to Doctor Demento. He was the manager of the basketball team in school and received an ‘O’. He was popular with the girls. He graduated in a class of 20.

Immediately after high school Bob went to Canton, Ohio to work for Timken in the roller bearing plant. He did not enjoy working at Timken and left after a short period.  He then went to work for North American Aviation in Columbus. He went with a group of friends from Meigs County. He lived in a rooming house on East Broad Street in Columbus.
At North America he worked on Sabre’s, a single seat military jet. For years we had 11 x 17 prints of all of their planes. Ironically he hated to fly, having flown only twice in his life, from Pittsburgh to Allentown and back in the 1970s.

When his future wife Eva Life’s family moved from Parkersburg to the Ohio countryside he and her brother Paul became good friends. One day not long after they moved in, another person was in the front room asking Eva’s father for permission to ask her out, when Bob was in the kitchen and asked her out directly. Needless to say he got the date. He proposed to her at a drive in hot dog place. They were married in Parkersburg on February 21, 1953, but not by her father Edmund Life, who was a preacher. Edmund refused to marry any of his children, in case it didn’t work out. One of their few wedding presents was a week free rent at the rooming house in Columbus that Bob was staying. Eva was barely 18 years old, and Bob 21 when they were married.

After they were married they moved to a small rental house in Bremen. Bob commuted the long distance to Columbus each day, and Eva worked at a grocery store. Bob also was a volunteer fireman. They would go back to Meigs County almost every weekend.

On January 21, 1956 their son Mike was born. Eva quit working until after Diana was in school. Diana was born October 6, 1957. Shortly after that they moved to Lancaster. On December 27th, 1959 their son David was born.

There was a strike at North American and he had to go to work and had to cross the picket line, so the company had to send a guard to their house to protect mom.
Bob used to always tell stories about the 2 lane road to Columbus from Lancaster. Now it is a very busy 4 and 6 lane highway and it is mostly city the entire 30 miles. He also used to show his son neighborhoods in Columbus that were ghettos in the 1980s that had been countryside when he arrived in the 1950s.

Bob continued to work for North American Aviation until the early 1960s when he was laid off. He then got a job driving trucks for Buckeye Pipeline. This paid poorly so after a while his uncle Harry Monroe helped him get a job with another trucking company, Food Haul. They hauled groceries for A& P stores. He would leave very early in the morning, go to Columbus, get in his truck and drive back into West Virginia and deliver groceries and return. The trucking terminal was next door to the Columbus Jets baseball stadium. He told a story that the A&P bakery was across the street from the Ohio prison. In the late 1960s there was a riot while he had to go to the bakery. It was from these trips back into West Virginia that he became acquainted with all of the ‘good’ hot dog and country food places. Since they had relatives back in West Virginia, they would sometimes visit these places. We once made a trip of almost 150 miles in one direction to go from Lancaster to Clarksburg West Virginia for hot dogs. His children all had hamburgers, and he was furious. It was a quiet 150 mile trip back.

It was unusual for any trip to be quiet. Bob would often give dissertations about some subject, usually on the 90 minute trip from Lancaster to Meigs County. One of the more famous ones was a lengthy, and detailed, explanation of how the combustion engine worked. He often claimed that he did not give these lectures, but in the late 60s Mike had received a tape recorder for Christmas and covertly recorded much of one. Sadly this tape was immediately destroyed once he found out!

Because of the necessity of growing up dirt he learned to do a wide variety of things on his own. At some point in his life he built houses, including carpentry, electrical, and plumbing. He usually had a 2nd job, often involving working on houses. At times this would be his primary job if there had been a layoff at either North American or Food Haul. He also worked at Tiki Bowling Lanes at times for a second job. This was liked by the family because they could bowl for free and they also had a private swimming pool by membership that we were permitted to go to, and it was just down the street from our house.

For a while they had a ‘cabin’ at Burr Oak Lake, in Southern Ohio. These cabins were supposedly old dormitories from the 1920s Ohio University, but in reality they were shacks down an abandoned railroad track bed up the hill from this lake. He loved to go there though, and usually one of the days they would get up at 4 AM and go down to the lake to go ‘Frog Gigging’. It was at this lake that David once got lost and after about 4 hours came out about 5 miles away on the other side. He was so happy to see his son he didn’t punish him for wandering off.
He loved music, and would often put a stack of albums on the large Zenith console stereo. His favorites were Marty Robbins, or Hawaiian Music. He would often sing, in his deep voice. He would watch Hee Haw and the Grand ‘Ol Opry on TV. He also liked detective shows like Burke’s Law.

Bob completed an entire correspondence school for electronics from the Cleveland Institute of Electronics. It fit perfectly with his ongoing desire to understand all things mechanical and electrical. He built a radio and TV as part of this effort. He also had many do it yourself books.

For years the family never had enough money to buy a house, so they intermittently would move from one rental to another around Lancaster. They lived in 4 different places before they were able to come up with a ‘land contract’ purchase of a home on East Fair Avenue. They moved into this house in 1967, and lived there until 1973. He later would claim selling that house and moving to Northern Ohio for work was the dumbest thing he ever did.

In 1973 Bob was offered a job as a Terminal Manager for the trucking company, but he had to move from Columbus to Salem, Ohio, near Youngstown. This was a big opportunity for him,so he took it. Mike was going into his senior year in high school, Diana into 10th grade and David was going into 8th grade. Most of the family was not happy about this move. They sold the house, but did not buy one. Instead They rented a small house in the small town of Columbiana. Diana’s room as about 6 x 8. The culture shock of moving from the Columbus area to Columbiana was tremendous. The added pressure of being in charge, along with the move, made these challenging times.

The Youngstown area has always had a history of organized crime, and on their first trip up asked for a recommendation of a restaurant. They suggested one in the country between Salem and Youngstown, which had no windows. The kids made so many mafia jokes that Bob didn’t want to go in, but in the end we did. It had fabulous food, and very friendly people.
Most of his drivers in Salem were of Italian descent. His union steward was Sam Legese. He and his wife Bernice Legese became camping friends with them. Sam would often tell him stories of 1950s Youngstown Mafia activities. The times in Salem in the 1970 were difficult, as there were many strikes and other labor unrest. He was often very stressed during the union contract negotiations. His drivers however accepted him more than most since he himself had been a driver. In addition to the Salem terminal, he was later given responsibility for one in Ypsilanti, Michigan and Jacksonville, Florida. We were supposed to move to Jacksonville in 1976 but this was at a time that A&P closed many of their east coast stores, and the Jacksonville location was closed and we remained in Northern Ohio.

In 1978 Bob was offered a job as the Director of the company, and was relocated back to Columbus. This position left him in charge of a number of terminals. When Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980 one of the first things he did was deregulate the trucking industry. As a result there were many low cost carriers come along. Their union contracts put them in an unfavorable position with their contracts, and eventually after laying off 400 people he laid himself off. Officially since he had been there 15 years he retired.

Finding himself out of work at age 50 he went back to working with a heating company, doing installations around Lancaster. He did this for a couple of years until a chance meeting with an old friend at a local mall who still worked for the aircraft factory. By this point North American Aviation had been taken over by Rockwell. With Reagan being elected, he ramped up defense spending, specifically on the B-1-B bomber. They were looking for supervisors and he of course had years of experience, so in 1982 he went back to work at the aircraft factory after being technically laid off since 1962. As they used to say in their house, Reagan takes away and Reagan gives. He worked at Rockwell until the late 1980s when they started ramping down the production of the B-1-B. He received numerous certificates for innovative ideas. In 1987 he officially retired from Rockwell.

Bob was the kind of person who would give everyone a big hug if he hadn’t seen you in some time. From the first day he met Kim he treated her like his own daughter.
When Bob and Eva would go to the mall, she would go shopping and he would go to the hardware section of Sears and come home with some sort of tool. When Bob passed away and his two sons and son in law divided up his tools and they found, among others 15 ½ socket heads.

