
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Farnsworth. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
(Infant) [I149531] 1832
Alvah [I150599] WFT 1799-1825
Anna Maria [I149530] 1829
Caroline [I150628] WFT 1804-1833
Eliza Ann [I149526] 1820-05-12
Ethel Theora [I76337]  
Gad [I150610] WFT 1799-1825
Laura [I149522] 1806-01-11
Louisa Caroline [I149525] 1817-05-05
Lucinda [I150629] 1812-10-15
Lydia [I150630] 1808-02-05
Maria [I150621] WFT 1799-1825
Martha [I69419] WFT 1643-1683
Mary Long [I190204] WFT 1616-1635
Mary Louise [I76332]  
Matthias [I28381] WFT 1636-1663
Mr. [I51604] WFT 1821-1841
Nellie (French) [I135763] WFT 1843-1865
Philo Taylor [I149529] 1826-01-21
Reuben [I149518] 1787-04-01
Reuben Lafayette [I149524] 1814-09-06
Stephen Martindale [I149523] 1809-10-08
William Jackson [I149516] 1777-10-06
William Jackson [I149528] 1822-12-02