Свернуть/развернуть примечания Свернуть/развернуть подробности

Источники и ссылки

БД - тел. база г. Москвы

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL <http://www.nomer.org/moskva>

БД - тел. база г. С-Петербург

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL


The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

БД Пермской обл.

The cited information was sourced from Electronic Document (email, file)

ВОВ. Документы, уточняющие потери. ЦАМО. Теньковский РВК

The cited information was sourced from Census

ВОВ. Документы, уточняющие потери. ЦАМО. Ф.58.Оп.18004.Д.2182.

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL <http://www.obd-memorial.ru> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

ВОВ. Документы, уточняющие потери. ЦАМО. Ф.58.Оп.18004.Д.590.

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL <http://www.obd-memorial.ru> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

ВОВ. Документы, уточняющие потери. ЦАМО. Ф.58.Оп.18004.Д.871.

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL <http://www.obd-memorial.ru> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

ВОВ. Документы, уточняющие потери. ЦАМО. Ф.58.Оп.977521.Д.245.

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL <http://www.obd-memorial.ru> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

ВОВ. Документы, уточняющие потери. ЦАМО. Ф.58.Оп.977522.Д.250.

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL <http://www.obd-memorial.ru> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

ВОВ. Донесения о безвозвратных потерях. ЦАМО. Ф.33.Оп.11458.Д.742.

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL <http://www.obd-memorial.ru> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

ВОВ. Донесения о безвозвратных потерях. ЦАМО. Ф.58.Оп.18001.Д.171.

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL <http://www.obd-memorial.ru> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

ВОВ. Донесения о безвозвратных потерях. ЦАМО. Ф.58.Оп.18001.Д.301.

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL <http://www.obd-memorial.ru> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

ВОВ. Донесения о безвозвратных потерях. ЦАМО. Ф.58.Оп.18002.Д.786.

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL <http://www.obd-memorial.ru> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

ВОВ. Донесения о безвозвратных потерях. ЦАМО. Ф.58.Оп.18003.Д.576.

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL <http://www.obd-memorial.ru> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

ВОВ. Донесения о безвозвратных потерях. ЦАМО. Ф.58.Оп.18004.Д.24.

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL <http://www.obd-memorial.ru> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

ВОВ. Донесения о безвозвратных потерях. ЦАМО. Ф.58.Оп.818883.Д.435.

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL <http://www.obd-memorial.ru> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

ВОВ. Информация из медицинского документа. ЦАМО. Ф.58.Оп.А-71693.Д.1597.

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL <http://www.obd-memorial.ru> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

ВОВ. Информация о военнопленном. ЦАМО. Ф.58.Оп.977520.Д.2644.

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL <http://www.obd-memorial.ru> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

ВОВ. Книга памяти Пермской обл.

The cited information was sourced from Book

ВОВ. Книга памяти Пермской обл. Том 11

The cited information was sourced from Book

ВОВ. Книга памяти Республики Татарстан. Том 4

The cited information was sourced from Book <http://www.ipc.antat.ru/>

ВОВ. Приказы об исключении из списков. ЦАМО. Ф.33.Оп.563783.Д.33.

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL <http://www.obd-memorial.ru> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

ВОВ. Список захоронения погибших. ВМЦ № 53-355

The cited information was sourced from Deed

ВОВ. Список захоронения погибших. ВМЦ № З375-70

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL <http://www.obd-memorial.ru> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.


The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record)

Документ - Паспорт

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record)

Документ - свидетельство о смерти

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record)

Документ - Справка о рождении из ЗАГСа

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record)

Документ - Справка о смерти из ЗАГСа

записи Давыдовой Ольги Ивановны

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record)

Информатор: Ачидекова (Тимшина) Людмила Михайловна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Бокий Максим Юрьевич

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Бочкарева (Широких) Наталья Владимировна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Братчикова (Белкина) Надежда Николаевна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Буторина (Учетова) Лидия Валентиновна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Гоплачева (Бериева) Светлана Асланбековна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Давыдов Андрей Валерьевич

