
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Joslin. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Anna M. [I73714] WFT 1842-1866
Benjamin [I55112] WFT 1748-1777
Clark Henry [I55078] 1757
Elizabeth [I165607] about 1630
Freeborn [I55111] WFT 1748-1777
Henry [I55080] 1727
Henry [I55109] WFT 1748-1777
John [I55108] WFT 1748-1777
Mason D. [I170892] about 1895
Potter [I55113] WFT 1748-1777
Sarah Janette [I173287] WFT 1810-1829
Thomas [I55110] WFT 1748-1777