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Family Subtree Diagram : Descendants of Matthew Robertson (1713)

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Marriage (three children) Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) (two children) Marriage (three children) Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) (a child) Marriage (six children) (three children) Marriage Marriage 1713 - >1786 Matthew Robertson 73 73 1895 - 1939 Harry Lee Bryant 43 43 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1922 - 1945 Andrew Robert Bryant 22 22 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1923 - 1997 Vinnie May Martha Stone 73 73 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Living Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1906 - 1998 Clettie Irene Hubble 91 91 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1868 Albert C. Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1874 Lenora "Nora" McDonald Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1824 - ~1895 Claiborne Roberts Bryant 71 71 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1828 - >1900 Mary Ann Berry 72 72 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1941 - 1992 James Carl Ramsay 50 50 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1961 - 1992 Damon Shawn Ramsay 30 30 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1864 - 1951 Sarah Elizabeth "Betty" Bryant 87 87 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1893 - BET 1900 AND 1910 Clyde Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1900 - 1980 Grace Alberta Bryant 80 80 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Baby Bryant ? Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1924 - 1979 Harry Loyd Bryant 54 54 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1928 - 1980 Frank Ray Bryant 51 51 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1931 - 1963 Walter Edward Bryant 31 31 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Living Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1918 - 1988 Jewell Roark 70 70 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Living Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1902 William Raleigh Chesnutt Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1963 - 1963 Darryl Lynn Patrick Ramsay Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1861 - 1926 Allen Davidson Cagle 64 64 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1832 Mary D. Sisk Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1797 - 1833 Lavinia Roberts 35 35 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1795 - 1865 Solomon George Bryant 70 70 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1874 John Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
BET 1810 AND 1813 - 1899 Joseph Robertson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1878 - ~1909 Robert Grindstaff 31 31 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
D. 1793 James Robertson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1769 - 1834 Robert Robertson 64 64 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
BET 1760 AND 1780 Martha Jane Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1806 - 1872 Nancy H. Mitcheltree 66 66 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
3 FEB 1737/38 - BET 1811 AND 1833 James Robertson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1737 - >1782 Margaret Poage 45 45 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1823 - 1890 Alexander Hart Robertson Bryant 66 66 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
BET 1827 AND 1828 - 1890 Catherine "Kate" Brown Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1852 - 1897 Solomon Hercules B. Bryant 44 44 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1859 - 1879 Theodocia Ernst Jordan 19 19 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1851 - 1921 Sarah Ellen Jones 70 70 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1834 - BET 1857 AND 1860 Clara "Clary" Howard Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1835 - 1862 William Mitcheltree Bryant 27 27 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1840 - 1924 Lewis Henry Bryant 83 83 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1843 - 1903 Sarah Jane Bryant 60 60 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1844 - 1847 Susan M. Bryant 3 3 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1846 - 1903 George Mitcheltree Bryant 57 57 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1848 - BET 1920 AND 1930 Alfred Henry Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1846 - <1868 Sarah Paralee Mount 21 21 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1841 - 1879 Catherine "Kate" Jane Everett 37 37 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1842 - >1920 Sarah "Sallie" C. Platt 78 78 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1842 - 1917 William Terry 75 75 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1855 - 1944 Nancy Jane Wortham 89 89 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1855 - BET 1920 AND 1930 Sarah B. "Sallie" Cotton Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Living Roberts Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Michael Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1963 - 1966 Clara Irene Bryant 3 3 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Living Barbara Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1813 - 1834 Mahala Bryant 20 20 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1816 - 1881 James Robertson Bryant 65 65 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1827 - 1832 John Robertson Bryant 5 5 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1829 - 1913 Joseph Roberts Bryant 84 84 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1853 Clay Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1855 Frank Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1817 - 1848 Nancy Rogers 30 30 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