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Давыдов Борис Петрович

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Давыдов Владимир Геннадьевич

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Давыдов Вячеслав Николаевич

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Давыдов Денис Владимирович

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Давыдов Сергей Васильевич

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Давыдова (Кочеткова) Елена Петровна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Давыдова (Литвиненко) Татьяна Васильевна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Демидова Людмила Михайловна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Дзайнуков Алихан Бепбаевич

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Дзайнуков Владислав Владимирович

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Докшукина (Шорова) Зоя Кешевна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Дохов Михаил Тутович

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Дублева (Салькова) Татьяна Геннадьевна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Кантемиров Джамал Хуцукович (генеалогическая схема)

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record)

Информатор: Кондрашина (Астафьева) Галина Петровна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Корякина (Харитонова) Руфина Валентиновна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Кудаев Анатолий Шамсадинович

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Кудаев Жанхот Валерьевич

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Кудаев Магомет Тауканович

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Кудаев Малик Асланбекович

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Кудаев Роман Магометович

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Кудаев Руслан Владимирович

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Кудаева (Магас) Татьяна Ивановна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Кудаева Мадина Мухажировна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Кудаева Саида Мухажировна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Левченко (Давыдова) Маргарита Ивановна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Леднев Анатолий Всеволодович

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Леднев Дмитрий Анатольевич

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Леднева (Давыдова) Ольга Николаевна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Литвиненко (Святная) Нина Федоровна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Литвиненко Николай Григорьевич

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Лысенко (Митрофанова) Наталья Валентиновна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Лыскова (Абубакирова) Нина Нурзалиевна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Лыскова (Кесарева) Наталья Анатольевна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Лыскова Елизавета Михайловна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Магас (Старостина) Наталья Андреевна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Милов Владимир Геннадьевич

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Мисякова Лариса Вадимовна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Михалицына (Ким) Надежда Петровна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Назарова (Ахметчина) Рева Зиганшаевна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Никонова (Бездетных) Любовь Петровна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Палкина (Харитонова) Зинаида Александровна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Попова Татьяна Ивановна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Портянко (Рыбакова) Екатерина Александровна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Пуляк (Кудаева) Наталья Маликовна 

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Пуляк (Писарик) Александра Александровна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Пушкарева (Абубакирова) Галина Нурзалиевна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Салион Владимир Григорьевич

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Салион Григорий Павлович

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Сармин Валерий Викторович

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Сармина (Астафьева) Нина Петровна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Скорик Григорий Васильевич

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Старостина (Саяпина) Тамара Ивановна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Учетова Марина Вячеславовна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Хадзегова (Мисакова) Валентина Мухажировна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Халкечева (Мисакова) Людмила Мухажировна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Шилкова (Мальцева) Лидия Васильевна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Шимко (Давыдова) Елена Александровна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Информатор: Широких (Учетова) Людмила Михайловна

The cited information was sourced from Interview

Исповедная ведомость 1770 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1772 г. Пермская губерния, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1772 г. Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1775 г. Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1775 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1779 г. Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1779 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1781 г. Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1781 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1782 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1782 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1783 г. Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1783 г. Соликамский округ, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1784 г. Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1784 г. Соликамский округ, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1786 г. Соликамский округ, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1788 г. Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1788 г. Соликамский округ, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1789 г. Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1790 г. Соликамский округ, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1799 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1829 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1831 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1841 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

Исповедная ведомость 1876 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

Источник неизвестен

книга "Лесные братья", Гайдар А.

The cited information was sourced from Book published by Правда 1987 The author/originator was Гайдар А..

книга "Революционеры Прикамья". Н. А. Аликина и И. Г. Горовая. 1966

The cited information was sourced from Book

книга "Спецпереселенцы", Темукуев Б.Б., г. Нальчик, 1997

The cited information was sourced from Book

книга Гутнов Ф.Х. Генеалогические предания осетин как исторический источник. Орджоникидзе, 1989

The cited information was sourced from Book published 1989 The author/originator was Гутнов Ф.Х..