Shortly after this Bob went back into the trucking business as a Manager for Lake Wales Trucking, a fruit shipping company from Florida that had a terminal in Columbus. He was working here when he passed away of a heart attack in 1991.

Even though Bob had a number of houses, he had even more cars. Among the more notable ones were a Red 1962 Ford Fairlane (with ‘3 on the tree’), an old used Ohio Bell truck, and a VW beetle (which was once backed into from a gravel truck). Once when he was in Jacksonville Florida (where we were supposed to move to) he had a rental pacer (aka the mooncar).
Bob never lost his love of the country and the mountains. The family went to the Blue Ridge Parkway on vacation a couple of times. He always wanted to move to the mountains and have a mom and pop grocery store.
William Goff Mary Ann Williams 1875 - 1944 Anna Bailos 69 69 1874 - 1928 Susan Baluha 54 54 After her husband John Pacofsky's death, Susan married William Stasik(born February 14, 1876, in Velki Vices, Austria; died November 21, 1921, in Trauger, Westmoreland County, PA).  They immigrated (separately or together) sometime between 1897 when Albert Pacofsky was born and 1904 when the first Stasik child was born in the US.  The Stasiks had four children together:

1.  John Stasik, born June 4, 1904, in Trauger, PA; died January 25, 1976 in Dorothy, PA.  John married Anna Kostelnik October 14, 1930 in St. Vincent.  They had three children: Cornelius, Virginia, and Lucinda.
2.  Stephen Stasik, born and died in 1906 in Trauger, PA
3.  Mary Stasik, born April 20, 1910 in Trauger, PA.  She married Nicholas Harouse July 15, 1930, in Trauger, PA
4.  Helen Stasik
Stella Citro Stella Conforti 1839 Antonio Michele Raffaele De Rosa 1868 - 1951 Maria Nina 83 83 Marianna De Rosa was born in Calvanico, Italy on April 16, 1868. According to the Diocese of Salerno, her given name is Maria Angela De Rosa. Her parents were Antonio Michele De Rosa and Maria Sabarese.
Marianna came to America with her husband in 1895 and returned with him to Italy in 1904
Marianna’s brother came into to New York and went into business with what was apparently a famous canned produce called Pope Tomatoes. Her brother was Michele DeRosa, who on the Ellis Island website show him and his brother Gerardo DeRosa and his wife Maria Franquello coming to America together.
Mike was 18 when they arrived in 1899 and Gerardo and Maria were 20. They apparently lived their lives in the Bronx as businessmen and went back and forth to Italy often on business.
Maria eventually parented 9 children, 4 boys and 5 girls.
Marianna returned to the United States in 1921 with 4 of her children, Assunta, Carmela, Pasquale and Annina.
Marianna was blind in her later years and died after falling through a second floor window that she thought was a door. She is buried in Ascension Cemetery in Jeannette, but interestingly not next to her husband or children.
Anna Delichney Maddalena Di Donato 1819 Annamaria Di Dionisio 1906 - 1983 Anna Kostelnik 76 76 1870 - 1937 Michael Kostelnik 67 67 ~1824 Maria Vincenza Lanzetta Antonio Montefusco 1827 Stella Carolina Montefusco Amato Rega 1896 - 1974 Assunta Rega 78 78 Assunta was born in Dunbar, Pennsylvania, the daughter of Domenico Rega and Maria Angela De Rosa. As a small girl she returned to Italy with her family, returning to America in 1921. The family was from Calvanico, near Salerno and Naples.
There is an Italian tradition was to take one girl from the family, not educate her, and have her act as essentially the maid. This task was given to Assunta. She was by far the best cook of the family. She was a hard worker keeping the house clean and the meals cooked. Her meals were delicious! However, if you believe the "low-fat" camp for healthy nutrition she would not have gotten a gold star! There is another camp that tells the virtue of olive oil so perhaps her meals were healthy enough.
Assunta passed on her excellent cooking skills to all of her daughters.
After their arrival in America her brother Mike Rega invited lots of men over to a party at his house in Mt Pleasant to meet his sisters! Josephine and Assunta were there, and the men got to choose the women that they wanted. Carmine Caparosa went first and chose Josephine and Abele chose Assunta.
Abele and Assunta had 5 children in 7 years, starting with her first born son, Amadeus. Her youngest child was Pearl Mary, born in 1933.
They settled in Jeannette along with many of her siblings.
In 1936 there was an automobile accident involving her husband, two of her children, her brother Patsy and one of his children. This unfortunate accident left Patsy, Abele and his daughter Vita dead. Assunta was widowed at age 40 with 4 small children.
She was able to survive on her husband’s military pension, as well as taking in laundry. Despite the hardship she provided a sound, loving home for her family. In later years her widowed mother came to live with them as well.
She enjoyed spending Sundays and holiday’s with her relatives, and remained very close to her sisters her entire life.
She raised her family on 13th Street in West Jeannette. As her children grew and left home, Assunta eventually moved from the house to an apartment.
Assunta’s oldest child Amadeus left Jeannette after high school, eventually settling in San Jose, California. Assunta would go to San Jose for a few months to visit Amadeus’ and his family.
During her stay she watched "I Love Lucy" every chance she could get and it was often on being in reruns and extremely popular. One of his son’s, Larry, didn't think much of "I Love Lucy" but it was one of Grandma Assunta's favorite shows. As Grandma Assunta made her way to turn on the TV for her daily viewing Larry made the mistake of announcing that it wasn't on. This happened to be a time that another program more to his liking was on. Grandma turned to Larry and said "You Lie!!" She switched on the TV just as Lucy was starting.
Another favorite show of hers was "All Star Wrestling". What was particularly irksome to her was the fact that the wrestlers that were constantly cheating somehow were never caught by the referees. Inexplicably the referees seemed to always unfairly be penalizing the wrestlers who played according to the rules while through some sort of oversight the cheaters somehow got away with their cheating ways in full view of the audience. Unfortunately, due to the inequitable treatment of the "men in black" and the "men in white" the boastful, cheating, incompetent wrestlers seemed to always win. Viewers were invited to see a rematch at the local civic auditorium in the next few days. During her stay Assunta never got to see the rematch.
She also lived with her daughter Pearl and her family for some time. During this period she would bake massive amounts of bread, and have her granddaughter Kim take the bread to ‘the old ladies down the street’. Each Sunday she would make home made pasta for the family
Assunta Rega Tarquinio led a full life, and when she passed away in 1974 she left 4 children and 12 grandchildren to carry on her legacy. Assunta is buried in Sacred Heart Cemetery in Jeannette.
1863 - 1931 Domenico Rega 68 68 The Rega family came to America from Calvanico, Italy. Calvanico is a small town in the foothills of the Apennines Mountains in the province of Salerno

Domenico Rega and two of his brothers, Antonio and Rosario, first came to America in the 1890s, sailing from Napoli. After arriving in New York they made their way to Western Pennsylvania, first settling in the Fayette County towns of Connellsville and Dunbar. Eventually the Rega’s settled primarily in Mt Pleasant, where there are numerous Rega’s to this day.

