Definition for GenoProX JSON Export/Import


The GenoProX json syntax is described here using railroad diagrams as used on Each top level property is shown as a separate 'track' as are the more complex or shared subproperties with hyperlinks for ease of navigation.

'tooltips' are used extensively to provide further details as required, indicated by this background style,
also used for notes and examples using this background style.note e.g. etc.

subproperties are generally named with a single letter e.g. k = kind/type/category, w = when (i.e. date or date range), t = title (simple text) n = name structure, d = detail/description or narrative. c = comments/notes etc.
sometimes a letter may be used for more than one purpose but can be distinguished by the context: e.g. t = 'title' as above or 'top' for object position on a genomap

hover here to see 2018 revisions (last update 2018.03.13)

2018.03.02 (Ron) revised citation details for source references to be separate object (see cit definition)

2018.03.13 (Ron) added optional citation details for source references (see src definition 'x' property)

2018.02.03 (Ron) added 'pat' property to 'fam' (geno)map object for line pattern and 'x' on map 'rel' object
for position on family line for twin/multiple birth connection

hover here to see 2017 revisions (last update 2017.12.30)

2017.12.30 (Ron) Changes to 'rel' for twins/multiple births

2017.11.21 (Ron) Revised path 'p' property to 'mm' to more reflect GenoPro 201x usage

2017.07.14 (Ron) Added 'q' property to 'MapItem' definitions for tooltip or 'qualifier'

2017.07.10 (Ron) Added 'x' property to attribute definitions eand attributes set to allow them to bemarked as 'private' i.e. excluded from reports

2017.06.24 (Ron) Corrected 'attrs' to 'att' in root. Added 'evt' & 'doc' to possible attribute set types (att). Created 'Attributes' subtrack and set as optional item on all allowed record types (as per root.att )

2017.04.05 (Ron) Added 'child' events to event object to allow for nested/sub events

2017.01.12 (Ron) Added optional opacity value to color specification.

hover here to see 2016 revisions

2016.12.12 (Ron) Even more 'refactoring' and renaming of properties for consistency. Changed 'Style' to 'pat' (i.e. pattern). Added 'sha' as a genomap object property for shapes, including boxes/labels, circles and polylines/polygons.

2016.08.29 (Ron) Further refactoring and renaming of properties for consistency. added complex date property

2016.06.13 (Ron) added 'a' property 'Appearance' for lines and 'style' and 'StyleName' to allow definition of complex/compound lines

2016.05.19 (Ron) refactored to add 'MediaItems' for 'mm' references and 'MapRefs' sub-track for 'map' references

2016.04.11 (Ron) added 'text' property to 'map.obj' type ''

2016.03.06 (Ron) added 'w' (width) and 'h' (height') properties to top and bottom labels. Also some syntax corrections.

2016.02.07 (Ron) top and bottom labels for 'ind' on 'map' changed from lt & lb to l.t & l.b with sub properties t (text) and c (colors).
Also for 'ind' on 'map' added g property for gender fill with t (top) b (bottom) both wirh r & l (right & left) sub properties. This property also has m for 'mask' indicating which quadrants are filled and whether horizontal and/or vertical divider present.
new map.evt property. value is array listing dated events connected with the map (used to produce timelines for the genomap)
new map.pla property as an object with the place ids as keys listing geo-coded places connected to the map. Each place id key has as its value an array of the events connected to that place (used to produce Google maps incl.heatmaps)

2016.01.15 (Ron) changed 'ref' string in 'ind's and 'fam's 'evt' property to be 'pri' or 'sec' i.e. primary or secondary participant in the event
added missing '{}' around this property in 'ind' 'evt'.
added 'fam' to event 'Participant' references.

2016.01.06 (Ron) added 'role' as top level property
changed 'role' string in 'evt's 'pri' & 'sec' properties to be a UID referencing an entry in the above 'role' property

hover here to see 2015 revisions

2015.12.21 (Ron) In 'map', add 's' for scale (or size) (e.g. gender symbol, line thickness)
also 'f' like 'c' (color) for 'ind' 'frame' colors (like GenoPro 200xx Individual 'border') and 'lt', 'lb' (label top/bottom)

2015.12.15 (Ron) In 'MapData', use 'm' for margin instead of 'p' for padding.
'p' is then used for vertices or 'points' along relationship lines e.g. pedigree links and social/emotional relationships.

2015.12.08 (Ron)
move part of 'map' definition to 'MapItem' subsection for clarity.(cosmetic)
corrected definition of 'rel' under map>obj>data to show ind and fam properties.
add 'data.evt' property to map obj to describe 'events' such as emotional and social relationships and role/relation between individuals and organizations such as pupils/students in schools/colleges and employees in companies.

2015.11.05 (Ron) Add missing properties to 'map'.
Add 'pla', 'src' and 'rel' definitions
Change definition of reference to 'evt' (events) from 'ind' to allow age at event to be specified e.g. age at death, census, wedding etc. N.B. As events can shared could not be stored within event
rationalize 'desc' and 'note' to use 'desc' for publishable narrative and 'note' for any private comments/research notes
rationalize 'name' and 'title' by always using 'title' unless name is complex i.e. for 'ind' or 'pla'

2015.11.02 (Ron) Initial draft using the EBNF 'railroad' style