книга Марзоев И.Т. Привилегированные сословия на Кавказе в XVIII - начале XX веков

The cited information was sourced from Book

книга памяти жертв политических репрессий в Пермском крае "Годы террора"

The cited information was sourced from Book <http://pmem.ru/124.html>

книга памяти КБР - подготовительные материалы

The cited information was sourced from Book

книга памяти. Республики Северная Осетия - Алания.

The cited information was sourced from Book

книга Подворный семейный список селения Верхне-Кажоковского 3-го участка Нальчикского округа Терской области 1905

The cited information was sourced from Book

книга Посемейные списки населенных пунктов Нальчикского округа 1886 г.

The cited information was sourced from Book

материалы для книги "Кудаевы: Фамилия в истории"

The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record)

МК 1777 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1778 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1779 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1780 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1782 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1783 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1785 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1786 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1788 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1789 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1790 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1791 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1792 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1793 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1794 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1795 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1796 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1796 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1796 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1797 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1797 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1798 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1798 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1798 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1799 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1799 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1800 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1800 г. Оханский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1800 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1800 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1800 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1800 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1801 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1801 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1801 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1801 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1802 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1802 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1802 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1802 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1803 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1803 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1803 г. Пермский уезд, Верхне-Чусовской Городок 

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1803 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1803 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1804 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1804 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1804 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1805 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1805 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1805 г. Соликамский уезд, Кизеловский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1805 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1805 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1806 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1806 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1806 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1806 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1806 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1806 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1807 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1807 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1807 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1807 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1808 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1808 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1808 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1808 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1809 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1809 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1809 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1809 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1810 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1810 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1810 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1810 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1810 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1811 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1811 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1811 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1811 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1811 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1811 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1812 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1812 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1812 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1812 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1812 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1812 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1813 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1813 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1813 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1813 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1813 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1814 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1814 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1814 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1814 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1814 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1814 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1815 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1815 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1815 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1815 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1815 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1816 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1816 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1816 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1816 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1816 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1816 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1817 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1817 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1817 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1817 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1817 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1817 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1818 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1818 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1818 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1818 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Булатовское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1818 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1818 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1819 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1819 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1819 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1819 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1819 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1820 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1820 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1820 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1820 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1820 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1820 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1821 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1821 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1821 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1821 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1821 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1821 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1822 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1822 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1822 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1822 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1822 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1822 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1823 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1823 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1823 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1823 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1824 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1824 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1824 г. Соликамский уезд, Кизеловский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1824 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1824 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1824 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1825 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1825 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1825 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1825 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1825 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1825 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1826 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1826 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1826 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1826 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1826 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1827 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1827 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1827 г. Соликамский уезд, Никитинский завод (с. Майкор)

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1827 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1827 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1828 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1828 г. Соликамский уезд, Никитинский завод (с. Майкор)

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1828 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1828 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1829 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1829 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1829 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1829 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1830 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1830 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1831 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1831 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1831 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1832 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1832 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1832 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1832 г. Соликамский уезд, Никитинский завод (с. Майкор)

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1832 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1832 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1833 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1833 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1834 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1835 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1836 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1836 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1837 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1838 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1838 г. Соликамский уезд, Никитинский завод (с. Майкор)

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1839 г. Соликамский уезд, Никитинский завод (с. Майкор)

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1840 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1840 г. Соликамский уезд, Никитинский завод (с. Майкор)

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1841 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1841 г. Соликамский уезд, Никитинский завод (с. Майкор)

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1842 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1842 г. Соликамский уезд, Никитинский завод (с. Майкор)

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1843 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1843 г. Соликамский уезд, Никитинский завод (с. Майкор)

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1844 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1844 г. Соликамский уезд, Никитинский завод (с. Майкор)

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1844 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1845 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1845 г. Соликамский уезд, Никитинский завод (с. Майкор)

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1846 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1847 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1848 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1849 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1850 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1852 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1857 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1858 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1858 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1858 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожвинский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1859 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1860 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1861 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1862 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1863 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1863 г. Соликамский уезд, Всеволодо-Вильвенский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1864 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1864 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1864 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 016