Domenico was born on the 1st of November, 1863 in Calvanico, Italy, the son of Sabato Antonio Rega and Stella Montefusco. His grandparents were Amato Rega and Stella Citro Rega and Antonio Montefusco and Stella Conforti Montefusco. The family had resided in Calvanico for generations.
Donenico married Maria Angela De Rosa on March 15, 1891. In 1892 their first child, Aniello, was born. He was followed soon after by a daughter, Josephine.
Italy in the late 1800s was a very unstable country. The country had adopted a free trade policy. This policy encouraged the development of agricultural exports but seriously damaged the development of textile manufacturing and other industries in the north. In the south free trade destroyed all the industries that had developed earlier in the century. Italy thus became especially vulnerable to a European agricultural crisis caused by the arrival of cheap North American grain and South American beef in the 1870s and 1880s. The collapse in farm prices devastated small farms throughout Europe, and in Italy the scale of the damage was immense. The first major waves of Italian immigration to North and South America began at this time. The Rega’s were part of this massive migration.
A passport application from 1919 for his son Sabato has given details to the family’s first arrival and departure from America.
This application details Domenico’s arrival in 1895, his subsequent naturalization as a United States citizen on January 6th, 1897 at the Court of Common Pleas in Uniontown, Pennsylvania.
Domenico returned to Italy with his family in 1904.

By the time Domenico returned to Italy in 1904 he and Maria had 4 more children: Assunta (1896), Michele (1898), Sabato (1900) and Antionetta (1903). Their final 3 children Carmela (1906), Pasquale (1909) and Annina (1912) were born back in Calvanico.
Ellis Island immigration records shows Domenico returning to America in 1905 with his brother Rosario, returning to Connellsville.
Another Ellis Island record shows Domenico arriving in America in 1909 with his son Aniello. On this trip he was help up at immigration for a day for a medical condition marked as ‘LPC’. This stood for ‘Lame, Physical/Lungs, Conjunctivitis (Eye infection)’. Upon a further medical inspection he and Aniello were released the next day.

He returned to Italy again in 1912, coming back in 1913, returning again and arriving finally in 1920 with his 2 of his daughters, with the rest of the family arriving in 1921.
The family settled in Mt Pleasant in 1920, but later moved to Jeannette.
He worked in a shoe repair business with his son Patsy in Jeannette. Domenico was a tall, stout man for his time. In the mid 1930s Domenico died of a heart attack and is buried in Ascension Cemetery in Jeannette.
1826 Sabato Antonio Rega 1853 - 1947 Cesidia Rizio 94 94 ~1820 Angelo Sabarese 1834 Maria Guiseppa Sabarese Cornelius John Stasik 1904 - 1976 John Stasik 71 71 Godparents - Joannes Nowotny and Catarina Bijanowski
Name listed as Joannem Stasik. Parents listed as Valentius Stasik and Susanna Stasik

John was born 4 June, 1904 in the coal mining patch town of Trauger, Pennsylvania. He was the 1st child of Valent and Susanna Stasik, although Susanna had two sons from a previous marriage.
John went to school through the 8th grade, then went to work in the A.C. Frick Mine, initially driving mules and digging coal.
As a youth he enjoyed playing baseball, and was reputed to be quite good. He also learned to play the tuba.
In 1930 John married Anna Kostelnik, who was from another coal mine patch town called Dorothy. Anna had been a housekeeper and servant for a wealthy family in Latrobe, the Downings, who owned a bank. For their wedding the Downings permitted Tommy Hantz, a friend, to drive their car to escort the newlyweds.
After his marriage he moved to Dorothy and started working in Latrobe for the American Locomotive Company, in the springs shop. He would start to work very early in the morning, walking the 2 miles into town each day, crossing the trestle at St Vincents school as a shortcut.
John would often help at his wife’s family grocery store. During the busy season he would kill the chickens and dress them for the Kostelnik store. John never learned to drive a car or truck, although he could drive a tractor. He also was an active member of St Vincent church social clubs, participating in bingo games, card parties and picnics at ‘The Grove’.
John and Anna had three children, Cornelius, Lucinda and Virginia. John and Anna rarely got upset over anything. They were very calm, quiet people; the family was always very secretive and didn’t want anyone to know what they had.
John continued working at American Locomotive until he had a stroke in the mid 1960s and retired. John passed away in January, 1976, and is buried in the St Vincent Cemetery, next to his wife of 46 years.
John Stasik Kimberly Ann Stasik 1876 - 1921 William Stasik 45 45 St Florian Death Book - Valent Stasik, of Trauger, PA,died 11-24-21, 51 years Roman Catholic. Original Locus - Velky Vicas Sariska, of heart trouble, buried in St Florian Cemetery, Trauger, PA. Side Note: Ecclesiastica, Sepultura, eo Denegata Fuit

Valent Stasik we believe was born on February 14th,1876 in Vit’az, Slovakia.  When he was born there it was Austria-Hungary, later becoming Czechoslovakia, and finally Slovakia.. A review of the Ellis Island online records show a number of Stasik’s coming from Gloweinka, Poland and settling in Western Pennsylvania, although there are no records of Valent arriving. These immigrants were apparently cousins to Valent.
Vit’az is near the city of Presov, Slovakia. In 1816, Prešov became the seat of an independent Greek-Catholic bishopric, separated from the Muka-tchevo diocese. The new bishopric received a vacant church with a Minorites' monastery, and after several reconstructions these buildings have been basically serving this function till now.
Together with economic development, the city continued its building activities. Within a short time all the damage from the previous period was successfully repaired, and after the whole area of the inner city had completely been built-up, wealthier citizens were building their exotic houses with gardens in the outskirts of the city. A dominant architectural style in the 18th c. was baroque. The most beautiful baroque buildings in the city include the Klobussiczki Palace, the Szirmay Palace, the Governors House, or the reconstructed Church of St. John the Baptist.
After living under the repressive and feudalistic society that existed in the countries of the Carpathian Mountain Region of Galicia at the beginning of the 20th century, a great many of the Carpatho-Rusyn people sought out the "Land of Dreams," America.
In the early 1900's, a large immigration of people took place from the Carpathian Mountain region of Galicia to the coal mining patches of America.
The Carpatho-Rusyn people, as these immigrates from Galicia are known today, arrived in America, after spending up to two weeks at sea as steerage passengers, in the most cramped quarters with hundreds of other passengers. After crossing the ocean they then would sit in New York harbor for days awaiting transport to Ellis Island. The immigration station another experience in this new land, it was also were many of their names were changed, because the immigration officer couldn't spell it or just wrote down what even they thought it should be. After passage through the immigration station they usually boarded a Pennsylvania Railroad train with their only means of knowing where they were going, a slip of paper pinned to their coats, with the name and town of their sponsor written on it. Without knowledge of the language or the country the immigrates migrated to areas were possibly a friend from their village had settled, or areas which resembled their home land as well as jobs they were familiar with in the coal fields of Pennsylvania. Many an unscrupulous coal company agent, after befriending the men, would pin the name and town of the coal company they recruited for to the men's coats, and send them on their way without the men knowing where they were going or where they would end up, thus increasing the agents recruiting fees.
The Anthracite Coal (the hard coal) and Bituminous Coal (the soft coal) mining regions of Pennsylvania, being very active at the turn of the 20th century, were in need of a much larger labor force. The Coal Companies actively sought out this new immigrant labor force, to be exploited, as another new source of cheap labor for the coal mines. Many of the coal companies sent their agents overseas, to central Europe, to recruit the workers they needed for their mines. A great many of the Carpatho-Rusyn immigrants settled in the bituminous coal mining patches in the Western Pennsylvania counties of Cambria, Fayette, Indiana and Westmoreland Counties.
This ethnic concentration of the Carpatho-Rusyn people in this area of western Pennsylvania brought other immigrants from similar backgrounds to it. The Carpatho-Rusyn immigrants brought with them their ethnic arts, talents, customs, and strong religious beliefs. Religion and the celebration of the Holy Days playing an important part in the lives of the Ukranian coal miners.
Valent followed this same path as he arrived in America and settled in Trauger, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. In Trauger, he went to work for the W.C. Frick Coke and Coal Company, eventually becoming a ‘fireman’ in the boiler room. An animosity hung over the laborers. Mostly Poles and Slavs, they struggled with English and with the customs of a strange, new world.  They were welcome to pick up a coal shovel and go to work. But if they dared to ask about pay or safety, they were quickly reminded that plenty of other foreigners with strong backs could replace them.  By word of mouth and in the newspapers, they were often referred to as "Hunkies," a generic slur for Eastern Europeans who were considered dim and unimportant
As immigrants from the Austro-Hungarian Empire migrated to the coal fields of Pennsylvania they developed a great desire for their own Byzantine Churches. At first the Slovaks traveled to the Saint Vincent Monastery at Latrobe, PA to attend church services and for their religious needs. When the Slovak parishes were established in Mount Pleasant, PA and Whitney, PA, they attended those churches. Wishing for a church closer to Trauger, a group of assembled for public worship and requested to be incorporated according to the law on January 1, 1894 under the leadership of Rev. Staphen Dzubayas the St. Mary's Greek Catholic Church. The first place of worship was in a hall in Calumet, PA.  The actual construction of a church building did not begin until 1897 and the small frame building was completed the same year.  As the membership in parish continued to grow the need for a larger church building was felt.  The cornerstone for the present brick church building was laid on August 16, 1914.
The Slovaks attended and paid their fraternal lodge dues there. The first Slovak fraternal lodges were the "National Slovak Society Lodge #59" in United, Pennsylvania and the "National Slovak Society Lodge #177" in Mammoth, Pennsylvania and also Lodge #181, First Catholic Slovak Union, Jednota in United, PA and Lodge #281, First Catholic Slovak Union in Mammoth, PA. In the year 1907 the Slavonic Citizens Club was founded and met regularly.
Sometime before 1904 Valent married Susanna Pacofsky, who had previously been married and had two sons, Nick and Albert. In 1904 his son John was born. Sometime between 1904 and 1910 Valent changed the name of his family from Stasik to Stoker, and started going by the first name of William. The 1910 U.S. Census shows William and Susanna Stoker living in Trauger, with two sons, Bert and John.
Beginning in 1904 William and Susanna had four children together:
John, born 4-June-1904, was given the Slovakian name Joannem.
Stephen was born on December 31, 1905. He was given the name Stephanum. Stephen died on March 3rd, 1907 and was buried in an unmarked child’s grave at St Florian Cemetery in Trauger.
Mary was born on April 20, 1910 with the name of Mariam. She later married Nicholas Harouse, having xx children. Mary too is buried in St Florian Cemetery.
Helen was born on December 10, 1914. After her parents died in the 1920s she moved to Detroit and lived with her ½ brother Nick Pacofsky. Records show she later lived in California with the name of Helen Fontes.
His 1917 World War 1 Draft Card has him as William Stoker, born 14 February 1875, despite the fact his headstone states 14 February 1876.
The 1920 U.S. census shows the growth in his family with his daughters Mary and Helen being born since 1910. His son John still lived with him, as did his wife. They were all still listed as Stoker.
Valent Stasik died November 24, 1921 and is buried at the cemetery in Trauger. When his son was married in 1930 he listed William Stasik as his father.Albert resumed using the name Pacofsky, and John used Stasik the rest of his life.
1892 - 1936 Abele Tarquinio 44 44 It is an official document issued by the Italian Consulate in Pittsburgh , PA , USA dated August 3, 1912. The man who signed the document (can’t read the name) is somebody running the Consulate but is not the Consul because the King (we had a King at that time, wish we could go back…) had not nominated one and this guy was ‘holding’ the position in behalf of the King.

