
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Sanchez. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Alfonso “El Batallador” [I582813427] Wft 1061-1089
Fernando [I582807107] 1011
Fernando [I582810395] 1167
Garcia [I582807273] 964
Garcia [I582805535] 857
Garcias [I582809878] 1156
Lopa [I582805540] 895
Muniadona [I582807266] 995
Pedro [I582813013] 1069
Ramirez [I582806160] 1086-04-24
Ramiro [I582806162] 1012
Ramiro [I582807663] 1070
Sancha [I582805544] 915
Sancha [I582807145] 997