
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Kyle. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Catherine [I91195] about 1849
Charles [I91136] about 1843
Eleanor [I91137] about 1840
Elizabeth [I91135] about 1844
Ellen J. [I90634] WFT 1824-1846
Hamilton [I91048] about 1801
Hamilton [I91190] about 1853
Janet [I184658] WFT 1536-1556
Julia [I91189] about 1856
Letitia [I91198] about 1846
Living [I164484]  
Rose Elizabeth [I90647] 1812
Sarah [I91197] about 1847
William [I91196] about 1848