
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Merwin. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Abigail [I53083] 1652
Abigail Ann [I50985] WFT 1774-1797
Ann Augusta [I114678] 1841
Bezaleel [I51092] WFT 1764-1784
David [I114683] WFT 1794-1830
Deborah [I50108] 1670
Elizabeth [I50932] WFT 1756-1783
Emily A. [I74863] WFT 1806-1826
Fred [I114685] 1858
Hannah [I77801] 1667
Julius I. [I51280] WFT 1824-1854
Martha [I50106] 1666
Mary [I50105] 1666
Miles [I50984] WFT 1739-1759
Miles [I78062] 1623
Samuel [I36425] WFT 1675-1702
Samuel [I63703] WFT 1634-1662
Sarah [I39283] WFT 1730-1756
Stephen [I101863] WFT 1702-1722