
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Judkins. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Anderson [I77040] 1796-02-13
Anne [I77284] 1809-06-27
Carolus [I77295] about 1767
Charles [I77246] before 1660
Elizabeth [I77248] before 1672
Faith [I77055] about 1774
Isaac Parker [I77283] 1806
James [I77031] 1760-04-08
James, , Jr. [I77038] 1791-06-18
Jesse [I77293] about 1758
Jesse P. [I77287] 1815-05-31
Joel [I77294] about 1762
John [I77036] 1784-08-18
John [I77292] about 1757
Martha [I77041] 1798-03-23
Mary Margaret [I76188] 1786-07-07
Nicholas [I77035] 1724
Robert [I77239] before 1672
Robert [I77241] before 1653
Robert [I77290] about 1754
Robert P. [I77286] 1812
Samuel [I77243] WFT 1604-1636
Samuel [I77245] before 1653
Sarah [I77034] 1803-08-23
Sarah [I77249] before 1672
Sarah [I77291] about 1755
Stanton [I77039] 1793-10-21
William [I77250] before 1672
William N. [I77037] 1788-09-01