
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Ker. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Andrew [I582811861] about 1403
Catherine [I582812783] about 1510
George [I582805389]  
Isabel [I582811831] about 1521
Margaret [I582811830] about 1454
Margaret [I582811816] 1567
Nichola [I582803840]  
Sir Andrew [I582811843] about 1459
Sir Andrew [I582811829] about 1473
Sir John [I582812787] about 1503
Sir Robert [I582811840] about 1460
Sir Walter [I582811811] about 1508
Sir Walter [I582811827] about 1508
Thomas [I582811837] about 1451
Walter [I582811841] about 1433
William [I582811820] about 1542