
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Lewallen. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
[I176111] WFT 1881-1901
Absolom Franklin [I181769] 1874-07-03
Anderson [I179846] 1841
Andrew R. [I181758] 1849-07-17
Cynthia Jane [I181767] 1869-07-25
Henry W. [I181770] 1876-03-15
Isaac [I179847] 1834
James D. [I181768] 1871-12-30
John [I179346] 1812
John Granville [I181761] 1855-05-04
Joseph B [I181765] 1865-07-05
Levi Wayne [I181766] 1867-07-14
Mary Ann (Polly) [I181759] 1853-03-24
Nancy Malinda [I181711] 1851-04-20
Rhoda E. [I181763] 1860-03-15
Samuel Anderson [I181762] 1857-09-18
Tennessee [I179530] 1869
Texas [I179531] 1870
Walter Davis [I181714] 1831-04-04
William Jasper [I181764] 1863