
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Giles. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Albert [I50059] 1809-05-10
Amos Beach [I50063] 1818-07-14
Arasmus Holmes [I50061] 1814-04-06
Cleo Louise [I80338]  
Esther [I131950] WFT 1791-1814
James Jennison [I50062] 1816-01-09
Jennison [I49689] 1785-09-05
John Adams Vinton [I50064] 1821-12-14
Laurana [I50060] 1811-06-03
Mary [I31086] about 1715
Mary [I50044] WFT 1811-1825
Mary [I59045] WFT 1746-1772
Ruth Mildred [I150975]  
Samuel Lindall [I50058] 1807-11-14
Sarah [I49686] 1792-05-26