De Briwere

This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of De Briwere. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Alice [I582809049] 1184
Alice [I582811457] about 1184
Alice [I582810178] 1153
Daughter Of Robert [I582808316] 1143
Engelesia [I582810179] 1155
Gracia [I582804279] 1186
Henry [I582807412] 1114
Isabel [I582807411] 1181
Joan [I582809616] 1190
John [I582810176] 1149
Margaret (Margery) [I582807410] 1172
Peter [I582810177] 1151
Radulph [I582807415] 1060
Radulph [I582807416] 1036
Richard [I582810173] 1175
Richard [I582810175] 1147
Robert [I582808317] 1118
William [I582810174] 1178
William [I582807414] 1086
William [I582804414] 1145