
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Merriam. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Abigail [I103060] WFT 1624-1653
Caleb [I172810] WFT 1687-1713
Elizabeth [I103066] WFT 1624-1653
George [I103058] 1603
Hannah [I103062] WFT 1624-1653
Joane [I103077] WFT 1582-1622
Joseph [I103074] WFT 1582-1622
Margaret [I103079] WFT 1582-1622
Mary [I165428] before 1635
Mary [I168253] about 1574
Robert [I103073] WFT 1582-1622
Samuel [I103064] WFT 1624-1653
Sara [I163102] WFT 1603-1626
Sarah [I103075] WFT 1582-1622
Sarah [I53124] 1622
Susan [I103080] WFT 1582-1622
Susannah [I103069] WFT 1624-1653
William [I103071] WFT 1552-1581