BET 1843 AND 1863 - ~1928 Karl G. von Rodenstein Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1818 - 1886 Robert Robertson Bryant 68 68 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1821 - 1852 Mary Matilda Hendricks 30 30 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1828 - 1910 Sarah "Sallie" Catharine Eversole 82 82 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1843 - 1886 James Bryant 43 43 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1844 - 1856 Edith L. Bryant 11 11 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1848 - 1853 Henry H. Bryant 5 5 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1850 - 1884 Solomon Robert Bryant 34 34 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1850 Louisa Francis Jones Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1854 - 1855 John Eversole Bryant 4m 4m Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1856 - 1940 Mary Elizabeth Bryant 84 84 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1858 - 1936 David The King Bryant 78 78 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1860 - 1905 Charles Edward Bryant 45 45 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1861 - 1927 Frederick Robertson Bryant 65 65 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1864 - 1902 Benjamin Crary Bryant 38 38 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1864 - 1967 Josephine "Josie" Paulsell 102 102 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1856 - 1937 Araminta "Minta" Bryant 81 81 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1858 Aza J. A. Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1862 Baby Girl Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1870 - 1955 Hannah Kathryn Bryant 85 85 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1836 - BET 1851 AND 1853 Marion Florida Pickett Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1835 - ~1873 Mary Ann Butler 38 38 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1841 - 1934 Nancy Ann Grant 93 93 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1851 - 1885 Lucy Bryant 34 34 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1870 - 1912 Hooker H. Bryant 41 41 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1856 - 1901 James Thomas "Tommy" Bryant 44 44 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1859 - 1923 James Arthur Bryant 63 63 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1860 - 1880 Ida Bryant 20 20 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1863 - 1946 William "Will" Louis Bryant 82 82 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1868 - 1941 Amanda "Johnnie" Jane Bryant 73 73 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1884 - 1957 Buelah Beatrice Bryant 72 72 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1879 - 1933 Jerome Peter Bryan 54 54 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1855 Nancy Heileigh Scarbrough Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1857 Lucy Caroline Scarbrough Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1871 - 1925 Everett Lillian Bryant 54 54 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1869 - 1927 Allie Crawford Hart 58 58 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1874 - >1930 Victor Hugo Bryant 56 56 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1878 - 1955 Nelly Nash Bryant 77 77 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1866 - 1928 Charles Edward Terry 62 62 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1868 John S. Terry Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1872 - >1940 William H. Terry 68 68 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1866 - >1910 James A. Terry 44 44 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1879 - >1940 Simeon Ross Terry 61 61 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1871 - 1932 Nancy Ann "Annie" Bryant 61 61 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1874 - 1968 Susan Elvira Jane Bryant 93 93 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1875 Sarah Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1894 - 1965 Solomon "Sollie" Mitcheltree Bryant 71 71 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1887 - 1942 Jefferson Davis Bryant 54 54 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1891 - 1975 Maudie Bryant 84 84 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1890 Edith Elva Ruckman Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1875 - 1960 Mary Jane "Mollie" Bryant 85 85 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1893 - 1951 Hugh Grady Bryant 58 58 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Wesley Cotton Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1847 - 1919 Abigail "Abbie" E. Robinson 72 72 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1810 Robert Robertson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1881 - 1956 Nellie R. Book 74 74 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1877 - 1964 Jesse H. Passfield 86 86 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1879 - 1953 Robert Henry Book 73 73 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1866 - 1956 Ada Mynomia Baxter 89 89 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1896 - 1983 Erna Bryant 87 87 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1893 - 1970 Hugo Ernst Rausch 77 77 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1877 - 1968 Lela Ella Bryant 91 91 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1879 - 1947 Nell Theodocia "Docia" Bryant 68 68 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1870 John Adams Burdell Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1877 Samuel Archibald Magruder Vittitoe Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1883 - 1960 Alvin Cleveland Bryant 77 77 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1890 Lela May Smith Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1888 Bertie Mae Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1890 Raleigh "Rollie" Hames Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1892 - 1971 Vera M. "Deedie" Bryant 79 79 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1878 - 1965 Alice Margaret Johnson 87 87 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1865 James A. Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1842 - <1920 John A. Jackson 78 78 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1896 - 1936 Ozro Adams Jackson 40 40 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1895 - 1964 William Horace Bryant 68 68 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1896 Leonard Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1901 Lola Mae Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1903 - 1980 Johnson H. Bryant 77 77 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1863 - 1898 Annette "Nettie" Rebecca Spivey 34 34 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1897 - 1902 Ida Allie Bryant 5 5 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1894 - 1962 Eunice Cornelia Bryant 68 68 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1881 - 1916 James Hardy Bryant 34 34 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1884 - 1969 Mary Elizabeth "Lizzie" Bryant 85 85 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1887 - 1969 Guy Octavius Bryant 82 82 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1892 - 1912 Leo Neal Bryant 20 20 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1894 - 1967 Carl "Jack" Garrett Curtis 72 72 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1890 Stella Needham Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1885 John A. Armstrong Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