The matter of the document is a result of the medical inspection Mr. Tarquini, Abele, son of Eustachio (father) and Tocci, Cesaria (mum), born on April 10, 1892 in Tocci, which is a small village nearby Pescara. This man has been rejected from the call on duty for that year, andput in the list for the next year 1913 (and this is ridiculous, you will notice later). The handwriting goes ‘insufficient thoracic circumference’ as the motivation for rejection. This is what in the wider right part of the form. The left side carries some physical data. The guywas 1.66 meter (5.462 feet), thoracic circumference 77 centimetres (30.315 inches), brown hair, brown eyes, skin colour regular (mean that he wasn’t black, you would say Caucasian), set of teeth regular, eyebrow brown, front regular (means that he wasn’t a monster, ah ah ah).

Abele was born in Tocco Da Casauria, Italy and immigrated to the U.S. at age 16. He left Napoli on July 23, 1907 on the ship SS Florida.
He went to Jeannette, Pennsylvania where his brother Agapito had come a few years earlier.
Abele was able to find work at the Window House Glass Factory. He worked here for many years until he was drafted to serve in the Army in World War 1.
In 1912 Abele received a waiver from serving in the Italian army. This waiver was received from the Italian Consulate in Pittsburgh dated August 3, 1912. and stated:
The matter of the document is a result of the medical inspection Mr. Tarquini, Abele, son of Eustachio (father) and Tocci, Cesaria (mother), born on April 10, 1892 in Tocco, which is a small village nearby Pescara. This man has been rejected from the call on duty for that year, andput in the list for the next year 1913. The handwriting goes ‘insufficient thoracic circumference’ as the motivation for rejection. This is what in the wider right part of the form. The left side carries some physical data. The guywas 1.66 meter (5.462 feet), thoracic circumference 77 centimetres (30.315 inches), brown hair, brown eyes, skin colour regular (Caucasian), set of teeth regular, eyebrow brown, front regular (normal looking).
Abele served in Company A, 121st Machine Gunners Battalion.
World War 1 had many atriocities, the most prevalent being chemical warfare. Abele was subjected to Mustard Gas, and as a result was disabled the remainder of his life. He received a pension from the army for this.
A few years after his return from the war he met Assunta Rega at a party. They were married a year later.
Abele and Assunta had 5 children over a 9 year period, starting with Amadeus in 1924.
In 1936 he was returning from Mt Pleasant in a car driven by his brother in law Patsy Rega, when they crashed.
The crash resulted in the death of Abele and Patsy, as well as Abele’s young daughter Vita.
1776 - 1852 Eustachio Tarquinio 76 76 1853 - 1919 Eustachio Tarquinio 66 66 The was a person named Eustachio Tarquinio who emigrated to the to Ellis Island in the United States from Italy in 1903 who would have beenthe nearly the same age as Cecidia Tarquinio (Rizio). However, other than his similar age and the same name other evidence indicates he wasnot Cecidia's husband. To my knowledge Cecidia's husband never did emigrate to the United states. By the time Cecida arrived in the United States she was a widow.