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1864 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 055

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1865 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1865 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1865 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 113

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1865 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 133

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1865 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 141

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1865 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 165

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1866 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1866 г. Соликамский уезд, Кизеловский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1867 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1867 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 033

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1867 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 041

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1867 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 067

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1868 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1868 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1869 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1869 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1870 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1870 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1870 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 009

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1870 г. Соликамский уезд, Всеволодовильвенский завод, лист 140

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1870 г. Соликамский уезд, Кизеловский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1871 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1871 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1871 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 054

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1872 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1872 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 120

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1873 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1873 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1873 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 183

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1874 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1874 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 212

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1875 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1875 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1875 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 052

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1875 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 058

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1876 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1877 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1877 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1878 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1878 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 046

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1878 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 053

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1879 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1879 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1879 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 140

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1880 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1881 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 116

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1881 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 117

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1881 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 167

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1882 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1882 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1882 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 211

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1882 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 230

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1882 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 244

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1882 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 255

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1883 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1883 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 006

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1883 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 078

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1884 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1884 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

МК 1884 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 126

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1884 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 127

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1884 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 162

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1885 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1885 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 228

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1885 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 257

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1885 г. Соликамский уезд, Кизеловский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1886 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1886 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 017

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1886 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 045

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1886 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 056

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1886 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 059

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1887 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1887 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1887 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 074

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1887 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 095

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1888 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1888 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 094

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1888 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 180

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1889 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1889 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 008

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1889 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 014

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1889 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 033

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1889 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 035

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1889 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 058

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1889 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 059

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1890 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1890 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 091

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1890 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 093

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1890 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 106

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1890 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 141

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1890 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 142

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1890 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 164

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1891 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1891 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 136

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1891 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 165

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1892 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1892 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1892 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 003

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1892 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 011

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1892 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 016

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1892 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 063

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1893 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 098

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1894 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1894 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 014

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1894 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 032

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1894 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 036

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1894 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 057

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1894 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 058

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1894 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 079

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1895 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1895 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 088

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1895 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 125

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1895 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 130

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1896 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 032

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1896 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 050

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1897 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 135

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1897 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 160

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1897 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 161

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1897 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 167

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1898 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1898 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1898 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 004

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1898 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 007

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1898 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 016

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1898 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 048

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1898 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 089

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1898 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 098

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1899 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1899 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 104

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1899 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 123

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1900 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1900 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 051

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1901 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1901 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 099

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1901 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 100

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1901 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 112

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1901 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 121

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1901 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 189

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1901 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 198

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1902 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1902 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 034

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1902 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 039

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1903 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1903 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 175

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1903 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод, лист 182

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1904 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1905 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1905 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1906 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1906 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

МК 1907 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1908 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1908 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1909 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1909 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1910 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1910 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1911 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1912 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

МК 1914 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево

The cited information was sourced from Census

Надпись на надгробии

The cited information was sourced from Tombstone / Gravestone

Опись живущих в дачах Строгонова 1799

The cited information was sourced from Census


The cited information was sourced from Interview

Переписная книга 1722-1727 г. Чердынский уезд, погост Бондюра, д. Лекмартова

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1678 г. Соликамский уезд, Орел городок

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1678 г. Соликамский уезд, погост Карагай на реке на Обве 

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1678 г. Соликамский уезд, погост Купрос на реке на Инве и на речке Купроске

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1678 г. Соликамский уезд, погост Майкор на реке на Инве что была деревня

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1678 г. Соликамский уезд, погост Николаевский на реке на Обве что был починок Кизва

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1678 г. Чердынский уезд, погост Бондюга, д. Лекмартова

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1710 г. Чердынский уезд, погост Бондюжский, д. Лекмартова

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1711 г. Соликамский уезд, Орел городок

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1711 г. Соликамский уезд, погост Зукай

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1711 г. Соликамский уезд, погост Купрос на речке на Инве

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1711 г. Соликамский уезд, погост Майкор что была деревня Майкора

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1711 г. Соликамский уезд, погост Николаевский на речке на Обве