D. 1981 Lotta Ione Fagan Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1869 - 1965 Lula Ostien 96 96 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1887 Effie Ellen Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1889 Willie Maude Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1892 - 1964 Joseph Hooker Bryant 72 72 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1894 John Marvin Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1896 Allie Lee Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1900 - 1919 Eva M. Bryant 19 19 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1906 - 1978 Corbet F. Bryant 72 72 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1907 Katherine V. Cook Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1868 Ransey Johnson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Charles H. Stone Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1892 - 1975 Ethel Lee Saunders 83 83 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Jewell Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1874 - 1937 Mary Elizabeth Bryan 63 63 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1893 - 1967 Joseph Arthur Bryant 74 74 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1895 - 1975 Clyde Robert Bryant 80 80 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1897 - 1979 Owen Jefferson Bryant 82 82 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1903 - 1989 Clara Benjamin Bryant 85 85 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1905 - 2002 Herbert Henry Bryant 96 96 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1912 - 1986 George Lee Bryant 74 74 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1904 Nannie Ruth Soape Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Maude Soap Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1905 - 1978 Lucy Melvina "Mellie" Kyle 72 72 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Minnie Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1888 - 1970 Thomas Ashley Eason 81 81 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1903 - 2000 Leoria Kyle 96 96 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1914 - 1994 Willie Sue Twomey 79 79 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1895 - 1948 Winnifred Evie "Winnie" Pou 53 53 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1871 - 1949 Edward Herschel Henry 78 78 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1903 - 1983 Effie Mae Henry 80 80 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1903 Troyce E. Henry Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1908 Connie H. Henry Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1906 - 1967 James Delbert Henry 61 61 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1897 Thomas "Tom" R. Sutton Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1866 - 1910 John William Benjamin Welch 43 43 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1862 - 1936 Serelda "Rella" Carrie Bryant 73 73 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1763 - 1842 Elizabeth Robertson 79 79 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1772 - <1815 Martha Robertson 43 43 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1776 - 1819 Jane "Jenny" Robertson 43 43 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1777 Margaret Robertson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1780 Rebecca Robertson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1782 Alexander Hart Robertson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1913 - 2002 Alton Morris Bryant 88 88 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1876 - >1930 Charles R. S. Bryant 54 54 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1868 - 1961 John Thomas Weathers 92 92 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1903 - 1997 Della Mae Weathers 93 93 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1904 Thomas John Weathers Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Orville Weathers Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1906 Lavada Weathers Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1868 - BET 1900 AND 1902 George Henry Hilton Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1882 - 1967 Everet Orvill Ruckman 84 84 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1898 Grace Anderson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Willie Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Girl Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1916 - 1995 Jane Dorothy Vitz 79 79 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1887 - 1966 Elza Lavinia Welch 78 78 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1889 - 1959 Trenk Bryan Welch 69 69 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1891 - 1977 Marlin Stanley Welch 86 86 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1894 - 1965 Mary Helen Welch 71 71 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1895 - 1981 Otto Leavon Welch 86 86 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1897 - 1967 Olin Benjamin Welch 69 69 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1900 - 1900 Azel Welch Welch 2m 2m Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1900 - 1962 Leonard Wydran Welch 61 61 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1902 - 1903 Mabelle Welch 1 1 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1905 - 1980 Myrtle Mae Welch 75 75 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1909 Murell Harvey Welch Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1871 Asa Russell Rose Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
James Franklin Mallow Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1890 - BET 1925 AND 1985 Rose Janson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1896 - BET 1930 AND 1991 Clara Cathrine Lobaugh Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1889 - 1973 Joseph Lee Murphy 83 83 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Irene Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1897 - 1955 Martha Titus 58 58 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