The was a person named Eustachio Tarquinio who emigrated to the to Ellis Island in the United States from Italy in 1903 who would have beenthe nearly the same age as Cecidia Tarquinio (Rizio). However, other than his similar age and the same name other evidence indicates he wasnot Cecidia's husband. To my knowledge Cecidia's husband never did emigrate to the United states. By the time Cecida arrived in the United States she was a widow.
1817 Guiseppe Tarquinio 1933 - 2007 Pearl Tarquinio 74 74 Pearl was born in Jeannette on February 19, 1933, the youngest of 5 children of Abele Tarquinio and Assunta Rega Tarquinio.
When she was three years old her father died in an auto accident, along with her oldest sister Vita. Her mother was left to raise the 4 children on her own. Despite these challenges Pearl had a happy childhood, filled with the strong Italian family. She remained close to her family her entire life.
Pearl grew up on the west side of Jeannette, Pennsylvania. They lived on 13th Street.
The family spent most Sunday’s and holidays with relatives.
Pearl attended Gaskill Avenue Elementary School, before moving on to Jeannette High School.
Her 1952 Jeannette Jayhawk high school yearbook talks about Pearl: “Pidegon. . . a gay, charming chatterbox with lots of pals. She was one of Mrs. Boettner’s office helpers this year and also a member of the Grex Club . . . does the impossble by drinking milkshakes and keeping her lovely figure. She’ll stop talking long enough to get a typing job when her typewriter will talk for her
Upon graduation from Jeannette High School she went to California and spent some time with her Aunt Ann and her husband Ralph Mansolino in Los Angeles, as well as some time with her brother Amadeus and his family in San Jose.
She returned to Pennsylvania after a few months, returning to Jeannette. In 1956 she met her future husband Cornelius Stasik, through her friend Helen Osipick. Arrangements had been made for them to meet at a club, which they did. On November 9th, 1957 they were married at Ascension Church in Jeannette, with a reception at the Penn Hotel in Greensburg.
They continued to live with Assunta in West Jeannette until they built the house in Latrobe in 1963.
Once they moved to Latrobe they still returned to Jeannette each weekend to visit Assunta in her apartment upstairs from an Italian family in Jeannette. There was an ever present smell of spaghetti sauce from the people downstairs.
On July 22nd, 1961 her daughter Kimberly Ann was born. In 1964 a second daughter Caroline Ann was born.
When Pearl’s mother became elderly and ill she came to live with the family. Pearl always made dinner, but her mother would often bake, usually for the entire neighborhood.
Pearl and her husband develop strong relationships with their long time neighbors, especially Betty Karazak. If her children’s homework was too complex, they were sent across the street to Betty’s.
The Stasik home had many parties, especially on the 4th of July. Pearl was an excellent cook and the neighbors looked forward to coming over for the food.
Her husband was of Slovakian descent, and Pearl wasn’t always thrilled to go to the Kostelniks and Stasik’s for food, because it was so different from the Italian food she grew up with.
Pearl was very structured in her daily life. Dinner was always at 5:00PM.
Since the family only had 1 car until the 1970s, they would have family trips to the grocery store, usually the Thoroughfare Store on Lincoln Avenue in Latrobe. She was very diligent in her collection of Green Stamps at the store, giving the children the responsibility of gluing them into the books. Once full, they would visit the Green Stamp store in Greensburg, where Kim and Caroline were permitted to buy items with them.
Pearl always insisted on the best quality foods for her family and would seek out the markets that could provide these. They would go to Couch’s meat market for all their meat. She would have the butcher cut it exactly to her specifications. She maintained a lifetime skill of being an excellent cook. She fed everyone. When she had the kitchen wallpapered she made sure the person who hung the wallpaper was fed lunch. If someone came to fix the furnace she fed them too.

