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Family Subtree Diagram : GenoMap1

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not see a GRAPHIC IMAGE of a family tree here but are seeing this text instead then it is most probably because the web server is not correctly configured to serve svg pages correctly. see for information on how to correctly configure a web server for svg files. ? Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) (two children) Marriage (a child) (two children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) 1888 Suller Erzsébet Szűts Endre Szúts Ferenc Szűts Mihály Kriegler Anna Szüts Mihály 1843 - 1911 Szalay Erzsébet 68 68 1876 - 1966 Szüts Johanna 90 90 1884 - 1971 Szüts Margit 87 87 D. 1914 Szüts Sándor Mihály 1905 - 1993 Hatos Ilona 88 88 1870 - UNKNOWN Hatos Károly 1883 - 1966 Fazekas Erzsébet 82 82 UNKNOWN Martinek István 1887 - 1973 Győrfi István(3) 86 86 UNKNOWN - 1987 Hatos Margit ? Fazekas János Hochmann Barbara Julianna Hochmann Mihály Schmidt Karolina Hocmann Erzsébet Molnár Ágnes Molnár Márton Kátay Rzália Suller János Zatkay Rozália Suller András Created using GenoPro® Click for details.