D. 1966 Marie Williamson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1906 - 1988 Mable Clara Gould 82 82 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1902 - 1971 Pearl May Stidam\ Stidham 69 69 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1895 - 1956 Robert Lee Snyder 60 60 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1902 - 1972 Oscar William Gould 69 69 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1908 - 1980 Leeta Berel Jarvis 71 71 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1904 - 1954 Azle Benjamin Rose 49 49 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1906 - 1984 Reba Roxey Brackin 77 77 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1929 - 1990 Barbara Jeanne Rose 60 60 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1929 - 1992 Orrin Leroy Shanbeck 63 63 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1751 Elizabeth "Betsey" Crawford Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
D. >1786 Martha ? Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1745 - 1825 Jane Robertson 80 80 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
D. 1815 Anne Crawford Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1903 - 1942 Lela Varyne Vittitoe 39 39 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1743 - 1816 Alexander Robertson 73 73 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Patrick Christian Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1728 - 1808 John Blair 80 80 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1748 - 1831 William Robertson 82 82 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1754 - <1786 Elizabeth Robertson 32 32 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1815 Alexander H. Robertson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1772 Thomas Bell Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1843 - 1942 John H. Book 98 98 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Charles A. Stuart Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Elizabeth Robertson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1785 - 1856 Mary "Polly" Robertson 71 71 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1783 - 1857 John Pepper 74 74 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1754 - 1818 Samuel Givens 64 64 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1770 - 1833 Eleazar Givens 63 63 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
BET 1753 AND 1785 - BET 1816 AND 1869 William Erwin Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1806 James Bell Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Alexander Robertson Bell Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Samuel Bell Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
BET 1799 AND 1800 - 1817 Margaret Poage Bell Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1790 Martha "Patsey" Woods Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1788 Matthew Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1786 - <1859 Louisa Sugg 73 73 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
BET 1761 AND 1762 - 1856 Allen Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1809 James Woods Robertson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
BET 1829 AND 1840 Sarah E. Robertson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Margaret Graham Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Isaac Franklin Crow Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Charles Robertson Crow Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Emma Rogers Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Mabel Elizabeth Crow Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1797 - 1884 Martha "Patsy" Givens 87 87 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1790 - 1836 John Allen "Jack" Givens 46 46 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1800 - 1864 Margaret Poage Givens 63 63 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1805 Catherine Delafayette Richards Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1798 - 1860 Thomas R. Givens 61 61 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1803 - 1863 Elizabeth "Betsy" Givens 60 60 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1805 - BET 1895 AND 1902 Isabella Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1807 - 1874 Louisa "Lonie" Givens 67 67 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1810 - 1901 Sarah Robertson Givens 90 90 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1812 - 1848 Eusibia "Sibbie" Neville Givens 36 36 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1814 - 1880 Eleazar Jr. Givens 66 66 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1794 - 1855 James Kerr Givens 60 60 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1796 - BET 1860 AND 1870 Andrew Neal Leeper Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1795 - 1840 John Thompson Givens 45 45 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1798 - 1857 Alexander Ramsey 58 58 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1802 James Robertson Stevenson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1809 - 1877 Lorenzo Dow Orr 68 68 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
D. 1867 Ann Rebecca Richards Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1724 - 1773 Letitia Kerr 49 49 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Lawrence Pou Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1891 - 1992 Iva P. Pou 101 101 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1890 - 1894 Clarence Pou 4 4 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1896 - 1931 Joseph Tully Poston 35 35 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1845 - 1845 Louis Solomon Bryant 1m 1m Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1822 - 1900 Urmaline R. C. ? 78 78 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1850 - 1854 Julia Josephine Bryant 3 3 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1848 - 1848 Mary Lavina Bryant 4m 4m Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1848 - 1848 Nancy L. M. Bryant 2m 2m Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1855 Martha S. C. Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1839 Corrina Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1862 - >1920 George Reily Bryant 58 58 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1847 James Alexander Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1863 Jesse T. Robinson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1903 - 1903 Sarah Parsons Hart Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1897 - 1939 Catherine Elizabeth Hart 42 42 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1901 - 1958 Edwin Everett Hart 56 56 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1893 - 1960 Lindsay Judson Hart 66 66 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1895 - 1967 Lila Dellis Hart 71 71 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1894 - 1983 Joel Lusk 88 88 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1919 - 1925 Lila Beth Lusk 6 6 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1905 - 1987 Alvis Estelle Gentry 82 82 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1889 Edward Broughton Gauntt Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1889 - 1957 William Christian Dorbandt 68 68 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1925 - 1968 William "Billy" Hart Dorbandt 43 43 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1918 - 1986 Pearl Elizabeth Dorbandt 68 68 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1913 - 1978 Everett Lyle Nicholson 65 65 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1869 - <1920 Emma Jane Baldwin 51 51 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1868 - <1910 John M. Perry 42 42 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1819 - 1897 Thomas Karr Givens 78 78 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1817 Eliza Jane Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1830 John W. Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1807 John Frederic Dobyns Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Jenetta Dobyns Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1839 - 1908 Martha Dobyns 69 69 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Lucy Dobyns Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
D. 1864 Judith N. R. Wier Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Amelia R. Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Maggie R. Ross Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Ross Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
James M. Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Stuart Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
D. 1845 Margaret Hunter Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1824 - 1907 Judith Cary Bell Gist 83 83 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1849 - 1924 John Henry Givens 75 75 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1838 - 1925 Alfred Henry Rea 87 87 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
T. O. Sugg Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
D. 1882 Agnes "Aggie" Rice Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1852 - 1904 Byrde Pike Murphy 52 52 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1877 Virgil Rice Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1889 - 1969 Ruth Givens 80 80 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1881 - 1914 Frank Marion Baker 33 33 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
BET 1791 AND 1814 Jane Erwin Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
BET 1791 AND 1814 Margaret Poage Erwin Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
BET 1791 AND 1814 James Robertson Erwin Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
BET 1791 AND 1814 Robertson Erwin Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
BET 1791 AND 1814 Andrew Baker Davidson Erwin Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
BET 1791 AND 1814 Elizabeth Erwin Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1814 - 1880 Robert Ervin 66 66 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1824 - 1907 Mary Jane Ramsey 82 82 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1865 - 1903 Lucy Lee Ervin 37 37 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Thomas Aldridge Pettigrew Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1896 Mabel Hilton Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1898 - 1991 Eva L. Hilton 92 92 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1894 - 1978 Ola Hilton 84 84 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1912 Leona Avenil Hilton Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Living Hilton Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1897 Hannah F. Haney Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1894 - 1957 William Thomas Crabtree 63 63 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Unknown Rozell Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1908 - 1997 Thelma Flowerdew 88 88 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Stella Areilla Felder Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1921 Zelda Murrel Hilton Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1892 - 1948 George Mitchell Hilton 55 55 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Ed Hilton Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Unknown Ruckman Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Elizabeth ? Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1907 - 1999 Aliene Yarrell Munday 92 92 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1867 - 1872 Clara Terry 5 5 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1876 - 1877 Bobbie Terry ? 8m 8m Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1872 - 1875 Mary J. "Mollie" Terry 3 3 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1885 - 1889 Albert Terry 3 3 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1870 - 1875 Bettie Terry 4 4 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1877 - 1878 Susie Terry 11m 11m Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1881 - 1897 Lucy L. Terry 16 16 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1902 Robert Dean Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1854 - 1933 Marcellus VanWort Blankenship 79 79 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1892 - 1896 Eula Bryant 3 3 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1894 - 1956 Lawrence Robertson Bryant 62 62 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1893 Alice Woodruff Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1890 - 1958 Roy Baxter Bryant 67 67 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1892 Genevieve "Jane" Bogart Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1918 - 2002 Jean Marie Bryant 83 83 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1833 Jane Robertson Laird Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1825 - 1854 Robert Robertson Laird 29 29 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1830 - 