While a stay at home mom, she enjoyed watching the children in their backyard pool, watching daytime soap operas and reading romance novels given to her by her sister in law Josie,
Betty got her involved in the church basketball league, and Pearl played basketball and was reputed to be good.
She started working at her sister Jessie’s restaurant, Lakeview, in the early 1970s. This job became a fixture for her for the rest of her life. Pearl, Connie and the girls all spent considerable time working there. Both of her daughter’s had their wedding receptions at Lakeview.
Despite the fact they weren’t well off financially, she always made sure her daughters had nice clothes.
Her love of cooking wasn’t restricted to people. When her daughter’s family acquired a dog and would bring it to her house on visits, she would cook especially for the dog. She often made the dog scrambled eggs, using ‘Egg Beaters’ so the dog wouldn’t get high cholesterol.
Pearl provided love and care to her immediate and extended family her entire life. She passed away June 23rd, 2007.
1750 Vincenzo Tarquinio 1895 Raymond Emerson Deem Warren Deem Carol Deem Nugent Sylvia Irene Bare Anna M McKnight 1858 - 1921 Sarah Adeline Estes 63 63 1885 - 1955 Lula M Deem 70 70 1878 - 1969 Jessie A Deem 91 91 1881 - 1886 Mary Ethel Deem 4 4 Wilbert H B Hammond 1918 - 1970 Ilene Ethel Deem 51 51 1924 - 1977 Robert Edward Deem 52 52 Alice May Duvall Hiram Deem David Bruce Deem Claude Deem 1844 - 1912 John Thomas Barnes 68 68 1877 - 1958 Minnie Barnes 81 81 1881 - 1973 John Alexander Barnes 92 92 1886 - 1932 Martha Marchie Barnes 46 46 1887 - 1969 Jennings Barnes 82 82 1878 - 1968 Clarence Sherman Rogers 90 90 1921 - 2007 Blanche Rogers 85 85 Vesta Pearl Rogers 1908 - 10 Sept 1995 Howard Cecil Rogers 1911 - 2007 Roxie Rogers 96 96 1914 - 2002 Calvin Rogers 88 88 1917 - 2005 Dulcie Rogers 87 87 1917 - 1996 Roy Lee Shamblin 79 79 Melvin Smith Shamblin Addie Leota Drake Jimmy Lee Shamblin Helen Marie Shamblin Merlin Dale Shamblin 1942 - 1942 Wanda Carol Shamblin 1d 1d 1953 - 2008 Bobby Gene Shamblin 55 55 Russell Wade Shamblin Linda Carol Thomas Jeffrey Allen Shamblin Ronald Lee Shamblin Justin Matthew Shamblin 1920 - 2008 Carolyn Cook 88 88 May Hunter Cook 1915 - 2008 Juanita Faye Deem 93 93 1911 - 1948 George Edward Kirk 36 36 1920 - 1986 Faye Howard Davis 66 66 Earl George Magerstadt Edith Mahoney Edith Magerstadt Erin Reed D. 1930 Calvin N Deem James Ernest Wyche Gertrude Josephine Baldwin Phyllis Hope Wyche George Monroe Dawson Bonnie Joy Dawson 1785 - 1845 James Wyche 59 59 1789 - 1869 Pamela Evans 80 80 1807 - 1880 John Jenkins Wyche 73 73 1808 - 1811 Martha Hendricks Wyche 3 3 1812 - 1883 Peter Peters Wyche 71 71 1813 - 1888 Parry Wayne Wyche 75 75 1816 - 1880 Ira Thomas Wyche 64 64 1818 - 1862 Elizabeth Jenkins Wyche 44 44 1820 - 1889 Louisa Young Wyche 69 69 1821 - 1887 George Edward Wyche 66 66 1823 - 1904 Robert Henry Wyche 81 81 1825 - 1910 Cyril Granville Wyche 85 85 1827 - 1863 Dr Bevil Granville Wyche 36 36 1831 - 1857 Charles Humphreys Wyche 26 26 1748 - 1803 Peter Wyche 55 55 1755 - 1816 Elizabeth Jenkins 61 61 1775 - 1843 Ann Harrison 68 68 1806 - 1857 Richard Henry Lewis 50 50 1812 - 1897 Martha Hoskins 84 84 1797 - 1797 Peggy Lewis 30d 30d 1799 - 1804 Peggy Harrison Lewis 5 5 1801 - 1882 Elizabeth Figures Lewis 81 81 Spier Whitaker 1804 - 1842 John Wesley Lewis 38 38 1811 - 1895 Emma Lewis 84 84 1814 - 1875 Exum Lewis III 61 61 1816 - 1866 Kenelm Harrison Lewis 49 49 1819 - 1910 William Figures Lewis 90 90 1809 - 1879 Catherine Ann Battle 69 69 D. 1840 Mary Eliza Foreman Lucy Hunter Patty Hunter John Francis Speight 1804 - 1860 Jane Cotten 56 56 1842 - 1884 Elizabeth Heritage Bryan 42 42 1842 - 1884 Ann Eliza Barlow 42 42 1760 - 1812 Mary Rebecca Lewis 52 52 1769 - 1830 Sallie Ann Figures Lewis 61 61 1775 - 1814 Green Lewis 39 39 1778 - 1813 Bartholomew Lewis 35 35 1782 - 1830 Edwin Lewis 48 48 1782 - 1863 Margaret Budreaux 81 81 1765 - 1851 James David Moore Jr 86 86 Edith Ann Olive Brennan Lee Binkley Dr Robert Wilson King 1930 - 2009 Billy Gene Bowry 78 78 J. Dianne Bowry Janeen Bowry Joan D. Bowry Jill Bowry Rick Bowry Robert Modestt David Barrett David Florence Matt Sams Carlton Ray Binkley Allison Magerstadt Olive Elizabeth Deem 1816 James G Deem Sr 1816 Patrick Deem 1818 Louisiana Deem Rosanna Deem 1827 Jacob Abraham Deem Jr 1830 Cpt. David Deem II David appears in the 1890 Veterans Census and states he served 21 years, 10 months. Possible that David was a Career Army officer as he was a Captain in the Civil War. He served with the 11th West Virginia Infantry (Federal). He was wounded on 9/3/1863 at West Fork. At the time of his wounding, he was the Commander of Comapny E, 11th WV Infantry (Federal). 1832 - 1913 Susan Deem 80 80 1834 Roue Deem ? 1835 HIram Deem 1838 - 1864 William M Deem 26 26 William died of disease while still on active duty with Company E, 11th WV Infantry (federal). 