Family Christopher Pettyt & Jane Smith Click to view Christopher Pettyt & Jane Smith in the family tree Click to view Christopher Pettyt & Jane Smith in the family tree in SVG format

Christopher and Jane were married in a religious ceremony on August 7th, 1687 in Kildwick, Yorkshire, England.  They had a daughter named Mary.

Male Christopher Pettyt
Christopher was born on February 5th, 1660 in Kildwick, Yorkshire, England.1   He died at the age of 74 on May 17th, 1734 in Kildwick, Yorkshire, England.1 

Female Jane Smith
Jane was born about 1660 in Yorkshire, England.  She died in August 1689 in Kildwick, Yorkshire, England.


Female Mary Pettyt
Mary was born in 1688 in Kildwick, Yorkshire, England.  She died in November 1688 in Kildwick, Yorkshire, England.

1 One World Tree (sm)

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