Family Private Private & Mary Catterson Click to view Private Private & Mary Catterson in the family tree Click to view Private Private & Mary Catterson in the family tree in SVG format

They had six sons and seven daughters, named John, William, William, William, Henry, Sylvester, Mary, Margaret, Elizabeth, Mary, Isabel, Elizabeth and Anne.

Male Private Private

Female Mary Catterson
Mary was born about 1600 in Bolton Abbey, Yorkshire, England.  Mary is no longer alive.


Male John Pettyt
John was born in 1626 in Storiths, Hazlewood, Skipton, Yorkshire, England.

Female Mary Pettyt
Mary was born in 1627 in Bolton Abbey, Yorkshire, England.  She died at the age of 67 in August 1694 in Bolton Abbey, Yorkshire, England.

Female Margaret Petyt
Margaret was born in 1628 in Storiths, Hazlewood, Skipton, Yorkshire, England.  She died at the age of 31 in January 1659.

Female Elizabeth Pettyt
Elizabeth was born in 1629 in Skipton, Yorkshire, England.  She died at the age of 92 in 1721.

Female Mary Pettyt
Mary was born in 1631 in Bolton Abbey, Yorkshire, England.

Male William Pettyt
William was born in 1632 in Bolton Abbey, Yorkshire, England.  He died in 1632 in Bolton Abbey, Yorkshire, England.

Female Isabel Petyt
Isabel was born in 1633 in Storiths, Hazlewood, Skipton, Yorkshire, England.  She died at the age of 48 in 1681.

Female Elizabeth Pettyt
Elizabeth was born in 1634 in Bolton Abbey, Yorkshire, England.  She died in Hartshead, Dewsbury.

Male William Pettyt
William was born in 1635 in Bolton Abbey, Yorkshire, England.  He died in 1635 in Bolton Abbey, Yorkshire, England.

Male William Petyt
William was born in 1636 in Back O Th' Hill Farm, Hazlewood, Yorkshire, England.  He died at the age of 71 in 1707 in Chelsea, London, England.  His burial was in Temple Church, Chelsea, London, England.

Male Henry Petyt
Henry was born in 1637 in Storiths, Hazlewood, Skipton, Yorkshire, England.

Male Sylvester Petyt
Sylvester was born in 1638 in Storiths, Hazlewood, Skipton, Yorkshire, England.  He died at the age of 81 on October 1st, 1719 in Belle Savauge Yard, London, England.  His burial was in St. Andrew's, Holborn, Middlesex, England..

Female Anne Petyt
Anne was born in 1646 in Storiths, Hazlewood, Skipton, Yorkshire, England.

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