
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Earl. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Barnabus [I146083] 1744-10-07
Daniel [I121221] WFT 1801-1830
Eliza M. [I90605] 1817
Huldah [I172571] WFT 1673-1695
Jonathan [I146080] 1712-06-07
Kate [I100688] about 1856
Living [I3388]  
Mary [I88570] about 1636
Mary M. [I90604] 1819
Sarah [I63490] about 1682
Wilber [I90603] 1821
Wilber [I90606] WFT 1769-1798
William [I146081] WFT 1661-1690