
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Joyce. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
[I12469] WFT 1880-1900
[I155432] WFT 1594-1617
Arthur [I102833] WFT 1875-1898
David [I145215] 1727-11-26
Elizabeth [I145219] 1735-11-22
Esther [I155146] WFT 1681-1703
Isaac [I145221] 1744-04-22
Jonathan [I145218] 1733-10-11
Lillian [I102835] WFT 1875-1898
Margaret [I145216] 1729-11-14
Mark [I145220] 1743-10-05
Seth [I145212] 1691-07-26
Seth [I145217] 1731-10-19
Susannah [I87774] WFT 1609-1632
Thomas [I103509] WFT 1828-1857
Walter [I145213] WFT 1640-1669