de Conti

This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of de Conti. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Armand prince [I79288141] 1629
Francois prince [I79288122] 1558
Francois-Louis [I79288036]  
Francois-Louis comte de La Marche then [I79288145] 1664
Louis Armand I prince [I79288144] 1661
Louis-Armand II prince [I79288132] 1695
Louis-Francois prince [I79288149] 1717
Louis-Francois-Joseph prince [I79288153] 1734
Marie-Anne [I79288148] 1689
One son died in infancy [I79288143] 1658
Three sons died in infancy [I79288133]  
Three sons died in infancy [I79288150]  
Two other daughters [I79288135]