Westmoreland Co., VA

Gramps ID P1182


  1. Field, Abraham [I28961]
  2. Family of Price, William and Brown, Jane
    1. Brown, Jane [I28939]
    2. Price, William [I28938]
  3. Ellis?, Alice [I28962]
  4. Washington, John [I11331]
  5. McCarty, Dennis [I26492]
  6. McCarty, Daniel [I26491]
  7. Payne, William [I26501]
  8. Family of Payne, William and Clement, Frances
    1. Payne, William [I26486]
    2. Clement, Frances [I26489]
  9. Pope, Humphrey [I27461]
  10. Payne, William [I26486]
  11. Bushrod, John [I13497]
  12. Payne, Mary [I26504]
  13. Family of Garner, John and Keene, Susanna
    1. Keene, Susanna [I21506]
    2. Garner, John [I21507]
  14. Hughes, Apphia [I13547]
  15. Middleton, Mary [I28940]
  16. Family of Bushrod, John and Keene, Hannah
    1. Bushrod, John [I13497]
    2. Keene, Hannah [I13498]
  17. Fauntleroy, Hannah [I13502]
  18. Hawkins, Elizabeth [I27462]
  19. Brown, Jane [I28939]
  20. Payne, Edward [I26502]
  21. Keene, Hannah [I13498]
  22. Family of Cox, Vincent and Payne, Anne
    1. Cox, Vincent [I27460]
    2. Payne, Anne [I27457]
  23. Garner, John [I21507]
  24. Keene, Matthew [I21508]
  25. Field, Margaret [I28960]
  26. Strother, Benjamin [I28936]
  27. Clement, Frances [I26489]
  28. Storke, William [I28973]
  29. Pope, Elizabeth [I26490]
  30. Brockenbrough, William Spenser Roan [I29066]
  31. Marshall, John [I13130]
  32. Keene, Susanna [I21506]
  33. Smith, Jane [I28943]
  34. Ball, Sarah [I27468]
  35. Payne, Anne [I26509]
  36. Gilson, Andrew [I28965]
  37. Edrington, Christopher [I27459]
  38. Bushrod, Richard [I13546]
  39. Family of Strother, Benjamin and Price, Catherine
    1. Strother, Benjamin [I28936]
    2. Price, Catherine [I28937]
  40. Storke, William [I28957]
  41. Marshall, William [I13153]
  42. Brown, William [I28941]
  43. Payne, William [I26510]
  44. Price, William [I28938]
  45. Family of McCarty, Dennis and Ball, Sarah
    1. Ball, Sarah [I27468]
    2. McCarty, Dennis [I26492]
  46. Marshall, Markham [I13132]
  47. Family of Bushrod, Richard and Hughes, Apphia
    1. Hughes, Apphia [I13547]
    2. Bushrod, Richard [I13546]
  48. Bushrod, John [I23796]
  49. Pope, Anne [I13059]
  50. Cox, Vincent [I27460]
  51. Hart, Edward [I28959]
  52. Family of Brown, William and Middleton, Mary
    1. Brown, William [I28941]
    2. Middleton, Mary [I28940]
  53. Washington, Lawrence [I13060]
  54. Family of Payne, William and Pope, Elizabeth
    1. Payne, William [I26486]
    2. Pope, Elizabeth [I26490]
  55. Price, Catherine [I28937]
  56. Family of Washington, John and Pope, Anne
    1. Pope, Anne [I13059]
    2. Washington, John [I11331]
  57. Payne, Anne [I27457]
  58. Lee, Richard [I10531]
  59. Family of Field, Abraham and Ellis?, Alice
    1. Field, Abraham [I28961]
    2. Ellis?, Alice [I28962]
  60. Gilson, Belhethland [I28964]
  61. Storke, Nehemiah [I28963]