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References: History and Genealogy of the Pearsall Family inengland and America (3 Vols)1928 by clarence e Pearsall; soule,Sowle and soulis History (1926) by g.T. Ridlon, Sr.; AncestralRoots of sixty Colonists by frederick Lewis Weis (4th ed-1969)


        Scandanavian Ancestry (Rollo)

    Rollo, is claimed to be a direct descendant of ours through ourPearsall ancestry. Rolo was a Norwegian Jarl (chieftain ornoble). He was  a sea pirate, who earned the disfavor of KingHarold of Norway who caused his eviction from Norway. Rollo witha large fleet, landed at Roeun, France and became the conquerorof Normandy (the northern area of France above Paris. As theconqueror, he gave land and titles to his fellow Scandanavians.
    William the Conqueror, was a direct descendant of Rollo and ofScandanavian blood. William invaded and conquered Great Britainwith the assistance of many noblemen from Normandy. William'sdecisive victory was at the Battle of Hastings. Subsequent tothe Battle of Hastings, a list was caused to be compiled byWilliam of the names of those men who  had crossed the sea withhim from Normandy to England. This list was suspended in themagnificent abbey he constructed on the site of the battle.
    The list became known as the "Roll of Battell Abbey". Thisancient document states in part, : "Many who came out ofNormandy were nobles in their native country;especially such aswere stiled from their places(of residence) as Le Sire de Soule,Le Sieur de Haye, or Le Sieur de Mortain, whereby we understandthem Lords (equivalent to the English title) and owners of suchmanors, towns and castles(chateaus)from whence they took theirdenominations or surnames."
    Based upon the above the author of the Soule, Sowle, and SoulisHistory concludes no family in the living present has a greaterclaim to a Norman origin than the Soule family.
    The Conqueror bestowed upon those who filled important  commandin his army manorial estates all over England, as promised hehad promised to induce them to join. It is assumed that the LeSiere de Soule did not survive the Battle of Hastings, since noestate was was immediately conferred upon him as proven by theabsence of his name from Doomsday survey. Soon thereafter,However, the  Soule-Solis family came to England soon thereafterand were given vast holdings in England and Scotland.
    Therefore, Sandanavian Norman heritage is claimed by notablegenealogists of both the Soule and Pearsall families. Rollo, theScandanavian Conqueror of Norway may be considered  our symbolicancester. (See Soule, Sowle and Soules History by rev G.T.Ridlon, Sr. (1926); History and Genealogy of the Pearsall Familyin England and America by Clarence e. Pearsall, 3 Vols (1928)).