1814 - 1870 Mary Catherine Roberts 56 56 Mary Lazure 1833 Permelier T Lopier 1818 - 1863 William Robert Jenkins 45 45 1825 M Rachel Jenkins 1827 - 1909 Benjamin Boyce Nutter 82 82 1840 - 1904 Nancy Clarinda Lewis 64 64 1842 Elizabeth Deem 1843 - 1937 Jacob Deem 94 94 1846 Abraham Deem 1847 Isaac Deem 1849 - 1870 Andrew Jackson Deem 21 21 1851 Nancy Deem 1853 Catharine Deem 1858 - 1937 William M Deem 79 79 1861 Mary L Deem 1859 - 1941 Phoebe Cunningham 82 82 1849 - 1874 Amanda M Cunningham 25 25 1842 - 1913 Mary Elizabeth Barr 70 70 1852 Savilla Shepard 1821 - 1910 Hartley W Shepard 89 89 1827 Susanna A Smith Joseph H Smith Catherine Sheppard 1847 Eliza Shepard 1849 Catharine Shepard 1850 Nancy Shepard 1856 Sarah A Shepard 1856 Isaiah Shepard 1858 - 1936 Joseph W Shepard 78 78 1860 Minerva Shepard 1863 Docia Shepard 1866 James Shepard 1867 Mary Shepard 1870 Margaret Shepard 1853 David Martin 1874 Elmer E Martin 1876 Frank D Martin 1878 Freddie J Martin 1880 Oscar K Martin 1863 - 1893 Annie Laura Anderson 29 29 1873 Marie Vanfossen Full Grace Shepard 1883 - 1956 Oleta Gertrude Shepard 73 73 1885 - 1930 Ruby Agnes Shepard 44 44 1890 - 1966 Dora Edna Shepard 75 75 1892 Wilelma Shepard 1873 - 1948 John Newton Grimm 75 75 1912 - 1977 Walter Lloyd Deem 64 64 1914 - 1933 Albert Clarence Deem 19 19 1914 - 1981 Delbert Claire Deem 67 67 1918 - 2004 Ada Lois Deem 85 85 1920 - 1997 Elma Anna Deem 76 76 1923 - 1997 Audra Edna Deem 73 73 1925 - 2000 Velma Mae Deem 75 75 1928 - 2001 Eleanor Grace Deem 73 73 1930 - 1930 William Arthur Deem 5d 5d Effie Ethel Deem 1882 - 1955 John William Deem 73 73 1887 - 1967 Roscoe Issiah Deem 80 80 1889 - 1986 Sarah Elizabeth White 97 97 McClellan Otto Iva Wile 1885 - 1983 Mary Oakley McHenry 98 98 1908 - 1988 Beulah Fay Deem 79 79 Roy E Hoyler Sr D. 2009 Norma Jean Hoyler Roy Edgar Hoyler Jr D. 1991 Robert Vail Jr Debra Vail Robert S Vail III Terje Blackwell Carol Robert Vail IV Dakota Vail 1922 - 1970 Christopher Bartzokas 48 48 Perry Alden Clark Thomas Franklin Moore Jr 1897 - 1969 Thomas Franklin Moore Sr 72 72 Jamie E Hall 1861 - 1952 Allen Simpson Moore 90 90 1863 - 1926 Mary Elizabeth Butler 63 63 1880 Cora M Moore 1884 Ella Moore 1885 - 1919 Ora Bell Moore 34 34 1885 Okey Dell Moore 1888 - 1965 Elva G Moore 77 77 1890 - 1969 Annie M Moore 79 79 1892 - 1969 William Howard Moore 77 77 1898 Edith Moore Albert Moore French McCartney 1904 Herbert McCartney 1910 Ralph McCartney 1911 Pearl McCartney Noble McCartney Latricia Sharon Bonnett Bryan Allen Deem Connie Lee Haines Matthew Sean Deem Todd Andrew Deem Nicky Thomas Deem Cheryl Luann Graham Brandon Keith Deem Ashley Nicole Deem Vonbophasomrith Svay Madison Deem Ronald Lee Fuller Logan Parker Fuller Abigail Lee Ann Fuller Alexander Nicholas Howes Fuller 1902 Iva Irene Grimm 1904 Garnet Isabell Grimm 1907 George Washington Grimm 1909 Grace Marie Grimm Clarence Earl Grimm Homer Bascom Grimm Mary Gertrude Grimm Clarence Roy Buchanan C Jackson Buchanan Doshia Annetta Shepard 1922 Glen Edward Buchanan 1924 Lloyd Clinton Buchanan 1927 Pauline Mae Buchanan 1929 - 1929 Alice Gae Buchanan 1930 - 1931 George Clifford Buchanan 11m 11m 1905 - 1934 Dallas Martin 28 28 1941 - 2010 Beverly Ann Sams 68 68 Kenneth Clayton Connolly Kimmy Lynn Connolly 1961 - 1961 Kay Ann Connolly 5m 5m Kenneth Scott Connolly Shawn Anderson Connolly Nellie Boice D. 1966 Robert Deem Jo Ann Deem 1941 - 2008 Shirley Deem 66 66 1943 Harry Fred Deem Claudia Ann Sams Claude O Sams Anna Hofman Robert Cox Rev Larry Linebarger Laresa Linebarger Melinda Linebarger Aliea Linebarger 1917 - 2006 Erna Mildred Norman 89 89 Forest Stemple John W Norman Elizabeth Smith 1920 - 2002 Edna Letha Grady 81 81 Clarence Ray Deem Norma June Deem Donna Evelyn Deem Elsie Kay Denman Larry Deem Wanza Kay Deem David Ray Deem Robert Francis Stump Robert Barry Stump Leroy Stump 1910 - 1936 Bernice Lobaugh 26 26 William Charles McGregor Janice Horner Tracey Arline McGregor Lori June McGregor William Christopher McGregor Robert Edward Weekley Kelly Weekley Angie Weekley John M Weekley Garnet Monday William Edward Kirk George Richard Kirk Clinton Wayne Kirk Romie Lee Kirk Harold Dean Kirk Vera Jean Kirk Gerald Robert Kirk Macel Ann Kirk Edna Mae Kirk John Paul Kirk 1932 - 2004 Eleanor Grace Kirk 71 71 1945 - 1945 David Edward Kirk 1m 1m Lynda Lee Conaway Jeffrey Kirk Cyndi Kirk Jo Ann White Marilyn Kitts Eleanor Grace Loscar 1887 - 1960 Lambert Stewart 73 73 Patricia Evelyn Stewart Penny Lynn Stewart Regina Kay Stewart Delmar Osburn Tonnie Osburn Jeff Stevenson Greg Osburn 1958 - 1993 Rick G Osburn 35 35 Fred L Lemley 1914 - 1994 Dale Frances Lemon 80 80 Robert Glen Roberts 1827 - 1917 Cpt. David Deem 90 90 1837 Martin Deem 1834 - 1922 Thomas Deem 88 88 1839 - 1861 Lucinda Deem 22 22 1845 - 1891 Artimisia Mallison Deem 45 45 1826 - 1865 Lurainey Bailey 39 39 1837 - 1915 Sarah Jane Cullom Roach 78 78 1840 - 1859 Mary Jane Robinson 19 19 1836 - 1907 Annie Mariah King 70 70 1837 Mary R Pribble 1835 Joshua Perrin 1849 - 1929 Dorcas Deem 80 80 1850 - 1920 Theodore Wilson Deem 69 69 1853 Monroe Paris Deem 1856 - 1948 Elizabeth Virginia Deem 92 92 1858 - 1941 Olivia Anna Deem 83 83 1861 Lucinda Deem 1863 Malana Bird Deem 1844 - 1915 Amos Perrin 71 71 1850 - 1926 Caroline M Morgan 75 75 1848 - 1921 Alvus Woofter Smith 72 72 1840 John Thomas Utterback Jasper N Haddox Charles N Morgan Elizabeth Snyder 1868 Lucy A Deem 1873 - 1953 Charles Morgan Deem 80 80 1874 - 1941 Augustus Deem 66 66 1877 - 1957 Daisey Isabel Deem 79 79 1879 - 1947 Thomas Emanuel Deem 68 68 1881 Mary Bessie Deem 1883 Okey Deem ? 1885 Emma G Deem 1888 - 1959 Harry Gilbert Deem 71 71 1891 Elizabeth Pearl Deem 1891 Laura Deem 1896 Garfield Riggs 1893 Lorentz W Hollen 1895 - 1975 Mayme Bliss Bush 80 80 1884 Wattie Everett Rymer 1883 Sina Ann Gump 1885 Pearl M Robey 1871 - 1925 Mary M Warden 54 54 1875 - 1951 Laura Isabella Shannon 75 75 1867 Harrison Ellsworth DeVaughn 1918 - 1943 Harry Gilbert Deem Jr 25 25 Was in the US Army Air Force in WWII. Killed in action over Romania.

