Family Samuel August WALKER & Mary Jane CARRICO Click to view Samuel August WALKER & Mary Jane CARRICO in the family tree Click to view Samuel August WALKER & Mary Jane CARRICO in the family tree in SVG format

Samuel August and Mary Jane were married on August 3rd, 1852.  They had four sons and four daughters, named Joseph C., Thomas B., Richard, James, Ann Helen, Mary E., Frances A. and Emma.

Male Samuel August WALKER
Samuel August was born in 1833.

Female Mary Jane CARRICO
Mary Jane was born in 1836.  Mary Jane is no longer alive.


Male Joseph C. WALKER
Joseph C. was born on May 9th, 1853.

Female Ann Helen WALKER
Ann Helen was born on July 6th, 1855.

Male Thomas B. WALKER
Thomas B. was born on April 16th, 1858.

Male Richard WALKER
Richard was born on June 21st, 1860.

Female Mary E. WALKER
Mary E. was born on March 17th, 1863.

Female Frances A. WALKER
Frances A. was born in 1865.

Male James WALKER
James was born in 1867.

Female Emma WALKER
Emma was born in 1870.

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