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Family Subtree Diagram : Previous

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not see a GRAPHIC IMAGE of a family tree here but are seeing this text instead then it is most probably because the web server is not correctly configured to serve svg pages correctly. see for information on how to correctly configure a web server for svg files. ? Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Marriage (a child) (a child) Casual relationship or dating (short-term) (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage m 25/12/1972 Widowed (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (four children) Marriage (a child) m 08/09/1964 1922 - 2008 Marjorie Antrobus 86 86 Teddy Antrobus 1896 - 1988 Walter Gabriel 92 92 One of several brothers. His grandmother had 16 children and 48 grand-children.
The Gabriels had been the Ambridge blacksmiths.
Annie 1933 - 2001 Nelson Gabriel 68 68 Charged with the Borchester mail-van robbery in 1967, but was eventually acquitted.

Nancy Tarrant 1967 Rosemary Tarrant Nancy (mother) had her adopted Peter Silent character Simon Nancy (mother) had him adopted
Silent character
Wilson Silent character Trudy Porter Silent character Jean- Paul Aubert Silent character D. 1983 Joby Woodford 1922 - 1995 Martha Lily 73 73 Herbert Lily Elsie Catcher 1943 Richard Adamson 1945 Dorothy Adamson 1967 Rachel Adamson 1968 Michael Adamson Freda Banham D. 1970 Percy Hood Betty Hood 1933 Diana Hood Maggie Hood 1941 Joan Hood Roger Hood Nigel Burton Contemporary of Paddy Redmond at college. 1965 Juliet Burton Silent character D. 2012 Bob Pullen Silent character
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