
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Clark. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
(Unknown) [I7171] 1742
Albert Lowery [I8203] about 1879
Benjamin [I8201] about 1872
Bolling [I7172] about 1720
Catherine [I1955] about 1858
Elizabeth C. [I1906] 1847-12-24
Howell [I8202] about 1875
John Alexander [I1953] about 1831
John Samuel [I1959] 1862-10-15
Mary Jane [I8200] 1866-12-24
Miss [I1748]
Parthoula [I1957] about 1859
Priscilla J. [I1954] about 1857
Sarah [I2311] about 1860
Susan P. [I1949] 1857-11-12
William Franklin [I1960] 1864-10-15
Winifred [I1339] about 1734