Inducted From: West Virginia 
Rank: Corporal 
Combat Organization: 343rd Bomber Squadron 98th Bomber 

U.S. Awards: Purple Heart Medal
Air Medal
Distinguished Flying Cross 

Burial: Florence American Cemetery and Memorial, Florence, Italy
1923 - 1984 Robert Lee Deem 60 60 1915 - 1987 Mary Katherine Yowell 72 72 June Guinn Gary Wayne Deem Michael Louis Deem William Mason Deem Sue Deem 1953 - 2009 Rose A Moneypenny 56 56 Russell Moneypenny Audra A McCown Gerald L Williams Lewis McHenry Martha Amos 1910 - 1966 Eugene Warren Deem 55 55 1915 - 1993 Fredrick Charles Deem 78 78 1916 - 2006 Ruth Elizabeth Deem 90 90 1917 - 2002 William Blaine Pearson 84 84 1918 - 2007 Frances Evelyn Deem 88 88 1915 - 2002 Robert L Summers 87 87 Robert Michael Summers Steven Patrick Summers Kathy D Summers Lou Ann Summers 1924 - 1996 Lena Alice Deem 72 72 1925 Herbert Lee Roush Marion Emily Winnigar 1904 - 1985 Harry Roosevelt Deem 80 80 1909 - 2007 Virginia Deem 98 98 Alice Crozier Donald W Pearson Dwight Pearson Connie Pearson Barbara Pearson Bud Cullum Jim Christain Mike Swatzel Bill Hamrick 1916 - 2000 Gladys L Dickerson 84 84 James Deem Mary Louise Amy L Deem Billie Ruth Hoyler Mary Frances Hoyler Vivian L Hoyler M Wayne Rice Herbert L Roush Jr Timothy P Roush Jonathan P Roush Jason S Roush Joseph A Roush Jennifer I Roush Beth D Roush Hanna L Roush James Alfred Jones Tyler III Kimble Samantha Dee Kimble Russell William Branca Niko Loretta Branca Gladys Masker James Masker Hope Michele Masker James Masker D. 2009 Jacob L Masker Rebecca Masker Kim Alicia Masker Emma Masker 1699 - 1807 Samuel Dalton Sr 108 108 Anne 1737 - 1819 William Dalton 82 82 1738 - 1790 Samuel Dalton Jr 52 52 1740 - 1820 David Dalton Sr 80 80 1742 - 1838 Letitia Dalton 95 95 1746 - 1836 Rachel Dalton 90 90 1748 - 1841 Mary Dalton 93 93 1752 - 1791 Nancy Ann Dalton 39 39 1754 - 1841 Sarah Matilda Dalton 87 87 1755 - 1827 Virginia Jane Dalton 72 72 Robert Dalton Charles Dalton 1744 Rachel Harris D. 1827 William Dalton 1761 - 1844 Lucy Dalton 82 82 1765 Nancy Dalton 1765 - 1855 Robert Dalton 90 90 1768 Elizabeth Dalton 1770 - 1864 Thomas Dalton 94 94 1776 Mary Dalton 1780 Charlotte Dalton 1787 Francis Dalton 1790 John Dalton 1793 Sarah Dalton Suckey Hughes John Dickinson 1746 - 1805 Charlotte Gallahue 59 59 Adonijah Harbour 1768 - 1822 William Gallihue Dalton 54 54 1770 - 1838 Nicholas Dalton 67 67 1772 Samuel Dalton III 1773 - 1840 Ann Kenner Dalton 67 67 1775 - 1858 John Dalton 83 83 1777 - 1833 Jane Dalton 56 56 1779 Elizabeth Dalton 1782 - 1859 Mary Dalton 76 76 1788 - 1821 Ewell Dalton 33 33 1789 Mourning Kenner Dalton 1742 - 1810 Susanna Davis 68 68 Eleanor Goode 1766 Elizabeth Dalton 1770 - 1823 Isaac Dalton 53 53 1771 Isham Dalton 1773 Eliza Dalton 1775 - 1821 Jonathan Dalton 46 46 1775 - 1820 Nancy Dalton 45 45 1777 - 1824 Charles Dalton 47 47 1778 Mary Dalton 1779 Nancy Dalton 1780 Susanna Dalton Susannah Garth Elizabeth Thompson Walton John Smith 1777 Sarah Sally Winston Thomas Carr 1769 - 1823 Absalom Dalton II 54 54 1738 - 1801 Matthew Moore 63 63 John Moore Mary Jouett John Moore Matthew Moore Jr 1762 - 1848 Ann Moore 86 86 1764 - 1834 Samuel Moore 70 70 Letitia Moore 1767 - 1863 Mary Moore 95 95 1768 - 1817 Reuben Moore 49 49 1770 - 1855 Edward Moore 85 85 David Moore 1775 - 1867 William Moore 92 92 1777 Elizabeth Moore 1780 - 1816 Tucker Woodson Moore 36 36 John Moore 1785 - 1844 Gabriel Moore 59 59 U.S. Congressman 1821-1829
Governor of Alabama 1829-1831
U.S. Senator 1831-1835
1792 - 1877 Matthew Redd Moore 85 85 1769 - 1820 Elizabeth Strother Gaines 51 51 1763 - 1840 Ambrose Gaines 76 76 D. 1807 Mary Ann Edwards Susannah Chiles Martin 1777 Jean Tyson 1780 - 1839 Mary Martin 58 58 Johnson Clement Mary Parham Caller 1803 - 1888 Maria McKenzie 85 85 1738 - 1808 Rev William Martin 70 70 1785 - 1855 Samuel Martin 70 70 1781 William Martin 1777 - 1842 Sally Martin 65 65 1776 - 1860 John Hughes 84 84 1747 - 1796 Archaelaus Hughes 49 49 D. 1819 John Harbour Thomas Adonijah Harbour II Samuel Harbour Sarah Jane Harbour Anne Harbour William Gardner P A Walker John Harrelson William Gallahue Ann Kenner 1741 - 1817 Cpt Jonathan Hanby 75 75 1770 - 1857 Susannah Hanby 86 86 1771 - 1808 John Hanby 37 37 1773 - 1863 Mary Hanby 90 90 1775 - 1857 Nancy Hanby 81 81 1778 - 1806 David Hanby 28 28 1781 - 1846 Samuel Hanby 65 65 1783 - 1817 Jan Hanby 34 34 1785 - 1838 Gabriel Hanby 53 53 1787 - 1842 Sarah Dalton Hanby 55 55 1789 - 1841 William Hanby 52 52 1761 - 1845 William Carter 84 84 1783 - 1840 Catherine Fulkerson 57 57 1762 - 1838 Nathaniel Smith 76 76 1771 - 1852 Thomas Mitchell 81 81 Polly Koger 1771 - 1819 William Moore 47 47 1804 - 1845 Frances Pearson 41 41 1794 Sarah Waller 1745 - 1827 Pvt David Hanby 82 82 1775 John Hanby 1780 Samuel Hanby 1783 Nancy Hanby 1786 Gabriel Hanby Elizabeth Tatum Sarah Carter Charles Clement Nancy Horn Sallie Woods Rachel Dalton Ellender Dalton Thomas Dalton Sarah Dalton Elizabeth Dalton William Dalton Jr John Dalton Frances Dalton 1756 - 1823 John Watts 67 67 Jacob Watts Elizabeth Durrett 1782 - 1846 Nancy Watts 64 64 Cpt Hamon Critz Jr Gabriel Critz D. 1815 Mary Dutherage Charlotte Joyce 1804 - 1891 Cpt William Dalton 86 86 James Dalton Robert Dalton Sarah Dalton Garrett Watts Terisha Turner Sumpter Turner John Preston John K Joyce James Dowell 1770 Thomas Stone Robert Stone James Dowell Samuel Dowell Delilah Holstain 1774 - 1864 Rachel Hunter 90 90 1794 - 1874 Samuel A Dalton 80 80 1796 James Hunter Dalton 1798 Mary McFarland Dalton 1799 Charlotte Gallihue Dalton 1801 Ewel Gallihue Dalton 1803 Leander Hughes Dalton 1805 - 1900 Robert Hunter Dalton 95 95 1808 Nancy Kenner Dalton 1811 Elizabeth Dalton 1813 John Hunter Dalton 1815 Susan S Dalton 1817 Nicholas Dalton 1819 Pleasant Hunter Dalton Sarah Strong Nancy Matilda Stovall Jane Martin Henderson John Julius Martin Dr Thomas Rossborough Richard Perrin Caldwell Absalom Scales Charlotte Gallahue Scales John Scales Joseph Scales Nicholas D Scales Jane Scales Nancy Kenner Scales Absalom Scales Noah Scales Samuel Scales Lucy Fields Sally B Sayers Rebecca Ladd Fannie Webb Eliza Cody John Bellafant David Sayers Nancy Martin Mary B Sayers 0180 Charlotte Henry Dalton 1782 - 1853 Elizabeth W Gentry 71 71 Watson Gentry Theodisha Poindexter Madison Hughes Dalton 1794 - 1823 John Gallihue Harbour 28 28 1797 - 1831 Samuel Dalton Harbour 33 33 1803 - 1874 Ann Kenner Harbour 70 70 1806 - 1827 Thomas Adonijah Harbour III 21 21 1809 - 1813 Ewell Harbour 3 3 1810 Charlotta Jane Harbour Lucinda Burnett Thomas Singletary Cantey George W Willis Valentine Claxton Martin Thomas Martin David Martin Nicholas Martin Samuel Martin Henry Martin Charlotte Martin Elizabeth Martin 1804 - 1858 Charlotte Gallihue Harbour 53 53 1806 - 1888 Ann Dalton Harbour 82 82 1808 - 1859 John A Harbour 50 50 1810 - 1864 Mary E Harbour 54 54 1812 - 1893 Jane Kenner Harbour 81 81 Pleasant J Harbour 1816 - 1859 Ewell Dalton Harbour 43 43 Wade Hampton Richardson Jarred Nelson Richardson Tullia Johnson Mary P Thompson Dr Calvin B McGoun James Hill John R Williams Mary Eliza Haile Lertie Maria Flower D. 1844 Samuel Dalton 1765 - 1833 John Fendall Carr 68 68 1777 - 1812 Bethina Scales 34 34 Joseph Scales Anna Perkins Madison Dalton ? Susannah Dalton Joanna Dalton William Dalton Julian Dalton 1769 - 1855 Absalom Bostick 86 86 Absalom Bostick Bethania Perkins D. 1868 Johathan Smith Bostick Bethenia Bostick Elizabeth Bostick Nancy Bostick D. 1841 Absalom Bostick Susannah Davis Bostick David Dalton Bostick Annie Thorne Maude Jean Grim Scott Grim D. 1848 Bethenia B Dalton 1806 Isaac Davis Dalton 1809 David Nicholas Dalton 1811 - 1844 Susanna Dalton 32 32 1813 Thomas Hardin Preston Dalton 1815 Perkins Dalton 1820 Don Ferdinand Dalton 1827 - 1885 Christina Melissa Dalton 58 58 1829 - 1845 Mary Dalton 16 16 1817 - 1889 John Absalom Bostick Dalton 72 72 Martha Ann Matthews John P Smith 1758 - 1826 Col John Hughes 67 67 1790 - 1854 Letitia Dalon Hughes 64 64 Joseph West Winston 1782 - 1828 William McCraw 45 45 Jacob McCraw Elizabeth Waller 1820 - 1892 Jonathan Hardin McCraw 72 72 1825 Mary Bythenia Jackson D. 1848 Josiah Huckstep 1802 - 1876 William G Huckstep 74 74 1815 - 1855 Frances Ann White 40 40 Mary Jane Critz D. 1875 Mary Polly Jones Charles Jones Mary King 1834 - 1909 Lewis Martin Vest 74 74 1840 - 1919 Mary Jane Schaub 79 79 1870 - 1957 Eliza Jane Vest 86 86 1877 - 1953 Sarah Cornelia Vest 75 75 Ruth Arick Donald Arick 1910 - 1961 Harold D Arick 51 51 1905 - 1979 Faye A Arick 74 74 Marjorie Arick Dorothy Arick Oscar Williams Vivian 1911 - 1988 Marjorie J Arick 77 77 Lee Slider Barbara Robert May Nellie Hiene Ann Katherine Tyler Oda Burdette Mabel Jenkins 1944 - 2011 William Parker Deem 67 67 Larry Deem Elda Deem Chester Deem Jackie Deem James Alfred Jones Tyler Jr Whitt Benjamin Alexander Tyler Jeanalyn Grasciadas Basid Ashlea Nicole Smith Ella Marie 1915 - 2000 Lillian I Deem 85 85 1923 - 2003 Maj Kenneth J Schartz 80 80 1927 - 2005 Treva L Saunders 78 78 1898 - 1974 Nicholas Albert Schartz 76 76 1902 - 1987 Aileen A Monahan 84 84 Daniel James Greydanus 1943 - 2016 Gaye Aquilino 72 72 Charles Aquilino Dorthea Marie MacDonald Daniel Greydanus Christopher Greydanus John Greydanus 1977 - 2018 James Greydanus 40 40 Erin D. 2017 Bobbi Ace Annette Edward Bell Alice L Palmer Labato Christina Labato Michael Steuhl Ethan Steuhl Fayth Steuhl
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