Family George William Petty & Jane Marriott Click to view George William Petty & Jane Marriott in the family tree Click to view George William Petty & Jane Marriott in the family tree in SVG format

George William and Jane were married in a religious ceremony in June 1877 in Doncaster, Yorkshire, England.  They had two sons and two daughters, named William, Fred, Martha G and Mary A.

Male George William Petty
George William was born in 1856 in Rawcliffe, Yorkshire, England.1 

Female Jane Marriott
Jane was born in 1857 in Dewsbury, Yorkshire, England.2   Jane is no longer alive.


Female Mary A Petty
Mary A was born in 1878 in Mexborough, Yorkshire, England.2 

Female Martha G Petty
Martha G was born in 1880 in Mexborough, Yorkshire, England.2 

Male Fred Petty
Fred was born in 1885 in Dewsbury, Yorkshire, England.2 

Male William Petty
William was born in 1890 in Dewsbury, Yorkshire, England.2 

1 1881 England Census
2 1891 England Census

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