1891 Eleazar Givens Laird 61 61 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1835 Martha Ann Parker Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1821 Eleazar Robertson Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Ebenezer Christian Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Ann "Annie" Eliza Blair Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1849 - 1927 Charles Wesley Justis 78 78 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1872 Maud Justis Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1873 - 1945 Robert Edwin Justis 71 71 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1878 - ~1902 Mollie Justis 24 24 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1873 - 1948 Irene Estelle "Stella" Wolfe 74 74 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1903 Irene Estelle Justis Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1908 - 1991 Robert Edward Justis 82 82 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1879 - ~1903 Charles Wesley Jr. Justis 24 24 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1882 - 1913 Nona Ione Justis 31 31 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1897 Carlton Justis Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1899 Norene Justis Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1900 - 1900 Donovan Justis Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1906 - 1974 Redford Justis 67 67 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1909 Charles Haynes Justis Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Bessie Polk Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1918 - 1992 Bryant Justis 74 74 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1913 - 1970 Clifford Browning Justis 57 57 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1937 - 1988 Jewell Jackson Roark 50 50 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1878 - >1910 Nellie D. Crabtree 32 32 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1824 - >1860 James Scarbrough 36 36 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1883 - >1940 Walter W. Terry 57 57 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Kemper Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1903 - >1951 Mary Margaret Cagle 48 48 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1899 - >1951 William "Bill" Harrison Walthall 52 52 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1885 - 1929 Pearl Blankenship 44 44 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1887 - 1960 Willie Baine Blankenship 73 73 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1888 - 1919 Kate Blankenship 31 31 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1890 - 1975 Ola Blankenship 85 85 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1894 - 1940 Ralph R. Blankenship 46 46 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1899 - 1995 Cellus VanWort Blankenship 95 95 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1902 - 1907 Rella Blankenship 5 5 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1869 William B. Slaven Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1862 Charles H. "Charlie" Koepke Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1883 - BET 1920 AND 1930 Fred Gustafson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Maude Elizabeth Davis Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Ella "Jimmie" Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1909 - 1975 Otto Koepke 65 65 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1912 - 1982 Charlie Jr. Koepke 70 70 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1834 - 1901 Mary Jane McDowell 67 67 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1854 - 1862 Louisa Mary Laird 8 8 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1856 - 1895 Sarah Catherine Laird 38 38 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1858 - 1908 Robert Robertson Laird 50 50 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1849 Eusibia Neville Laird Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1862 Samuel James Laird Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1864 David Terry Laird Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1866 - 1868 Eleazar Givens Laird 2 2 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1857 John Richard Laird Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1870 - 1939 George Thomas Laird 68 68 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
William Franklin Laird Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Louis Porter Laird Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Virginia Mabel Laird Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1792 John Robertson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1876 - 1924 John Robert Jones 47 47 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1903 - 1996 Elsie Jane Jones 93 93 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1900 Samuel Worth Matheny Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1902 - ~1996 Anna Mae Crowley 94 94 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1927 - 2000 Cecile Anne Bryant 73 73 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1866 - <1880 Ollie Bryant 14 14 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1868 Edith M. Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1873 - 1922 Daisy D. Bryant 49 49 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1874 - 1945 George R. "Bob" Bryant 71 71 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1878 - 1905 Jimmy Bryant 27 27 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1871 - 1936 Jessie A. Bryant 65 65 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1881 - 1961 Nell H. Harvey 80 80 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1909 Robert Book Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1911 - 1993 Edwin Wilbur Book 82 82 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
