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Bogisich Family Genealogy

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The research into our family genealogy was begun by my uncle, Andor Bogisich, in the 1970s.  At that time, a diary written by János Bogisich (1847–1923) came into his possession and from this he was able to establish the initial family tree.  Since then, I have been able to research and develop our family genealogy, tracing the Bogisich branch to before 1680 and the von Sauer branch to 1595.

I have assumed that anyone with our name who lived in Hungary in the past or is currently living there, belongs to our family.  This has been largely proven; however, no documentary evidence exists for some late 17th century ancestors to verify their connection to our family.  Conversely, there is also no evidence to suggest that they belong elsewhere.  It is clear that our name originates outside of present day Hungary, in particular there are a number of  Bogišić living in Vojvodina, Serbia and also there are Bogisic located in Croatia.  Unfortunately, no connection has been found to our family in either case.  It is definite that our family was already present in Buda by 1700 so any link would have to be established prior to this date.   

The Family Tree includes all individuals with the name of Bogisich plus direct bloodline ancestors.  For example, direct ancestors of Aloisia von Sauer are included but not their siblings.  Similarly, Aloisia’s brother Johann and sister Maria are not included, as they are not directly related to us. 

All names are written in the form “Christian name followed by surname” rather than the Hungarian custom of putting the surname first, mainly to make them all uniform.  Secondly, approximately a third of the family members in the tree is non-Hungarian and wrote their name in this manner. Thirdly, until the end of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, most official documents were written in either Latin or German and the surname was written last.  In addition, I recorded Christian names in the same language as they are entered on the individuals Church Record, e.g. if this is in Latin, it will appear in Latin as the first name in the Family Tree.

If you have any information or suggestions for further research, please contact Bob Bogisich at

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Most Popular Places

Buda  (129), Nagytétény  (65), Budapest  (39), Graz  (27), Nagytétény Catholic Church  (23), Wien  (17), Győr  (15), St Katalin plébánia  (12), Kenéz  (12), Melbourne  (12), Marburg  (11), Pontafel  (10), Peczöl  (8), Nagyhantos  (7), Farkasréti Cemetery  (7), Fürstenfeld  (7), Unterparschenbrunn  (6), Burgau  (6), Kassa  (5), Budafoki Cemetery  (5)
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This genealogy report was generated by GenoPro® version on 2019.11.2 using skin template {EN} Narrative Report (2018.03.09) with code base 2018.03.15 .

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