Family Emperor Flavius  Valerius  Constantius (Emperor of Rome) & Helena  Augustus (Saint Helen of the Cross) Click to view Emperor Flavius  Valerius  Constantius (Emperor of Rome) & Helena  Augustus (Saint Helen of the Cross) in the family tree Click to view Emperor Flavius  Valerius  Constantius (Emperor of Rome) & Helena  Augustus (Saint Helen of the Cross) in the family tree in SVG format

They had a son named Gaius .

Male Emperor Flavius  Valerius  Constantius (Emperor of Rome)
Flavius  was born in 0242 in Rome, Latium, Italy.  He died as a war casualty at the age of 64 on July 25th, 0306 in Eboracum, Yorkshire, England.

Female Helena  Augustus (Saint Helen of the Cross)
Helena  was born in 0248 in Drepanum, Bithynia, Asia Minor,.  She died  due to She was buried in Rome in the mausoleum near the Ss. Marcellino e Pietro at the Via Labicana. The porphyry sarcophagus, which contained her remains, is now in the Vatican Museum. at the age of 80 in 0328 in Drepanum, Bithynia Asia Minor.  Her burial was in She was buried in Rome in the mausoleum near the Ss. Marcellino e Pietro at the Via Labicana. The porphyry sarcophagus, which contained her remains, is now in the Vatican Museum..


Male Gaius  Flavius  Constantine
Gaius  was born on February 27th, 0272 in Naissus, Yugoslavia.  He died at the age of 65 on May 22nd, 0337 in Ankyrona, Turkey.

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