Family Thomas FLYNN & Sara Helen WADE Click to view Thomas FLYNN & Sara Helen WADE in the family tree Click to view Thomas FLYNN & Sara Helen WADE in the family tree in SVG format

Thomas and Sara Helen were married on August 23rd, 1887.  They had a son and six daughters, named Thomas Jr., Mary Magdalene, Anna Jane, Martha E., Agnes Ernestine, Catharine Harriet Bridget and Sara Elizabeth.

Male Thomas FLYNN
Thomas is no longer alive.

Female Sara Helen WADE
Sara Helen was born on August 9th, 1864.


Female Mary Magdalene FLYNN
Mary Magdalene was born on January 17th, 1888.

Male Thomas Jr. FLYNN
Thomas Jr. was born in January 1893.  He died at 7 months old on August 12th, 1893.

Female Anna Jane FLYNN
Anna Jane was born on May 15th, 1894.

Female Martha E. FLYNN
Martha E. was born on May 3rd, 1896.

Female Agnes Ernestine FLYNN
Agnes Ernestine was born on June 30th, 1898.  She died at the age of 4 on September 25th, 1902.

Female Catharine Harriet Bridget FLYNN
Catharine Harriet Bridget was born on October 26th, 1900.  She died at just 9 days old on November 4th, 1900.

Female Sara Elizabeth FLYNN
Sara Elizabeth was born on April 26th, 1904.

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