Female Cleopatra I Antiochus

Cleopatra I's father is Antiochus Megus Seleucus and her mother is Laodice daughter Mithradates.  Her paternal grandparents are Seleucus Callinius Antiochus and Laodice daughter Andromachus; her maternal grandparents are  Mithradates Pontus Antiochus and  Laodice daughter Antiochus.  She is the third of five children.  She has two brothers and two sisters, named Ariochus of, Seleucus Philopator, Antiochis daughter and Laodice daughter.

Cleopatra I's family with Ptolemy Epiphanes Ptolemy

Ptolemy Epiphanes and Cleopatra I are married (further details are not known). They have a son and a daughter, named Cleopatra bint and Ptolemy ben.

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