John M. Boon Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Hattie\ Addie Smith Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1904 Lorna O. Bryan Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1906 Robert O. Bryan Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1908 - 1988 Benjamin F. Bryan 80 80 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1898 - 1919 Paul R. Bryant 21 21 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Mary E. (Mrs.) Allen Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1895 - >1930 Nancy "Nannie" J. (Mrs. Hurt) 35 35 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1933 - ~1933 Baby Boy Lusk Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1918 - 2004 Ola Pearl Crabtree 85 85 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1921 - 2003 Nina Jewel (Jo) Crabtree 81 81 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1925 - 2004 George William "Willie" Crabtree 78 78 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1932 - 2001 Geraldine Levita Crabtree 69 69 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1897 - 1985 Carrie A. Perry 88 88 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1890 - 1990 Hubert D. Wynn 100 100 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1909 Eunice Mae Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1866 - >1920 Lucy E. Kyle 54 54 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1899 Kyle James Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1906 Arthur C. Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1885 Lena Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1901 James Carlisle Terry Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1902 Whitt Terry Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1898 - 1970 Ammon Dudley Betterton 71 71 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1919 - 1919 Elaine Hames Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1894 - 1971 Edgar Alexander Perry 77 77 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1904 Minnie L. "Dollie" Perry Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Edith Coombs Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1901 - 1982 Glenn Carroll Hancock 80 80 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1911 - 1988 Leo Newton Bryant 77 77 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1913 - 1978 Cecil Lee Bryant 65 65 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1914 Margaret E. Armstrong Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1890 - 1903 Hattie Lena Bryant 13 13 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Loyd Dixon Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1920 - 1983 Martha Jane Curtis 62 62 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Jewel Elizabeth Curtis Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1930 - 1996 Mary Ruth Curtis 65 65 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1914 - 2005 Winston Ramsey Bryant 90 90 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1902 Mary Kay Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Fonice Birge Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1928 Mildred Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1898 - <1922 Winnie Soape 24 24 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Living Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Living Holt Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Living Holt Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Margie Kay Watt Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Angela Leigh Holt Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Living Holt Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Living Steward Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Living Holt Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1978 - 1985 Amy Rebecca Holt 6 6 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Living Holt Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1924 - 1975 Charles Alvin Bryant 51 51 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1926 - 1990 Thomas Clifton Bryant 64 64 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1928 - 2006 Donnis Ashley "Red" Eason 77 77 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1931 - 1960 Pauline Elizabeth Eason 29 29 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1935 - 1935 Bobbie Lee Eason 2m 2m Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1936 - 1937 Bonnie Lucille Eason 1 1 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1935 - 2007 Exa Doris Godwin 71 71 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1909 Ransey C. Johnson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1902 Evelyn O. Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1929 - 1935 Jerome Peter Bryan 5 5 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1907 Carrie Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
D. 1988 Ellecram Paul Bergeron Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1905 Opel Jones Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1881 - ~1934 Abbie M. Bryant 53 53 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1883 Marguerite Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1885 - 1956 Princess Bryant 71 71 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1894 - 1962 Albert H. Bryant 68 68 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1790 - 1856 John Givens 66 66 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1839 Andrew W. Leeper Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1825 Thomas Aurelius Leeper Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1827 Sarah D. Leeper Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1829 Elega Leeper Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1832 Eleaser Leeper Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1833 John Leeper Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1837 Martha Leeper Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1845 Emily F. Leeper Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1848 Samuel M. Leeper Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1798 James Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1801 William Tompkin Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1803 Polly Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1804 Margaret Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1807 Betsy Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1813 Jane Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1863 Isabel S. Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1890 Robert R. Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1893 Phillip Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1900 - 1977 Arthur K. Bryant 77 77 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1889 Jessie Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1898 Theresa Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1902 - 1979 Laurette A. 77 77 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1927 - 2005 David Bryant 78 78 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1840 - <1860 Robert Bryant 20 20 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1851 Margaret M. Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1827 - >1912 Virginia Mabel Laird 85 85 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1835 Mary E. Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1837 Jerome James Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1826 Eleazar S. Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1854 Alice Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1827 William Douglas Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1829 John Thompson Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1832 Jane Robertson Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1833 Thomas Kerry Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1824 Robert Alan Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Mary Jane Head Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1883 Charles Kramer Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Sanderson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1900 - >1936 Jessie Lindsay Helm 36 36 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1888 Charles A. Helm Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1894 - 1962 Albert C. Bryant Helm 68 68 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1899 - 1943 Chester Harold Gurney 43 43 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1900 Lai Ziang Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1884 Louise C. Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1894 - 1959 Laura J. Davis 65 65 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1922 - 1948 James Browning Helm 26 26 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1869 - 1951 Edwin M. Lindsay Helm 82 82 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1914 - 2002 Valton Beultha "Buck" Kenemore 87 87 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1913 - 1988 Lewis Lafayette Kimbrell 74 74 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1938 - 1938 Lewis Odell Kimbrell Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1942 - 1995 Roy Albert Kimbrell 52 52 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1937 - 1938 Deloris Ann Kenemore 9m 9m Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1918 - 1978 Karl von Rodenstein 60 60 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1917 - BET 1950 AND 1960 Karla Abigail von Rodenstein Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1909 William Weathers Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1907 - 1980 Lemuel Ruckman 72 72 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1905 Susie Ruckman Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1896 - 1958 Otis Garfield Ruckman 61 61 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1804 - ~1834 James Kerr Jr. Laird 30 30 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1826 Joseph E. Pepper Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1834 Emily F. Staley Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1855 Frank P. Pepper Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1859 - 1861 Jesse N. Pepper 1 1 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1863 Georgia E. Pepper Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1867 Alma J. Pepper Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1872 Mary R. Pepper Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1874 Pauline P. Pepper Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1887 - 1960 Gilbert Bryant Terry 72 72 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1891 Bertha Terry Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1897 - 1976 Harvey William Terry 78 78 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Amy I. Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1873 Rufus H. Turner Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1895 Minnie Turner Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1898 Charles Rufus Turner Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
John Taylor Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1902 Leona Turner Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1899 Emma L. Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1902 Annie A. Bryan Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1894 Lovoria J. Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1831 Eleazar Stevenson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1834 Christopher C. Stevenson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1835 William Stevenson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1837 Mary J. Stevenson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1840 Margaret Stevenson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1842 Isabel Stevenson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1908 Alvie H. Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1899 - 1978 Jennie A. Bettes 79 79 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1837 John F. Orr Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1842 Susan Orr Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1843 Givens Orr Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1845 Martha Orr Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
~1848 Eusibbia W. Orr Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Massad Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Margaret Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
William Craig Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
James Robertson Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Martha McHatten Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
George Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Martha Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Thomas Wilson Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Isabella Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Kinsey McMillian Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Ann Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Andrew Lowry Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
Jane Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
James Wesley Sparkes Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1802 - 1864 Rebecca Brown Givens 62 62 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1809 Jane Hopkins "Jennie" Givens Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1820 - BET 1880 AND 1920 Martha Jane Bryant Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1854 - 1889 Mary Elizabeth Bryant 34 34 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
1850 - 1896 Nathan Allen Pou 46 46 Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated.  My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma.  Contact for information.
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