
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Knyvett. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Alice [I27770] about 1546
Anne [I27764] about 1505
Anne [I27768] about 1543
Anthony [I27766] about 1512
Catherine [I27763] about 1503
Catherine [I27880] 1564
Edmund [I27760] about 1507
Elizabeth [I27810] about 1536
Elizabeth [I28191]
Ferdinado [I27765] about 1509
Frances [I27771] 1566
Henry [I27809] 1510
Henry [I27881] 1539
Margaret [I27767] about 1537
Margaret [I27775] about 1565
Son [I27872] about 1510
Thomas [I27769] 1545
Thomas [I27807] about 1482
Thomas [I28487] 1558
Wroughton [I28488] 1560