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1711 г. Явившихся сверх переписных книг. Соликамский уезд, Орел городок

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1711 г. Явившихся сверх переписных книг. Соликамский уезд, погост Васильевский (ранее д. Кокшарова)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1711 г. Явившихся сверх переписных книг. Соликамский уезд, погост Майкор

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1711 г. Явившихся сверх переписных книг. Соликамский уезд, погост Николаевский на речке на Обве

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1711 г. Явившихся сверх переписных книг. Соликамский уезд, с. Зукайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1716 г. Соликамский уезд, Орел городок

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1716 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Зукай

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1716 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Карагайское у реки Обвы

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1716 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкор у реки Инвы

The cited information was sourced from Census

Переписная книга. 1716 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Николаевское на речке на Обве (что был починок Кызва)

The cited information was sourced from Census


The cited information was sourced from Document (hardcopy on paper, tax record)

Прямое свидетельство

The cited information was sourced from Individual

Ревизская сказка 1719-1720 гг. Соликамский уезд, Орел городок

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1719-1720 гг. Соликамский уезд, с. Зукайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1719-1720 гг. Соликамский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1719-1720 гг. Соликамский уезд, с. Кокшарское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1719-1720 гг. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкор

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1719-1720 гг. Соликамский уезд, с. Николаевское (починок Кызва)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1721 г. Чердынский уезд, погост Бондюра, д. Лекмартова

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1748 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Зукайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1748 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Зукайское (убылые)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1748 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Карагайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1748 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Карагайское (убылые)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1748 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Кокшарское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1748 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Кокшарское (убылые)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1748 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкор

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1748 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкор (убылые)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1748 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Николаевское (Кызва)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1748 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Николаевское (Кызва) (убылые)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1748 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1748 г. Чердынский уезд, погост Бондюга, д. Лекмортово

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1748 г. Чердынский уезд, погост Бондюга, д. Лекмортово (убылые)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1762 г. Соликамский округ, д. Лекмортова

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1762 г. Соликамский округ, Лысвенские деревни

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1762 г. Соликамский округ, Сепыческие деревни

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1762 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Зукайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1762 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Кокшарское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1762 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкор

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1762 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Николаевское (Кызва)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1762 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1762 г. Соликамский уезд, Таманский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1782 г. Обвинский округ, с. Кокшарское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1782 г. Соликамский округ, Городищенские деревни

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1782 г. Соликамский округ, д. Лекмортова (владение Всеволожских)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1782 г. Соликамский округ, д. Лекмортова (владение Строгановых)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1782 г. Соликамский округ, д. Лекмортова (дополнительная)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1782 г. Соликамский округ, Пожевские деревни

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1782 г. Соликамский округ, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1782 г. Соликамский округ, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1782 г. Соликамский округ, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1782 г. Чердынский округ, д. Лекмортова (владения Шаховской В.А.)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1795 г. Обвинский округ, с. Кокшарское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1795 г. Обвинский округ, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1795 г. Обвинский округ, сельцо Вознесенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1795 г. Обвинский округ, Сепычевсие деревни

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1795 г. Обвинский округ, Сивенские деревни (перешедшие из с. Кизвенское)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1795 г. Пермский округ, Чусовские верхние и нижние городки

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1795 г. Соликамский округ, Городищенские деревни

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1795 г. Соликамский округ, д. Лекмортова (владения Строгановых)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1795 г. Соликамский округ, д. Лекмортова (владения Шаховских)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1795 г. Соликамский округ, д. Лекмортова (общие владения)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1795 г. Соликамский округ, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1795 г. Соликамский округ, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1795 г. Соликамский округ, с. Новое усолье

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1795 г. Соликамский округ, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1795 г. Чусовские верхние и нижние городки

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1811 г. Оханский уезд

Ревизская сказка 1811 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1811 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1811 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1811 г. Оханский уезд, с. Кызвенское

Ревизская сказка 1811 г. Оханский уезд, сельцо Бубинское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1811 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1811 г. Соликамский уезд, Городищенские деревни

