King of Franks

This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of King of Franks. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Bartherus [I38791] about 238
Charlemagne [I17116] 742-04-02
Childebert II of the Franks [I36002]  
Childeric I of the Franks [I36010] 436
Chlodomir IV [I39825] about 104
Chlodovech (Clovis) II [I36019] 632
Chlothar I the Old of the [I36006] 497
Chlothar II of the Franks [I36015] 584
Clodius V [I39345]  
Clodomir IV [I39196] about 251
Clovis I (Chlodovech) Magnus [I36008] about 476
Dagobert I [I38788] about 230
Dagobert I of the Franks [I36017] 602
Faribert [I39823] about 122
Hilderic [I38792] before 212
Hunno (Sunno) [I38793] BET. 130 - 137
Merovech (Meroveus) [I36011] BET. 411 - 415
Pepin III the Short [I28632] 714
Theodomir [I39344]  
Theuderic III of the Franks [I36021] 652