De Grey

This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of De Grey. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Alice [I582803464] 1335
Edith (Ida) [I582811514] 1368
Hawise Or Helewise [I582811332] about 1239
Henry [I582811499] 1172
Hugh [I582812584] 1203
John [I582803467] 1305
John [I582811607] about 1258
John [I582811502] about 1205
Reynold [I582811592] 1323
Reynold [I582811611] about 1235
Richard [I582812583] 1195
Richard [I582811501] 1148
Roger [I582811605] about 1279