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1811 г. Соликамский уезд, Новоусольские и ленвенские промыслы

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1811 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1811 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1811 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1811 г. Чердынский уезд, д. Лекмортова

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1814 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1816 г. Соликамский уезд, Городищенские деревни

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1816 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1816 г. Чердынский уезд, д. Лекмортова

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1834 г. Казанская губерния, Свияжский уезд, с. Кобызево (Богородское, Есипово тоже)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1834 г. Соликамский уезд, Городищенские деревни

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1834 г. Соликамский уезд, Кизеловский рудник

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1834 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1834 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Романово

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1834 г. Соликамский уезд. Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1834 г. Соликамский уезд. Всеволодовильвенский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1834 г. Соликамский уезд. Елизавето-пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1834 г. Соликамский уезд. Никитинский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1834 г. Соликамский уезд. Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1834 г. Соликамский уезд. Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1834 г. Чердынский уезд, д. Лекмортова (владение Строгановых)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1850 г. Оханский уезд, с. Зюкайское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1850 г. Оханский уезд, с. Сивинское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1850 г. Оханский уезд, с. Усть-бубинское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1850 г. Оханский уезд, сельцо Бубинское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1850 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1850 г. Соликамский уезд, Всеволодо-вильвенский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1850 г. Соликамский уезд, Елизавето-пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1850 г. Соликамский уезд, Кизеловский рудник

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1850 г. Соликамский уезд, Марьинский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1850 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1850 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1850 г. Чердынский уезд, д. Лекмортова (владение Строгановых)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1857 г. Соликамский уезд, Александровский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1857 г. Соликамский уезд, Кизеловский рудник

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1857 г. Соликамский уезд, Никитинский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1857 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Майкорское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1858 г. Оханский уезд, с. Сивинское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1858 г. Оханский уезд, с. Устьбубинское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1858 г. Соликамский уезд, Елизавето-Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1858 г. Соликамский уезд, Пожевский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1858 г. Соликамский уезд, с. Таманское

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1858 г. Соликамский уезд. Всеволодовильвенский завод

The cited information was sourced from Census

Ревизская сказка 1858 г. Чердынский уезд, д. Лекмортова (владение Строгановых)

The cited information was sourced from Census

Сайт "geni.com". Администратор Скрытник Анна

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "genway.ru"

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "mail.ru"

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage"

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Elena Powell

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Антипина Марина

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Антоненко Елена

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Бабкина Анна

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Веревкин Андрей

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Габова Елена

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Гавричева Елена

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Гайдук сергей

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Дзайнуков Руслан

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Евлампиев Николай

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Жилов Джанибек

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Заоев Олег

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Ильиных Иван

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Красовская Яна

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Лысков Евгений

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Медведева Наталья

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Наумова (Кочкина) Анна

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Сапарби Баклаков

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Скрытник Анна

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Сторожук Анатолий

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Тараканова Ольга

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Хадзегова Фатима

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Хапов Артур

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Харитонова (Чебурахова) Наталья

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "MyHeritage". Администратор Широкова Наталья

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "Odnoklassniki.ru"

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL <www.odnoklassniki.ru>

Сайт "vkontakte.ru"

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "webkrug.ru"

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт "ОБД Мемориал"

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL <http://www.obd-memorial.ru> This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

Сайт "Подвиг народа" http://podvignaroda.mil.ru

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Сайт в интернет

The cited information was sourced from Website / URL

Свидетельство о заключении брака

Свидетельство о рождении

статья в газете "Звезда"

The cited information was sourced from Magazine published by Пермская газета "Звезда" in Пермский край, г. Пермь 26.09.1964 The author/originator was А.Мочалин.

Статья Родословная баделят Дзайнуковых. Автор Марзоев И.Т.

The cited information was sourced from Book


The cited information was sourced from Photo


The cited information was sourced from Census

ЦГА КБР, ф. И-25, оп. 1, д. 14

The cited information was sourced from Census

ЦГА РСО, ф. 291, оп. 1, д. 30

The cited information was sourced from Deed This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

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