
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Marlar. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Alice [I150323] about 1582
Ann [I150330] 1548
Arthur [I150322] about 1580
Dorothy [I150317] 1552
Edward [I150575] about 1417
George [I150324] 1544
George [I150574] about 1416
Grace [I150318] 1554
Jane [I81963] 1530
John [I81974] about 1348
John [I81975] WFT 1307-1367
Margaret [I150320] 1556
Thomas [I150331] 1478
Thomas [I150571] about 1404
William [I150326] 1546
William [I150345] about 1484
William [I81964] 1515
William [I81972] about 1408