
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Anjou. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Arsinde (Blanche) De [I79293533] about 948
Count Geoffrey Plantagenet VI of [I79284459] 1134
Count Geoffrey V Plantagenet of [I79284314] 1113
Count Geoffrey V Plantagenet of [I79309185] 1113
Ermangarde D' [I79293564] about 952
F., King Of Jerusalem [I79294638] 1092
Foulques I [I79293603] about 870
Foulques II [I79293567] about 909
Foulques IV Count Of [I79294714] 1033
Geoffroy I “Grisegonnelle” [I79293569] about 938
Matilda of [I79294633]