
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of McAdow. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Agnes [I141265] WFT 1742-1768
Alex [I141261] WFT 1796-1825
Andrew [I141272] 1761
Andrew [I141281] WFT 1711-1739
Ann [I141268] WFT 1742-1765
Carolyn [I141399] 1877-04-10
Catherine [I178606]  
Catherine Amanda [I141252] 1840-07-11
Don LaFayette [I141308] WFT 1843-1870
Eleanor [I141270] WFT 1742-1768
Elizabeth Ann [I141246] 1825-01-30
Ellen [I141259] WFT 1796-1825
Hugh [I141521] 1797
Isabel [I141269] WFT 1742-1768
James [I141245] 1820-09-29
James [I141544] 1775
James [I141563] about 1746
James Washington [I141249] 1835-07-09
John [I141256] 1796
John [I141263] 1745
John [I141582] about 1720
John [I141584] about 1690
Lettie [I141258] WFT 1796-1825
Margaret [I141271] WFT 1742-1768
Margaret Jane [I141248] 1830-04-27
Mary [I141267] WFT 1742-1768
Mary Matilda [I141250] 1832-11-05
Matilda [I141260] WFT 1796-1825
Rebecca Diantha [I141253] 1844-04-21
Samuel [I141264] WFT 1742-1774
Samuel [I141499] 1822-05-05
Sarah Elenar [I141247] 1827-08-23
Thomas Jefferson [I141251] 1838-03-26
William [I141262] WFT 1796-1825