Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Gramps ID P4670


  1. Thuringia, Basina of [I7268]
  2. Merovigian, *Childeric I [I7283]
  3. De Franks, *Argotta [I8312]
  4. Ferreolus, *Tonantia [I7255]
  5. De Franks, *Clodius [I8212]
  6. Le Chevelu, *Clodion [I8192]
  7. Le Chevelu, *Clodion [I7262]
  8. De Franks, *Argotta [I8217]
  9. Family of Merovee, Merovaeus and Merovee, *Verica [F3117]
  10. Franks, *Childeric I [I8174]
  11. Family of Thuringia, *Merwig I of and De Francs, *Argotta Ripuaires [F3118]
  12. Thuringia, *Merwig I of [I8195]
  13. De Francs, *Argotta Ripuaires [I8196]
  14. Franks, Fredemundus [I8206]
  15. Merovee, *Merovaeus [I8178]
  16. Family of Merovee, *Merovaeus and Merovee, *Verica [F3109]
  17. Family of De Franks, *Pharamond and De Franks, *Argotta [F3173]
  18. *Childebert [I7336]
  19. Merovigian, *Vaerica Chlodeswinthe [I7316]
  20. Thuringia, *Basina of [I8175]
  21. Franks, Childeric I [I7300]
  22. De Franks, *Pharamond [I8311]
  23. Merovee, *Verica [I8179]
  24. Thuringia, *Basina [I7280]
  25. Merovee, Merovaeus [I8194]
  26. Franks, *Pharamond of [I8207]
  27. *Sigimberus, I [I7254]
  28. Franks, Argotta [I8227]