
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of William. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
[I112378] about 1027
[I112526] WFT 1093-1116
[I184822] 1222
[I185429] 1001
[I18728] WFT 1807-1865
[I23229] 1105
“The E Peverel” De Nottingham [I90467] about 1054
Benedict B. [I39376] WFT 1812-1840
Catherine Fitz [I147576] about 1486
David [I16945]  
I [I134050] 1024-10-14
I, , Count Of Poitou [I134231] WFT 887-925
II, , “Rufus” England [I185254] about 1060
III [I22758] about 947
Knapp [I64657] 1578